THE ANSON COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS convened for their regular monthly meeting on Thursday, May 4, 2000 at 6:00 p.m. in Courtroom #1 located in the Anson County Courthouse.

Commissioners present: Bobby Moore, Chair

Steve Lear

Michael Livingston

·  Mary McLendon

Ross Streater

Jim Sims

Bill Thacker

Staff members present: Chris Wease, County Manager

Bonnie M. Huntley, CMC, Clerk to the Board

James Bennett, Human Resource

Dorothy Tyson, Finance Officer

Chairman Moore called the meeting to Order, welcoming everyone to the meeting. At this time, he recognized Sharon Molica and presented her with a plaque of appreciation for her service to the Anson County Arts Council. Ms. Molica recently retired after serving as Executive Director for the past twelve years. James Bennett presented the following Resolution in her honor:


WHEREAS, Sharon Molica is recognized as an outstanding citizen with concern for all people and a devotion to advancing the Arts in Anson County; and

WHEREAS, Sharon Molica has served as Executive Director of the Anson County Arts Council for twelve years, maintaining an outstanding level of excellence; and

WHEREAS, during her Directorship of the Arts Council, she was instrumental in bringing programs into the county and schools that have bridged the gap between the diverse cultures of the citizens of Anson County; and

WHEREAS, all people of Anson County recognize that through her contributions, Anson County has become a better place to live and to work; and

NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Anson County Board of Commissioners go on record as honoring Ms. Sharon Molica for her leadership and outstanding dedicated service to the citizens of Anson County, and we take this opportunity to wish her the happiness, health and prosperity of which she is so deserving as she retires on April 28, 2000.

Chairman Moore called on Vice Chair Lear to deliver the Invocation.

Approval of the Agenda by Commissioners: County Manager Wease reminded Board members of the moratorium placed on mobile home parks at the March 21 meeting. County Attorney Bower had prepared a formal Ordinance on the issue and it was presented for adoption. Motion by Vice Chair Lear, seconded by Commissioner Sims, to add the Ordinance to the Agenda. Commissioner Sims again stated that his second to the motion is in no way intended to prohibit young people from purchasing mobile homes and placing them on their own land. He wants Anson County to continue to grow and realizes this is a part of growth but this is about numerous new or used mobile homes being put close together and a number being placed on the same site. Motion carried unanimously. After discussion, motion by Commissioner Thacker, seconded by Commissioner Streater, to approve the Agenda as presented with the addition. Motion carried unanimously.

Public Hearing: Motion by Vice Chair Lear, seconded by Commissioner Thacker, to open the public hearing. Motion carried unanimously.

Commissioner Sims explained for Board members the exact location of this property. A location map was also included in each packet. County Manager Wease explained the present zoning is Light Industrial and they are requesting a change to Heavy Industrial. He reminded Board members that the Planing Board has approved the request. Included in each packet was an outline of all uses permitted in Heavy Industrial and County Manager Wease asked Board members to remember to base their decision on the entire category and not just the requested use. Commissioner Streater asked Commissioner Sims if he’d heard any comments from the Town of Peachland or surrounding residents. Commissioner Sims reported that he understands the Town of Peachland has no problem with Mr. Stevens or the request, but if the property is rezoned and then sold, anything permitted in Heavy Industrial would be allowed and they don’t want anything dangerous following Mr. Stevens. Commissioner Sims commented that Mr. Stevens has sold the property and the new owners will continue the same operation but realizes they are under no obligation to this Board to do this. Mr. Stevens was present for the hearing and requested the Board place stipulations on what can and can’t be done on the premises. Commissioner Sims asked if this matter could be tabled until we find a category that would be safe for the people in and around Peachland. County Manager Wease wanted to consult with County Attorney Bower on amending the present Ordinance to allow a different use in Light Industrial. The Clerk for the Town of Peachland was in attendance, noting the property in question borders the town limits. She stated the Peachland Board would like stipulations attached to the rezoning request. After discussion, Board members agreed they needed more information before making a decision. Motion by Commissioner Streater, seconded by Commissioner Thacker, to close the public hearing. Motion carried unanimously.

In regular session, motion by Commissioner Thacker, seconded by Vice Chair Lear, to meet with County Attorney Bower for more information on the matter before making a decision. Motion carried unanimously.

Consent Agenda: County Manager Wease stated that Mr. Leary had a conflict with tonight’s meeting but his economic development report is included in the packet. The budget report was presented each member just prior to the meeting. County Manager Wease stated we’ve done well with tax collections and we are keeping expenditures in line. He commended our Tax Collector, Belinda Scales, for a job well done in collecting 95.25% of taxes to date. Last year at this time we were at 93%. He also commended Data Processing for working with the Assessor in developing a web application for property tax card. Motion by Commissioner Thacker, seconded by Commissioner Livingston, to approve the Consent Agenda as follows:

Approval of Minutes: Approved minutes of regular meetings of March 21 and 28, 2000 and April 4 and 15, 2000 and closed session minutes dated April 4 and 15, 2000.

Budget Amendment/Contingency Transfer: Approved the following amendment covering the acquisition of property for the proposed prison:



BE IT ORDAINED by the Anson County Board of Commissioners that the 1999/2000 FY Budget Ordinance be amended as follows:

Section 1: Expenditures:

Increase 11-4920 $ 250,000.00

Total Increase $ 250,000.00

Section 2. Revenues:

Increase 11-4920 $ 33,000.00

Increase 11-4110 (G/F Bal Approp.) $ 217,000.00

Total Increase $ 250,000.00

Contingency Transfer: Transferred from contingency $732.00 to 11-4350-4311 to cover certification expenses for Marvin Deese and $1732.00 to 11-6120-4510 for funds received at Parks and Rec. to cover expense not budgeted.

Tax Releases:

Vehicle Tax Releases
Communication Services Inc / 1999 / 26.00 / Proration
Cranford, Leonard Eugene / 1999 / 24.30 / Situs
Davis, Bradford Cornelius / 1999 / 20.48 / Value
Dean, James Arthur / 1999 / 30.50 / Situs
Gardin, Danny R / 1999 / 22.41 / Proration
Gatewood, Rosalyn Elaine / 1999 / 59.89 / Value
Holman, Joseph E / 1999 / 10.84 / Situs
Howard Lisk Inc / 1999 / 4.62 / Proration
Howard Lisk Inc / 1999 / 123.01 / Value
Howard Lisk Inc / 1999 / 123.01 / Value
Howard Lisk Inc / 1999 / 123.01 / Value
Howard Lisk Inc / 1999 / 123.01 / Value
Howard Lisk Inc / 1999 / 123.01 / Value
Ingold, William Addison / 1999 / 179.46 / Situs
Johnson, James H / 1999 / 43.73 / Situs
Kiker, Margaret Taylor / 1999 / 9.02 / Value
King, Jennifer / 1999 / 42.70 / Proration
Lawhon, James Ellis / 1999 / 2.27 / Situs
Lefler, Ronald / 1999 / 132.57 / Proration
Livingston, Henry Alfred / 1999 / 10.95 / Value
Mack, John C / 1999 / 79.92 / Proration
McRae Construction / 1999 / 83.25 / Value
McRae Thomas A / 1999 / 35.36 / Proration
Pate, James Thomas / 1999 / 14.90 / Value
Ratliff Trucking & Grading / 1999 / 140.12 / Proration
Thomas, Allie H / 1999 / 28.05 / Proration
Tice, Stephen B / 1999 / 122.31 / Proration
Tillman, Helen Marshall / 1999 / 234.14 / Billed Twice
Tyner, Donald Keith / 1999 / 65.00 / Value
Wade Manufacturing Co / 1999 / 132.30 / Proration
Wall, Myrtle E / 1999 / 96.71 / Value
Williams, Richard E / 1999 / 13.05 / Proration
****** TOTAL ****** / $2,279.90
Vehicle Tax Adjustments
Cranford, Leonard Eugene / 1999 / 2.25 / Situs
Dean, James Arthur / 1999 / 34.16 / Situs
Lawhon, James Ellis / 1999 / 0.45 / Situs
****** TOTAL ****** / $36.86
Vehicle Tax Refunds
Cole, Mae L / 1999 / 16.50 / Proration
Dawkins, William / 1999 / 28.20 / Proration
Edwards, Darrell K / 1999 / 19.95 / Proration
Harrison, Daniel W / 1999 / 10.62 / Proration
Jackson, William A / 1999 / 19.04 / Proration
Jenkins, Timmy / 1999 / 6.05 / Proration
Lee, Kevin W / 1999 / 125.84 / Proration
Lefler, Ronald / 1999 / 11.59 / Proration
McCollum, Ronald / 1999 / 16.74 / Proration
Nance, Charles A / 1999 / 38.15 / Proration
Northcutt, Med C / 1999 / 3.66 / Proration
Northcutt, Med C / 1999 / 31.36 / Proration
Pegram, Eddie / 1999 / 4.98 / Proration
Spencer, Charles / 1999 / 32.76 / Proration
Wall, Myrtle E / 1998 / 97.68 / Value
Wallace, John H / 1999 / 3.22 / Proration
Wright, Barbara / 1999 / 26.80 / Proration
****** TOTAL ****** / $493.14
Property Tax Releases
Amerson, Lilly / 1999 / 238.74 / Listing Error
Hair Designs By Jane / 1999 / 31.42 / Listing Error
****** TOTAL ****** / $270.16
Property Tax Refunds
Poel, Frances / 1996 / 77.53 / Billing Error
Poel, Frances / 1996 / 131.69 / Billing Error
Poel, Frances / 1997 / 121.81 / Billing Error
Poel, Frances / 1997 / 71.72 / Billing Error
Poel, Frances / 1998 / 113.20 / Billing Error
Poel, Frances / 1998 / 66.65 / Billing Error
Poel, Frances / 1999 / 67.16 / Billing Error
Poel, Frances / 1999 / 114.08 / Billing Error
Smith, Andrew / 1997 / 231.02 / Listing Error
Smith, Andrew / 1998 / 247.63 / Listing Error
Smith, Andrew / 1999 / 232.29 / Listing Error
****** TOTAL ****** / $1,474.78

Budget Report: Given each member just prior to the meeting

Economic Development Report: Included in each packet

Remote Sales Tax Resolution: This represents a significant amount of revenue that could potentially be lost due to increasing sales over the Internet.




WHEREAS, the loss of tax revenue from remote sales is a growing problem for North Carolina and local governments, and;

WHEREAS, under North Carolina law, unless a company has a physical presence in the state, the company is not required to collect sales taxes on purchases made by mail order, Internet, telephone, etc, and;

WHEREAS, at the federal level the Association and the National Association of Counties have argued that remote sales should be treated the same as purchases made at the local level, and;

WHEREAS, the sales numbers and potential sales loss associated with remote sales are huge. The North Carolina Department of Revenue estimates up to $52 million in loses to local government and up to $155 million in revenue loss at the state level for 1999, and;

WHEREAS, the National Association of Counties estimates that in 2004 sales tax revenue losses from remote sales will total $15 billion across the nation and an additional $11 billion on Internet sales, and;

WHEREAS, Anson County supports local business and industry with local sales tax dollars and expects all businesses whether local or Internet to be treated and taxed fairly. Charging remote sales taxes and distributing the proceeds levels the business playing field and lessens the taxing burden on local business.

NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE ANSON COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS to support any legislation, which would provide a resolution to the issue of remote sales tax in an equitable manner to North Carolina businesses and counties. This resolution will be forwarded to all 100 County Government offices and to all North Carolina Representatives.

This resolution adopted and made effective on May 4, 2000.

Water Write-Offs: These are uncollected water and sewer bills and pursuant to instructions from the auditors, need to be written off. The total amount is $5152.05 water and $246.93 sewer for a total amount of $5398.98. List is attached and by reference made a part of these minutes.

Adoption of Water and Sewer Rates, Landfill and Solid Waste: Water rates are unchanged from FY 99-2000, except for the additional three cents (.03) on the Chesterfield County Rate Structure. Wastewater Treatment Rates are unchanged from FY 99-2000. Solid Waste Management: Leave the tonnage rate unchanged and adopt a $41.00 per household charge for the current year. The rate structures are attached and by reference made a part of these minutes.


Michael C. Chapman: Mr. Chapman was past due on his 1998 and 1999 taxes and in November 1999 signed an agreement to make monthly payments on these taxes. His one and only payment was made in March, thereby revoking the agreement. The tax office, using bank information from the check given by Mr. Chapman, garnished his wages for $1359.17, which was the remainder due. Mr. Chapman stated this put a hardship on him, his family and his business as this was done without prior notification. He does not dispute owing the taxes and was making an effort to pay but wiping out his bank account was not the way to handle this situation. Commissioner Livingston asked if this was standard procedure to which Belinda Scales, Tax Collector, answered yes. She noted a letter was mailed to Mr. Chapman on Mach 9, 2000 and again on April 12, 2000 and when the agreement was not met, they attached his bank account. Commissioner Livingston asked how many people have been garnished in the last twelve months with Belinda answering fifty-seven as of today. Commissioner Thacker feels we followed the Statutes.