London South Bank University – Certificate in Management / MSc Charity Marketing

Resubmission Assignment One





You are asked, to select ONE of the following topics:


You are asked, to select ONE of the following topics your choice must not be the same as that completed for your first/original submission (please also note that this resubmission assignment is not identical to the first coursework assessment):

·  Branding

·  Cause-related Marketing

·  Electronic or Interactive Marketing

·  Internal Marketing

·  Knowledge Management issues for Marketers

·  Relationship Marketing

·  Marketing issues in Service Quality

Individually, you will need to produce a summary report for your boss of between 1500 words (minimum) to 2000 words (maximum) that indicates how one of the above listed topics would be of value to the organisation. Thus you are expected to highlight the key issues arising in the topic selected that would be relevant to your organisation.

The assignment is intended to allow you to demonstrate your understanding of a key, and contemporary, marketing issue in business today. This assessment provides an opportunity to relate theory to practice – thus you may draw upon interviews with practising managers or on your own knowledge and expertise. However, it is expected that the article will be primarily based on very thorough secondary data collection.

Guidance will have been given during the course for readings attached to each of these topics but this needs to be considered a starting point. We expect that you will extend upon these materials and gather further literature on your chosen topic. Wherever possible, you may also draw upon a limited amount of preliminary research and/or your own personal experience.

Each of the topics enables you to deal with an issue in a variety of ways. However, the emphasis is to look at one of the topics from the perspective of your organisation (or from the perspective of an identifiable organisation). We envisage the papers submitted will reflect varied backgrounds and interests. You are encouraged to access a variety of source materials such as the Internet, professional articles and media information.

The assessment criteria that will be used are shown in the attached ‘marking scheme and feedback sheet’. The aim of the summary report is not to cover the topic in detail but to highlight some of the key issues that relate, or could relate, to marketing within the business world for your organisation (or an easily identifiable organisation).

All summary reports are expected to focus on a number of key issues within a given topic, and to use the literature selectively to demonstrate an understanding of the relevant marketing theory. We will not expect to see summaries of any material read or large extracts from papers: rather, your reading should underpin a pragmatic analysis of an organisation or market(s).

The assignment must be typed double-spaced on single-sided A4 paper (i.e. this size) and bound in such a way that any appendices or other attachments (such as examples of media extracts) do not fall loose. No extra marks are to be gained for presentation quality: please note, however, that marks will be deducted where the required format is not adhered to – especially with regard to the word limit.

·  It is important that you carefully reference your sources and that your paper makes clear distinctions between your views and those expressed by either the authors you have read or the people you have talked to. You should follow what is often referred to as the ‘Harvard System’ when referencing sources. Details of the Harvard system are also available in the library.

·  The written assignment (individual summary report) is limited to 2,000 words (maximum). This excludes words used as part of tables, graphs, appendices and the bibliography. This means you will have about six to eight sides of written text in which to explain the issues and illustrate the practical applications (assuming 250-300 words per page). Thus careful use of tables, graphs and appendices will allow you to ‘flesh’ out your arguments. For example, two or three mini case studies –‘vignettes’- might be placed in the appendices: this would allow you to refer to real life examples while (a) keeping the discussion in your text clear and to the point and (b) allowing you to keep to the word limit.

·  While the use of appendices provides greater flexibility for you to illustrate your points, this does not mean they should be used as a ‘catch-all’ or to pad out your paper. Please use the appendices carefully and selectively – if appendices are not referred to in the text, or fail to add extra insights, they should be omitted. Your grade will suffer if your paper is too long.

·  We require a formal word count of the main body of your text, and that the actual number of words used be indicated at the end of the paper – i.e. before the bibliography and appendices.

·  Please note that any papers that exceed the word limit by more than 10% may be subjected to a grade reduction of at least 10%. Excessive use of appendices may also result in a grade reduction.

Please note:

This is a similar assessment to that in the unit handbook but there are some differences:

-  namely the requirement is not for a marketing article;

-  ‘charity’ students only: there is also no requirement for ‘reference journal articles’ – see note at end of brief

All students must use sources.






The following assessment criteria will apply:

·  The extent to which you selectively and correctly use the literature to identify and analyse the key marketing issues;

·  The application of theory to the ‘real world’ (the business environment) by means of appropriate examples;

·  The quality of conclusions drawn and, where applicable, of any recommendations made.

Full details of all published or unpublished books, articles, pamphlets, reports or papers used in the project should be included in a bibliography at the end of the paper. References are indicated in the text by the Harvard (name and date) System. Either ‘recent work (Smith 1992)…’ or ‘recently Smith (1992) has found …’ All such references should then be listed in alphabetical order at the end of the paper.

The report will be specifically assessed on the following criteria:

- Structure and format appropriate to marketing report …… 20%

- Concise but robust discussion including solid justification …… 30%

- Evidence of theory / use of marketing terminology …… 30%

- Presentation and style (attention to detail, sources) …… 20%

It is anticipated that students will provide evidence of wider reading in completing this assessment although there is no necessity to conduct any primary data collection (field research). The course materials will list texts and articles that may be useful but students are encouraged to extend this list through their own investigation.


‘Charity’ students, unlike the original assessment you will note that there is no requirement to provide an overview of 3 reference journal articles but it is expected that reference journal sources will be used.

Additionally, please refer to the original ‘assignment one’ brief included in the unit handbook for further details on how to approach an assessment of this type.



Business School – Marketing Division

Marketing & Meeting Customer Requirements (MCS-M-116)

Academic Year 2010/2011