WisHHRA Board Meeting Minutes

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DATE: / 8/13/15 / TIME: / 9:30 AM / PLACE: / Conference Call
LEADER: / Brenda Reinert / RECORDER: / Robbi Bos
X / Brenda Reinert, President / X / Sandra Aspenson, Membership Chairperson / X / Chris Schmitz, Historian / X / Kristie McCoic, Southwest Co-Representative
X / Angie Hupf, President Elect / A / Steve Rush, WHA Liaison / A / Joel Ohrmundt, Northwest Representative / A / Veronica Baricevic, Southeast Co-Representative
X / Kathy Hansen, Treasurer / X / Heather Fields, Legal Counsel Liaison / Vacant, Northeast Representative / X / Nicole Berlowski, Southeast Co-Representative
X / Robbi Bos, Secretary / A / Troy Koebke, Compensation Committee Liaison / X / Ann Roundy, Southwest Co-Representative

Summary of Topics, Decisions/Conclusions and Next Step/Action:



Discussion Summary




Person Responsible for Follow-up


Date Required

I. Call to Order / Meeting was called to order at9:35 a.m.
Meeting minutes presented. / Kathy moved approval of the meeting minutes. Seconded by Sandra. Motion carried.
II. Membership Report / Sandra reported that as of 8/1/15, we have 2 new members since our last meeting. 209 members comprised of 191 renewalsand 18 new members. New members since January 1st: Northeast Region – 3, Northwest Region – 4, Southeast Region – 4 and Southwest Region – 7. Membership drive starts in October/November. / Angie moved approval of the membership report, seconded byAnn. Motion carried.
III. Treasurer’s Report / Kathy shared current figures and conference figures. Assets have significantly decreased due to reserving future sites, speakers, etc. for future conferences. Kathy has broken these expenses out separately. Kathy was pleased to report that we stayed on budget for the 2015 conference - $200 ahead. Angie noted that the point of the conference is not to make money but to add value to in terms of education for our members. Kathy requested that another Board member audit her financial statements. / Nicole moved approval of the treasurer’s report, seconded by Angie. Motion carried. Brenda authorized Robbi to audit the financial statements with Kathy. Robbi & Kathy will arrange to meet in the near future. WisHHRA will reimburse both for a meal.
IV. Compensation Committee Update / Brenda reported on Troy’s behalf. The committee meets in October. Now that Brian Repsold has left Verisight, Troy needs to have the discussion around border state organizations with Rena Somersan. Brenda proposed that the board review the contract with Verisight as a Board. We have noticed a drop in revenue from the salary survey and this will be discussed with Verisight.
V. Legal Update / Heather discussed the proposed DOL changes to overtime exemptions. The Obama administration wants to see an index factor for the salary cap. Heather doesn’t think it will be adopted at the high rate that’s been proposed ($970/week). It was noted that hospitals often waive the professional exemption and are already paying overtime.
Heather also discussed recent DOL guidance re classification of workers vs. independent contractors asking whether this has been a topic of discussion throughout healthcare organizations. Brenda noted that they have CRNAs and physicians where the organization exercises control over what they do, that could place them into independent contractor status. Heather suggested that contracts contain an indemnification clause if possible along with language regarding payment of employment taxes and reporting requirements. Heather said CRNAs might be more of a problem than physicians.
VI. Region Reports / Northwest – Joel not present to report.
Northeast – No report.
Southwest – Ann reported that new UW Hospital is set to open August 17, 2015. Open house was held, the sports performance center was pretty amazing. They are using flex room. ER & Ambulatory Surgery back up to each other. Staff flex from department to department dependent on volume. Employees wear chips and are tracked throughout the facility. This is being done to engage in LEAN process improvement (spaghetti diagrams, etc.).
Southeast – Nicole reported that the UW Cancer center opened on 8/10. New facility in Mukwanago is also open. Continued ACO activity is happening as well.
VII. WHA Update / No update. Steve will send a written report later.
VIII. ASHHRA Update / Brenda noted that we won the 4-star award again this year. It will be given at the Regional Breakfasts at the annual conference. Christine Jensema’s term is just about up as Region V rep. Brenda is serving as the chair for the election committee for the region. We did not have any awards this year. We need to look at this moving forward. We get points for this for the 4-star award. If Christine Jensema doesn’t get elected, we will lose points for her being from our state. / Brenda will share the point-system structure to the group.
IX. Legal Liaison for Angie’s term. / Heather does want to continue in the role of Legal Liaison during Angie’s term.
XI. Membership Committee Update / See membership report above. Sandra noted that she’s going to edit the new member PowerPoint summary to update it. Brenda reminded the Board to share the PowerPoint with new members when they come aboard.
XII. Communication Committee Update / No update. Listserve works well. Brenda asked if the Board saw any deficiencies that needed to be addressed – none were raised. Discussion ensued about a Board portal and paying for membership fees online. Doing this will require a merchant fee.
XIII. Education Committee Update / We have a 2017 speaker, but no one for 2016. Jenna from WHA would like to start planning in September. Those of us attending ASHHRA should watch for potential speakers. We got the Blue Harbor for 2018 and the Kalahari for 2019. Brenda asked for input on topics for the conference; both topics you want to see as well as those which have been done to death. Also forward any ideas about entertainment to Brenda or the committee.
XIV. Partnership Committee Update / No update.
XV. Bylaw Committee Update / No update. No changes that we’ve needed to make.
XVI. Legislative/Legal Committee Update / No update. Webinar on ACA was attended by 45 people. Brenda will send the link out to everyone again, in case people missed it.
XVII. Other Business/Updates / Brenda asked if Thursdays were still the best day to meet and the group indicated it was.
Succession planning was discussed. Treasurer term ends 12/31/15. Kathy is willing to serve another term to assist with transition to our new banking system. Sandra’s term is also up. She’d like to think about it – might be interested in doing something else on the Board. Southeast Rep – Nicole would consider another term. Brenda will reach out to Veronica to determine interest. Angie will become president and Brenda will become past-president.
Kathy informed the Board that Holly Beehn would be joining her organization at the end of August.
XVIII. Adjournment / Angie moved and Sandra seconded to adjourn at 10:35 a.m. Motion carried.
Next Board Meeting: December 3, 2015 – Conference Call

Rev: 08/22/2011