Meeting Minutes
Name: / Board Meeting
Date: / August 14th, 2016
Time: / 2:15 P.M.
Venue: / Bev Forum / City: / Wolfville
Primary and Secondary Delegates:
Other attendees: / Brianna Jarvin (ASU), Samantha Sproule (ASU), Jonah Vanmeekeren (AVC NSCCSA), Brandon McDonald (CBUSU), Taylor Chase (StFXSU), Annie Sirois (StFXSU), Ben Gaunce (SMUSA), Ossama Nasrallah (proxy, SMUSA), Justin Jamieson (Kingstec NSCCSA).
Sophie Helpard (Executive Director), Scott Byrne (Treasurer).
Collette Robert, Brandon Ellis (Director of University Affairs).
Quorum (50% of Members represented?): YES
▪Roll Call & Confirmation of Board Delegates (0:0 on recording)
a.Acadia Students’ Union: Samantha Sproule and Brianna Jarvin
b.Annapolis Valley Campus NSCC: Davis Gosse and Jonah Vanmeekeren
c.Cape Breton University Students’ Union: Brandon MacDonald
d.Kingstec NSCC: Justin Jamieson
e.St. FX Students’ Union: Taylor Chase and Annie Sirois
f.St. Mary’s University Students’ Association: Ben Gaunce and Ossama Nasrallah
▪Call to Order (1:45 on recording)
▪Approval of amended Agenda (3:28 on recording)
a.Taylor Chase - Add election of a Governance Committee Chair
b.Sophie Helpard – Add to item 1 – Including the minutes from the last meeting and July 24th 2016. The addition of a new item 6, which would be the annual report 2015-2016. As well to amend the approval of the auditor from Bluenose Accounting to Lyle Tilley and Davidson Accounting
Motion to approve the amended Agenda
Motion passes unanimously
1. Approval of Minutes (4:00 on recording)
Overview: None.
Approval Item: Be it resolved the Board approve the following Board Meeting minutes: 2015-08-15; 2015-09-14; 2015-10-09; 2015-10-21; 2015-11-04; 2015-12-17; 2016-01-08; 2016-01-15; 2016-01-23; 2016-02-05; 2016-03-04; 2016-04-24; 2016-05-09; 2016-05-20; 2016-05-31; 2016-06-14; 2016-07-24.
Reference Item: Minutes found at
Motion to approve the Minutes
Moved by StFXSU
Seconded by CBUSU
Motion passes unanimously
2. Approval of Board Officer Re-Structuring Documents (6:10 on recording)
Overview:This package is the result of a review of the Board Officer positions by a committee of the Board and will signal another election of Board Officers as well as changes to governance documents.
Notes: 1) Scott Byrne notes with the approval of changing from board officers to 2. 2) There will be amendments to 2 Governing policies and the bylaws which are outlined as agenda items.
3) Amended date of adoption of bylaws from August 13th to August 14th.
Be it resolved that the Board receive and adopt the recommendations made by the Board Officer Re-Structuring Committee.
Motion to adopt recommendations made by the board officers Restructuring Committee
Moved by ASU
Seconded by CBUSU
Motion passes unanimously
Be it resolved that the Board adopt “By Laws 2016-08-13” to replace “By-laws - 2015-04-28” as the Students Nova Scotia By Laws.
Moved by CBUSU
Seconded by SMUSA
Motion passes unanimously
Be it resolved that the Board adopt “Governing Policies 2016-08-13” to replace “Governing Policies 2015-01-17” as the Students Nova Scotia governing policies.
Motion to approve the adoption of “Governing Policies 2016-08-13” to replace “Governing Policies 2015-01-17” as the Students Nova Scotia governing policies.
Moved by StFXSU
Seconded by ASU
Motion passes unanimously
Be it resolved that the Board strike a Policy Committee.
Motion to approve the striking of the Policy committee
Moved by CBUSU
Seconded by ASU
Motion passes unanimously
Be it resolved that the Board strike a Membership Committee.
Motion to approve the striking of the Membership Committee.
Moved by CBUSU
Seconded by SMUSA
Motion passes unanimously
Be it Resolved that the board strike a Governance Committee.
Motion to strike a Governance Committee
Moved by ASU
Seconded by CBUSU
Motion passes unanimously
Approval Item: Be it resolved that the Board receive and adopt the recommendations made by the Board Officer Re-Structuring Committee.
Approval Item: Be it resolved that the Board adopt “By Laws 2016-08-13” to replace “By-laws - 2015-04-28” as the Students Nova Scotia By Laws.
Approval Item: Be it resolved that the Board adopt “Governing Policies 2016-08-13” to replace “Governing Policies 2015-01-17” as the Students Nova Scotia governing policies.
Approval Item: Be it resolved that the Board strike a Policy Committee.
Approval Item: Be it resolved that the Board strike a Membership Committee.
Approval Item: Be it Resolved that the board strike a Governance Committee.
Reference Item:Board Officer Re-Structuring Proposal; By Laws 2016-08-13; Governing Policies 2015-08-13”.
3. Election of Board Officers and Committee Chairs (17:30 on recording)
●Election of Chair – Collette Robert
●Election of Vice-Chair- Annie Sirois
Election of Collette Robert as Students Nova Scotia Chair for the 2016-2017 year.
ASU: Yes
Motion passes unanimously
Election of Annie Sirois as Students Nova Scotia Vice-Chair for the 2016-2017 year
ASU: Yes
Motion passes unanimously
Election of Annie Sirois as Students Nova Scotia Policy Committee Chair for the 2016-2017 year.
Moved by ASU
Seconded by CBUSU
Motion passes unanimously
Election of Brianna Jarvinas Students Nova Membership Committee Chair for the 2016-2017 year.
Seconded by CBUSU
Motion passes unanimously
Election of Taylor Chaseas Students Nova Scotia Governance Committee Chair
for the 2016-2017 year.
Moved by SMUSA
Seconded by CBUSU
Motion passes unanimously
(Kingstec joins call)
4. Ratification of Board Officers (35:00 on recording)
Approval Item: Be it resolved that Collette Robert be elected as Chair of Students Nova Scotia.
Approval Item: Be it resolved that Annie Sirois be elected as Vice-Chair of Students Nova Scotia.
Reference Item:See Governing Policies and By Laws for job descriptions.
Be it resolved that Collette Robert be elected as Chair of Students Nova Scotia.
Moved by CBUSU
Seconded by SMUSA
Motion passes unanimously
Be it resolved that Annie Sirois be elected as Vice-Chair of Students Nova Scotia
Moved by ASU
Seconded by SMUSA
Motion passes unanimously
5. Ratification of Committee Chairs (Strike as there was not an election chosen)
Overview: None.
Approval Item: Be it resolved that ___ be elected the Chair of the Policy Committee.
Approval Item: Be it resolved that ___ be elected the Chair of the Membership Committee.
Reference Item: see Governing Policies for definition of committee responsibility and scope.
6. Approval of the 2015/2016 Annual Report (42:00 on recording)
Be it resolved that the 2015/2016 Annual Report be approved
Moved by ASU
Seconded by CBUSU
Motion passes unanimously
7. Approval of the 2016/2017 Annual Plan (43:41 on recording)
Overview: Whereas an Annual Plan is important for StudentsNS strategic planning.
Approval Item: Be it resolved the Board adopt the 2016/2017 Annual Plan.
Reference Item: 2016/2017 Annual Report.
Be it resolved that the board move to adopt the 2016/2017 Annual Plan
Moved by ASU
Seconded by StFXSU
Motion pass unanimously
8. Approval of the 2015/2016 Financial Statements (44:30 on recording)
Overview: The financial statements are presented for review after undergoing a Financial Review from an auditing firm.
Approval Item: Be it resolved the Board accept the 2015/2016 Financial Statements.
Reference Item: 2015/2016 Financial Statements.
Be it resolved the Board accept the 2015/2016 Financial Statements.
Moved by SMUSA
Seconded CBUSU
Motion passes unanimously
8. Appointment of the Auditors (48:24 on recording)
Overview: Each year the Board must independently appoint auditors for the upcoming year.
Approval Item: Be it resolved that the Board appoint Lyle Tilley and Davidson as the 2016/17 Auditors.
Reference Item: N/A.
Be it resolved that the Board appoint Lyle Tilley and Davidson Accounting
as the 2016/17 financial reviewers.
Moved by CBUSU
Seconded by SMUSA
Motion passes unanimously
Motion to move into camera
Moved by ASU
Seconded by SMUSA
9. Approval of Honoraria for Outgoing Board Members (0:00 on recording 2)
Overview:Board Officers are eligible for honorariums for their work over the year. As per Governing Policies: “President” (Chair) $600, “Vice-President Administration” (Treasurer) $400, “Vice-President University Affairs & College Affairs” (Directors) $200.
Approval Item: Be it resolved that Fallis Thompson receive $___ in honoraria for her work as Chair of Students Nova Scotia.
Approval Item: Be it resolved that Scott Byrne receive $___ in honoraria for his work as Treasurer of Students Nova Scotia.
Approval Item: Be it resolved that Brandon Ellis receive $___ in honoraria for his work as Director of University Affairs of Students Nova Scotia.
Approval Item: Be it resolved that Peter Nicholson receive $___ in honoraria for his work as Director of College Affairs of Students Nova Scotia.
Reference Item:2016-2017 StudentsNS Budget.
Be it resolved that Fallis Thompson receive $600 in honoraria for her work as Chair of Students Nova Scotia.
Moved by ASU
Seconded by StfXSU
Motion passes unanimously
Be it resolved that Scott Byrne receive $400 in honoraria for his work as Treasurer of Students Nova Scotia.
Moved by SMUSA
Seconded by StFXSU
Motion passes unanimously
Be it resolved that Brandon Ellis receive $150 in honoraria for his work as Director of University Affairs of Students Nova Scotia.
Moved by CBUSU
Seconded by StFXSU
Motion passes unanimously
Be it resolved that Peter Nicholson receive $100 in honoraria for his work as Director of College Affairs of Students Nova Scotia.
Moved by StFXSU
Seconded by ASU
Motion passes unanimously
10. Approval of the Strategic Plan (9:28 on recording)
Overview: Whereas governance documents dictate the need for long-term strategic planning and the draft of this plan was approved in May 2016.
Approval Item: Be it resolved the Board adopt the 2016-2019 Strategic Plan.
Reference Item: 2016-2019 Strategic Plan.
Be it resolved the Board adopt the 2016-2019 Strategic Plan.
Moved by StFXSU
Seconded by ASU
Motion passes unanimously
11. Approval of Additional Signing Authority (11:29 on recording)
Overview: The Board has the jurisdiction to appoint an additional signing authority of the Board that can be helpful for the administrative needs of StudentsNS.
Approval Item: Be it resolved that ____ will be added as a signing authority for Students Nova Scotia
Reference Item: Governing Policies, section 40.
Be it resolved that Ben Gaunce will be added as a signing authority for Students Nova Scotia
Moved by ASU
Seconded by CBUSU
Motion passes unanimously
1. Campus Reports (14:00 on recording)
a.Acadia Students’ Union
b.Annapolis Valley Campus NSCC
c.Cape Breton University Students’ Union
d.Kingstec NSCC
e.St. FX Students’ Union
f.St. Mary’s University Students’ Association
2.Executive Director Report (see attached: 2016-08-13 ED Report to Board) (15:15 on recording)