CT 1 ARCP Checklist 2018

E-portfolio ESSR (completed by ES and CT) – bring 1 printed copy

College Tutor Summary (paper) – bring 1 printed copy(please retain original)

Form R – please upload to e-portfolio library of evidence & return to Deanery

Curriculum Vitae (Eportfolio )

Initial Assessment of Competence (paper)

Notification of Absence form

Please note: Your enhanced Form R must be submitted to the Specialty Training Office at least 2 weeks in advance of your ARCP date. Trainees without this receive an automatic Outcome 5

Workplace-based assessments

The number of WPBA tools for each unit of training was revised by the RCoA in July 2016, please see the basic level training blueprint within the Assessment Guidance document for revised number to assign to each UoT.

We anticipate electronic review only of all workplace based assessment tools and unit of training sign-offs now CUT forms at your ARCP

Unit-of training sign off form/ CUT form (e-portfolio)

Directly Observed Procedural Skills(e-portfolio)

Anaesthetic Clinical Evaluation Exercises(e-portfolio)

Case Based Discussions (e-portfolio)

Critical Incident Logbook in line with All Wales Simulation Group (Eportfolio)

Multi Source Feedback with a summary form (e-portfolio or paper-based) must have anaesthetic MSF not ICU

Evidence of Primary Exam attempts

Evidence of attendance at SWABs teaching

Yearly Logbook Summary – 1 printed copy, 1 digital copy

Study Leave Summary

Evidence of Completion of GMC On-line Training Survey (paper print-out)

Has reflective portfolio of attendances at local audit meetings, journal club, teaching other departmental meetings (e-portfolio/paper)

Has personally engaged in audit &/ or QI

Please note that in August 2018 there will be a staged changeover of the Eportfolio to a new Lifelong Learning platform. You need to make sure that you have electronic and paper copies of previous years ARCP paperwork. To include as a minimum, the ESSR, College Tutor report, MSF and ARCP outcome forms for each year of training. A CCT cannot be awarded without this paperwork.

Dr Graeme Lilley, CoreTPD Anaesthesia,Wales.March 2018