160 South Hollywood Street • Memphis, TN 38112 • (901) 417-5300
DATE: March9, 2017
TO: All Locations
FROM: Beth Phalen, Chief of Business Operations
Lin Johnson, III, Chief Financial Officer
CC:Dorsey E. Hopson, II, Superintendent
Jonathan Lawshe, Director of Procurement Services
As part of our annual close out process, we are implementing thefollowing attached year-end spending deadlines that MUST be strictly adhered to.
For any questions regarding these requirements, please call or email the following:
Purchase Orders 416-5379
Invoices and Payment Requests 416-5407
Travel Reimbursements 416-5599
Budget Transfers 416-5461
Title I Expenditures 416-4250
Thank you for your cooperation and assistance as we work together toward a successfulyear-end close.
Critical Year-End Tasks and Timelines for Closing FY17
FY17 BUDGET TRANSFERS DEADLINE: Monday, April 10, 2017(For Requisitions Only)
- Budget transfers will be processed throughout the fiscal year for transfers between discretionary (30000-90000) objects. Adeadline only existsfor budget transfers needed to process requisitions or invoices prior to the respective deadlines. To facilitate year-end FY17 spending requests, schools and departments must submit FY17 budget transfers needed for requisitions and/or invoices for all funds by Monday, April10, 2017. Budget transfers must reflect the correct budget amount for all planned expenditures. NOTE: The Object Code on the requisition must correspond to the described items being purchased to ensure final approval.
- There is not a deadline for budget transfers between discretionary (30000-90000) objects that are not required to meet spending deadlines.
- In accordance with Board Policy #2001, transfers from salaries and benefits to discretionary accounts are prohibited. Transfers between State Major Function Expenditure Categories (i.e., instructional, operations) must be made upon the recommendation of the Superintendent and approval by the Board and Shelby County Board of Commissioners. Please see next section regarding due dates for Functional reclassification.
- We will only complete one additional amendment for the remainder of the year. Our final budget amendment of the year has to be approved by the Board and County Commissions by June 30th. To ensure that we have the amendment approved in a timely manner, please adhere to the deadline below for the submission to Budget:
- April Amendment (Final Amendment for FY 2017)- Deadline March 16th
Please submit all documentation for budget amendments to the following email address:
FY17 REQUISITIONS DEADLINE: Monday, April 24, 2017
- For REQUISITIONS TO OUTSIDE VENDORS, the following deadlines apply:
-If ordering from general funds (Fund 01), discretionary grants or federal projects with an end dateof June 30th (Funds 08 or 12), nutrition fund (Fund 10), internal service funds (Funds 55 or 80), or capital improvement funds (Fund 07), the final day to enter and approvea requisition for purchases from outside vendors is Monday,April 24, 2017.
-For purchases of goods and services that will be placed after Monday, April 24, 2017, i.e. bus/field trips, graduation expenses, year-end incentives, etc., please estimate costs and place on a requisition for processing to create the purchase order. All changes in price will be modified during the payment procedures. Requisitions will not be allowed to merely reserve budget funding in FY17.
-If ordering from grants with an end date that extends beyond 06/30/17, the final day to enter and approve a requisition to outside vendors for goods, services and supplies is Monday, April 24, 2017.
- For WAREHOUSE REQUISITIONS, the following deadlines apply:
-The final day to enter and approve a warehouse requisition is Monday, April 24, 2017.
-If funding for any summer programs are budgeted in FY17, youmust meet the Monday, April 24, 2017 deadline for requisitions toensure that the purchase order and budgeted funds will roll forward toFY17.
-Summer school sites must post and approve requisitions by Monday, April 24, 2017,using funds provided in Fund 01 for FY 2017—clearlyindicate SUMMER SCHOOL on all requisitions, in the description field of the Requisition > Header screen.
- Monitor requisitions on a regular basis using the Manage Requisitions page in APECS to ensure all requisitions are approved and encumbered (PO). REMEMBER: A requisition is not submitted to procurement until the final approver (Principal or Budget Center Manager) has approved the request.
- Search for POs with an “O- Recv. Open” or “P- Recv. Partial” Recv Status on the APECS screen: Finance > PO Receiving > Search, to identify orders that need to be received in APECS.
- It is not necessary to wait for the vendor to complete the order toreceive those items that have been delivered. Enter “Post Receiving Detail” whenitems are delivered by the vendor.
- Contact vendors to expedite delivery on FY17 purchase orders toensure that payment is made from FY17 funds. For FY17 purchases of goods and services, items must be delivered, received, invoiced, and posted for payment, before Monday, May 22, 2017 to ensure that FY17 funding is available.
PAYMENT OF INVOICES RELATING TO FY17 PURCHASES: Monday, May 22 (School Sites),May 29, 2017 (Departments)
- Schools and departments should follow up with vendors to ensureall invoices for FY17 purchase orders are submitted to AccountsPayable by Monday, May22,2017 (for all School sites), or May 29, 2017 (for departments). This will allow sufficient time toprocess payment for fiscal year 2017.
- Submit REIMBURSEMENT Requests for FY17 to Accounts Payable byMonday, May22, 2017, including employee reimbursements,INTERNAL ACCOUNTS REIMBURSEMENTS, and postage.
CLOSING FY16 PURCHASE ORDERS: Tuesday, April 4, 2017
- Accounts Payable will close all FY 2016 purchase orders for the general fund starting Tuesday,April 4, 2017 and all will be closed by Thursday, June 1,2017. All schools and departments must review their FY 2016 outstanding purchase orders for the general fund and notify Accounts Payable at by April 4, 2017 if there are pending invoices or services. The notification must include the purchase order numbers, vendor name, and the justification for delaying close of the purchase orders. All FY16 purchase orders for the general fund will be closed by June 1, 2017.
- To ensure that obsolete purchase orders for all funds,except the general fund,donot roll forward to FY17,please notify Accounts Payable to close any open purchaseorders that have been fully completed. Please start this processimmediately.
- Accounts Payable will close FY 2017 purchase orders for the general fund starting Thursday,June 1, 2017. The only FY 2017general fundpurchase orders that will roll forward to fiscal year 2018 will be purchase orders greater than $5000 with contracts for services or engagement letters for legal services. All schools and departments must review their FY 2017 outstanding purchase orders for the general fund and notify Accounts Payable at by June 1, 2017of purchase orders with contracts. The notification must include the purchase order numbers, vendor name, and the justification for rolling the purchase orders to fiscal year 2017. All FY 2017 purchase orders for the general fund that do not have contracts will be closed by Friday, June 25, 2017. It is the department’s responsibility to ensure items are received and paid prior to the June 25th deadline. If invoices are received after the deadline, they will be processed against the department’s FY 2018 budget.
MILEAGE CLAIMS:Wednesday, June 7, 2017(May) and Friday, July 7, 2017 (June)
- May mileage claims mustbe approved and submitted to Accounting and Reporting by Wednesday, June 7, 2017.
- June mileage claims must be approved and submitted to Accounting and Reporting by Friday, July 7, 2017. June 2017 mileage claims not received by Accounting and Reporting by July 7th will not be processed or rolled forward to FY18.
- Please remember that mileage claims are not submitted to Accounting and Reporting until they have been reviewed and approved by the Cost Center Managers. Please monitor approval queues to ensure mileage claims are approved prior to the deadlines.
- Please also check your employee portal for returned mileage claims to ensure your claims are processed by Wednesday, July 7, 2017.
OUT-OF-TOWN TRAVEL: Monday, May 15, 2017 and Friday, April 17, 2017 (Federal funds)
- In accordance with the travel regulations, employees should allow a minimum of 30 days (60 days if using Federal funds) for approvals and the assignment of trip identification numbers.
- Requests for travel expense reimbursements without prior approval will be denied.
- Prior to submitting the paperwork, please process budget transfers ifnecessary to assure funds are available.
- Unpaid FY17 travel reimbursement requests submitted after August 15, 2017 will be paid from the FY18 budgetallocation.