Office of student financial aid
1600 Holloway Avenue
San Francisco, CA 94132-4011
Tel: 415/338-7000
Fax: 415/338-0949


This is a partial list of scholarships available to SF State students. For details on each scholarship, pleasevisit and contact each org.for the most up-to-date scholarship information.

At San Francisco State University, we seek to promote scholarship opportunities for ALL students, including undocumented/AB 540 students and international students. In our scholarship database, there are MANY scholarships available that do not require proof of citizenship or residency status, and/or are open specifically to AB 540 students. In fact, the majority of scholarships in our database do not use citizenship to determine eligibility. The scholarships listed below are only a small sample of those available.

To identify other scholarships you might be eligible for: FIRST, search the SF State scholarship databaseby Keyword.THEN, check the requirements listed under the citizenship category. IF it says “Any”, then proof of citizenship or residency status was not part of the scholarship criteria. Undocumented students should use the keyword “AB540” or “DACA” to identify additional scholarships. A number of SF State scholarships use the CA Dream Application to determine financial need including: University Scholarship, Community College Transfer Honor, Ray Uribe, Estella Lara, and Wallace Fund for Diversity Scholarships, Costco Scholarship.

Associated Students Scholarship

Brief Criteria: Entering and continuing SF State students; 2.5 minimum GPA.Academic Achievement; Leadership; Financial Need


Contact:Mario Flores


Deadline:Mid February / Amount: $1,000

The Dream.US Scholarship

Brief Criteria: Entering students only. Must reside in the San Francisco, San Mateo, Alameda, Contra Costa, or Santa Clara counties and attend one of the partner institutions in SF Bay Area. Min GPA: 2.5 for high school or 3.0 for community college. Academicperformance, financial need, and community impact. /

Contact: The Dream.US

Amount: $12,500 to $25,000 (towards your Bachelor’s degree)

Deadline:Mid February

E4FC New American Scholars

Brief Criteria: Undocumented student with preference given to students that do NOT qualify for DACA/AB540. Minimum 3.3 GPA for High School Senior or 3.0 GPA if already enrolled in college.


Contact: Scholars Program

Amount:Up to $7,000
Deadline:Early March / Amount:Up to $2,000/year

New Leader Scholarship

Brief Criteria: Must have attended Bay Area public university for one year and completed at least 24 units; 3.5 GPA; Majoring in Social Sciences/Health & Human Services or Public Service;Leadership; High Academic Achievement & Financial Need. Renewable. Must complete 12 units minimum each semester.


Contact: 10,000 Degrees

(415) 451-4002

Deadline:Mid March /

Amount: Up to $8,000

Alumni Association Scholarships at SF State

Brief Criteria:Entering HS senior or currently enrolled as an undergraduate college senioror graduate Masters student; Minimum GPA: High School Students 2.75 & College Students 3.25.


Contact:Ryan Jones

(415) 405-3639 or

Deadline:Mid March / Amount: varies

Chicana/Latina Foundation Scholarship

Brief Criteria:Community involvement & leadership; Enrolled in school, 2.5 undergrad GPA, 3.0 grad GPA; Will volunteer 10 hours; Student residing in Bay Area counties for at least 2 years:


Contact: Chicana/Latina Foundation Scholarship


Deadline:Late March / Amount: $1,500

University Scholarship atSF State

Continuing undergraduate or graduate student; SF State GPA: 3.0 undergrad or 3.5 graduate; Financial Need (FAFSA or DREAM Application)


Contact:Office of Student Financial Aid

Deadline: Early May


Amount: $500 to $3,000

Continue the Dream for Academic Excellence Scholarship at SF State

Brief Criteria: AB 540 or undocumented student; Undergraduate at SF State; serious commitment to helping others or promoting higher education


Contact: Mario Flores

(415) 405-4177 or

Deadline: Late September / Amount: Up to$1000

Diana T.Y. Chung Memorial Scholarship for International Students

Brief Criteria: F-1 or J-1 student status; demonstrate merit and need; 3.25 minimum undergrad GPA; 3.5 minimum grad GPA.


Contact: Office of International Programs

(415) 338-1293

Deadline: Late September / Amount: $1,000