Meeting of Takeley Parish Council

held on Wednesday, 1st October 2014, at 7.30pm at Takeley Station House.

Present: / Cllr Carol Pratt
Cllr Pat Burnett
Cllr David Daykin
Cllr Sue Sprules
Cllr Trevor Allen / Cllr Tricia Barber
Clr Richard Cheetham
Cllr John Mitchell
Cllr Linda Steer
Cllr Geoff Bagnall
Asst Clerk Jane Bridgeman
Apologies: / Cllr Tina Domigan, Cllr John Green, Cllr Brian Baldwin & Clerk Jane Heskey Martin Peachey - Community Speed Watch,
Visitors: / District Cllr Jackie Cheetham, Paul Eldon (Priors Green resident)
14/198 / Welcome and apologies
Chairman Cllr Carol Pratt opened the meeting, welcomed members and visitors, and received apologies as above. / All note
14/199 /

Declarations of Interest

Cllr Linda Steer declared a non-pecuniary interest to agenda item no.16
Takeley Youth club (TPC Representative and member of management committee).
Cllr Pat Burnett & Cllr Tricia Barber declared a non-pecuniary interest to agenda item 9, PCC firework display (members of PCC).
Members were reminded that they should declare relevant interests at each meeting for items on the agenda and to request a replacement form if their circumstances have changed and their register needs amended. / All note
14/200 / Minutes
(previously circulated)
The minutes of the Council meeting 3rd September 2014, which had been circulated previously, were approved as a true record and signed by the Chairman, Cllr Carol Pratt. / All note
14/201 / Matters arising from the minutes
Item 14/190 Cllr Geoff Bagnall raised a query on the approved payment for WW1 printing costs. The cost covered by TPC was £179.99. Item 14/192 Cllr Richard Cheetham would like to clarify that 1 of the 2 cycle signs is missing. Item 14/194 Cllr Trevor Allen reported that the oak tree in the Recreation Ground has been repaired and the picnic table that was damaged no longer exists due to a fire at the Rec Ground on Saturday 27th Sept.
Item 14/192 Cllr Geoff Bagnall reported that the closed boarding fencing which was taken down has since been re-erected. District Cllr Jackie Cheetham commented that UDC were aware and Karen Denmark is dealing with Countryside on this matter. Cllr Trevor Allen informed District Cllr Jackie Cheetham that after speaking to an archaeologist at the site they believe that the hedge that is on the Countryside development could be an ancient hedge. District Cllr Jackie Cheetham will pass on this information to Ben Smeden (UDC).
Cllr Geoff Bagnall would like clarification on which month Tidy Takeley is taking place Sept or Oct? Residents have September to make their areas tidy and enter the competition and judges will make visits and announce the winners in October. / All note
14/202 / Open Forum
District Cllr Jackie Cheetham reported:
Elsenham Quarry: UDC & ECC have raised concerns over the increase in vehicle moment and the impact it will have on the local community.
Cooks Hill - Bovis Development Site: Bovis detailed planning application has been refused.
Old School House: TPC’s application to list the School House on UDC's Community Asset Register has been refused. The decision came because the building ceased to be used by the community in recent years. The building was last used as a Youth building in 2008. Cllr Vic Ranger, District Cllr Jackie Cheetham & ECC Cllr Susan Barker are organising a meeting to work on an action plan to acquire the building once again for community use. They requested a TPC Clr join them. Other agencies have approached Cllr Cheetham to offer their assistance when funding the project and bring the building up to a habitable standard. Cllr Cheetham suggested Cllr Linda Steer who is the Youth Club representative to join them. TPC have sought legal advice from their solicitor, who suggest that TPC write to ECC under the FOI Act requesting details of ownership of the land and building, while also looking into the legal definition of “recent”. Cllr Linda Steer reported that there are funds at ECC to apply for to help with the renovation. TPC will get 2 additional building quotes to support any future applications. Cllr Jackie Cheetham and Cllr Geoff Bagnall to check on the TPC Asset Register. Cllr Geoff Bagnall would like to remind Cllrs that no decision has been made by TPC as to what the building would be used for if ownership is acquired.
Priors Green Parking: Mr. Eldon feels very upset over the recent results of a resident’s petition recently published in the Grapevine. Mr Eldon does not agree with the results and some of the suggestions made such as removing the bus service from the development. Cllr Carol Pratt informed Mr Eldon that TPC has no power to implement any parking or bus restriction on any roads. TPC will collate information and pass this on to Essex Highways and it will be their decision. Cllr Pratt suggested that he make contact with the residents group and work together to come up with the best proposal/solution. / All note/
14/203 / Financial Report
(previously circulated)
Cllr Geoff Bagnall requested the report to show £0.01 adjustment for WW1 contribution.
Financial transactions for September 2014 were table & agreed.
TPC noted a complete bank reconciliation. / All note/ Clerk
14/204 / 2013/2014 Annual Return/Audit
This has been approved by the external auditor.
An issue has been raised by the Auditor related to the PGCH being a village asset but the S106 monies being excluded from the accounts. The Clerk will contact them and clarify. / All note
14/205 / 2013/2014 Return/Audit Fee
TPC approved payment of the external audit fee of £480 (inc VAT) / All note/
14/206 / PCC Fireworks Display - Wed 5th November 2014
6.30pm for a 7pm display to be held at All saints Church.
Proceeds to PCC. Tickets: adult £4, school age child £2.
Insurance £250, licence for storage £100, display equipment £120, fireworks £750 (total costs £1220).PCC has requested a donation towards the costs. Cllr Geoff Bagnall proposed a donation of £750, 2nd by Cllr John Mitchell. Second proposal from Cllr David Daykin £900, 2nd by Cllr Trevor Allen.
TPC voted 5/3 for a £750 donation. / All note/
14/207 / Essex Air Ambulance
Following a request for a donation. Cllr Trevor Allen proposed £500, 2nd Cllr Geoff Bagnall. All agreed / All note/ Clerk
14/208 / Campaign to Protect Rural England
TPC approved payment of the annual subscription of £36 / All note/ Clerk
14/209 / Planning Committee Report and Recommendations 10/9/2014
(previously circulated)
TPC approved:
UTT/14/2374/FUL Warish Hall, Warish Hall Road
Brief Description: Proposed erection and re-alignment of a fence to replace
boundary wall approved under UTT/1876/03/FUL & UTT/1877/03/LB
Recommendation: Objection
Deadline 19/09/14
UTT/14/2228/FUL Land adj to Whitegates, Parsonage Road
Brief Description: Proposed 2 dwelling development
Recommendation: Objection
Deadline 12/09/14
UTT/14/2441/FUL Land west of Westview Cottage, Dunmow Road
Brief Description: Retrospective application for the erection of 1 no. dwelling and alteration to existing access.
Recommendation: No objection
Deadline 11/09/14
UTT/14/2556/FUL Land at Coopers End, Coopers End Road
Brief Description: Proposed small-scale standby electricity generation plant.
Recommendation: No objection
Deadline 1/10/14
UTT/14/2387/FUL Land west of The Chalet, Dunmow Road
Brief Description: 10 new dwellings, plus associated access, parking & landscaping, including alterations to the existing bus stop to the south of the site.
Recommendation: Object.
Deadline 1/10/14
/ All note/ Clerk
14/210 / ESS/38/14/UTT - Elsenham Quarry
Proposal: Continuation of the winning and working of mineral and subsequent restoration of the site through land filling without compliance with conditions 2 (approved details), 19 (vehicular movement limitation) and 28 (restriction on waste type origins) of planning permission ESS/39/11/UTT to allow an revision to the pre-settlement contours, increase in the amount of vehicular movements per annum over 3.5 tonnes and removing the limit on the amount of waste received from outside the administrative area of Essex.
Recommendation: Object.
TPC approved response submitted. Cllr Geoff Bagnall would like to ask ECC how they are assessing that Elsenham Quarry are adhering to the rules set out? Assistant Clerk to provide contact details at ECC for Cllr Geoff Bagnall to make enquiries. / All note/ Clerk
14/211 / Stansted Airport Sustainable Development Plan Consultation
Consultation open until 7/11/2014
·  TPC to advertise consultation in Grapevine & TPC website.
·  Requested advice from SSE & Martin Peachey.
·  TPC have requested 2 hard copies of the consultation documents from Stansted Airport.
·  Recommendation for draft response to be made through the Planning Committee.
·  Public event at Silver Jubilee Hall - 3rd Oct 3-8pm
·  All members are invited to meetings to be held on 22nd October & 5th November 10am at Station House. / All note/ Clerk
14/212 / UDC Local Plan Examination
TPC authorised the Planning Committee to agree the points to be raised based on the Councils position & representation submitted to UDC. Cllr Geoff Bagnall was nominated to represent TPC as their speaker at the hearing. / All note/ Clerk
14/213 / Youth Project
Cllr Linda Steer has approached the Committee at SJH regarding the clubs problem of storage. SJH has authorised the use of green space at the side of the hall that is no longer in use. Cllr Steer to research the cost of storage units and send them to the Clerk for TPC to consider funding / All note
14/214 / Old School House
See item 14/202 'Open Forum'. / All note
14/215 / Priors Green Community Hall
·  Charity Commission has raised queries regarding the Trust Deed. TPC has referred this to their solicitor.
·  New T&C’s for the hall are being finalised.
·  Cllr Tina Domigan co-opted on to the Committee.
·  AGM date for hall has been set for 14th January 2015.
·  Next meeting is 15th Oct 2014. PGCH Committee has requested Cllr Carol Pratt attend. / All note
14/216 / Highways Issues
Verge Cutting: Highways have not confirmed if a 2nd cut will take place this year. Still awaiting confirmation whether TPC can use a local contractors.
Potholes: Cllr Sue Sprules reported 3 potholes on B1256 that are getting wider and deeper. Assistant Clerk will report to Essex Highways.
Takeley Street Traffic Calming: Plans have been marked on the road. A Safety Audit will now be carried out after which plans will be finalised. Costings for each element will be presented to TPC who will then negotiate with Highways re which elements will be installed first.
Mole Hill Green: The finger post reported by TPC and followed up by Cllr Carol Pratt has been added to the Highways list of things to do - again. No time scales have been given by Highways. Cllrs Geoff Bagnall and John Mitchell to inspect the post and assess the damage.
Cllr Trevor Allen reported cars are using Mole Hill Green as a car park. The fence posts currently on the green may have to be extended to prevent this from happening in the future. / All note/
14/217 / Priors Green Parking & Traffic Problems
TPC has received the results of the resident’s survey. Paul Eldon (resident of Priors Green) will make contact with the group coordinating the survey and voice his concerns. Paul has asked that TPC clarifies to the residents that the final decision on any parking restrictions will be made by Essex Highways. / All note
14/218 / Village Services
Village maintenance: Asst Clerk currently meeting with several companies for quotations. TPC has received enquiries from local residents after the ad was placed in the Grapevine & Takeley Newsletter.
Takeley Primary School: Cllr Trevor Allen reported that all school Governors have now stood down after recent events at the school. / All note
14/219 / Sports Field & Recreation Ground Report
Sport Field
·  Still waiting information from the electricity company regarding the large bill and meter readings.
Recreation Ground
·  27/9/14 - A picnic bench was set alight and the Fire & Police services were in attendance. Other damage to the ground includes a litter bin with fire damage and a chain link fence.
Police are investigating. Crime Ref: CF0799701014
·  Oak tree has been repaired. Unfortunately the branch could not be saved but hopeful that the tree will flourish next year. / All note/
14/220 / Clerks Report
TPC noted the report including:
·  Sand Bag: Response from UDC is that the self-filling bags are too expensive and they are not in a position to fund them.
·  Old School House: UDC refused the application for the building to be added as a Community Asset. TPC will contact ECC under FOI Act for further information regarding ownership of land & building.
Dr Sharif who contacted TPC earlier this year with regards to opening a new surgery in the village has asked for the Councils support in taking this project forward.
·  Recreation Ground: Explored options of replacing the bin. 25kg is not strong enough & 45kg is too big, waiting a quote on a bespoke bin.
Clare Ash and family have been contacted regarding TPC’s legal ownership. Awaiting acknowledgement from Ash family.
·  RCCE Active Communities Meeting: The coffee morning will take place on 30th October 10am-12 noon at SJH. TPC will confirm who will attend on 22nd Oct.
·  Uttlesford Community Forum: 14th Oct at Helena Romanes School.
Cllrs to confirm their attendants in due course.
·  Village Green: Way Leave agreement - a site visit will be arranged to agree the route across the green (finalise map).
·  Jacks Lane: An update from Jeremy Pine, hopes to be in a position at the end of October to pass this on to Secretary of State for Transport. / All note/ Clerk
14/221 / Non-Agenda
TPC noted report. / All note
14/222 / Local Police Report
Incident Report August/September: 11 incidents reported to Police, including 1 burglary dwelling, 2 criminal damage (damage within a household caused by family), 2 nuisance youths. / All note

The meeting finished at 9.50pm

THE NEXT MEETING: of Takeley Parish Council will be held on

Wednesday 5th November 2014 at Takeley Station House at 7.30pm.

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