Sample Resolution of Town Board to Propose Exceeding Levy Limits
(Only for Towns Under 3 ,000 in population)
Whereas, the State of Wisconsin has adopted levy limits on town, village, city and county levies for 2017 and thereafter under s. 66.0602 of Wis. Statutes;
Whereas, s. 66.0602 of Wis. Statutes limits the allowable local levy for 2017 to a percentage increase of no more than the greater of (a) 0% of the 2016 payable 2017 adjusted actual levy as calculated under the state's levy limit law** or (b) a percentage equal to the percent change in equalized value due to net new construction; which for the Town of ____________ is ________ percent;
Whereas, the Town Board of the Town of ___________________, _________________County believes that for the 2017 tax levy (collected in 2018) it is in the town’s best interest to exceed the state levy limit as described above by a greater percentage than _____________. {insert the option that applies to your town (a) 0% or (b) percent of net new construction, if greater than 0%}
Whereas, the Town of _________________________2016 payable 2017 adjusted actual levy is $________________________ (typically provided on line 4 of the Municipal Levy Limit Worksheet from WI DOR); And further whereas the state law would limit the increase to $_________________($0 or dollar amount allowed for net new construction) for an allowable town tax levy of $_______________________ (typically line 7 of the Municipal Levy Limit worksheet) before adjustments, for 2017, collected in 2018.
Now Therefore the Town Board of the Town of ______________________, ______________________County does hereby resolve and order as follows:
1. The town board supports an increase in the town tax levy for 2017 that will exceed the state levy limit.
2. The town board directs that the question of increasing the town tax levy for 2017 (to be collected in 2018) by ____________ percent (insert the percentage increase of the proposed levy over the allowable levy for 201 7 ), which would increase the town levy by $__________________ (insert dollar amount of proposed increase) for a total town tax levy of $_________________(insert total dollar amount of proposed 201 7 town tax levy), shall be placed on the agenda for the special town meeting to be held on __________________, 2017.
Adopted this __________ day of ________________, 2017.
Signature of Town Chair:_____________________________
Attested by Town Clerk: _____________________________
*Note this resolution must be posted within 30 days of adoption by the town board, pursuant to s. 60.80 of Wis. Statutes. It also needs to be adopted by the town board at least 15 days prior to the special town elector meeting at which it will be voted on. This is because the special town elector meeting must be noticed at least 15 and not more than 20 days in advance pursuant to s. 60.12, Wis. Stat.
**Note that the starting point for this year's levy may not always be last year's actual levy. In some cases the starting levy for this year may be "adjusted" if there is a reduction due to a debt payment coming off the levy or a reduction for services transferred to other governmental units, etc. Please contact the Wisconsin Department of Revenue at (608) 261-5360 if you have questions about your allowable levy for this year.
Sample Special Town Meeting of Electors Notice
(For Towns Under 3 ,000 Seeking Levy Limit Increase)
Town of _________________, _____________County
Notice is hereby given that a special town meeting of the Town of ______________________, _______________ County, Wisconsin, will be held in the town at _______________________________ {state location of meeting: town hall or other building and provide street address} on the ____________ day of ______________________, 2017 at _____________ o’clock ______.m. {In the alternative, you may state: the town elector meeting will be held immediately following the completion of the Public Hearing on the proposed 201 8 town budget which begins at ____________ __.m.}
for the following purposes:
1. To establish the compensation for elected town officers pursuant to s. 60.10(1)(b)1, Wis. Stat. (Any approved changes will not become effective until the start of the new terms in April 2019 for those elected in odd number years or April 2018 for those supervisors on larger town boards who are elected in even numbered years) {Setting wages is optional, but note that the compensation for any town supervisor elected in April 201 7 was locked in as of the deadline for filing nomination papers for the office -the first Tuesday in January 201 7 --so any changes will not be effective until the start of the next term of office . See s. 60.32(4) , Wis. Stat. }
2. To consider the adoption of a resolution by the town meeting endorsing a town board resolution which proposes that the town levy exceed the state allowable levy limit under s. 66.0602 of Wis. Statutes, specifically a proposed tax levy which would exceed the allowable town tax levy for 2017 by _____ percent which would be a dollar increase of $___________________ (insert proposed dollar amount of increase for 201 7 over the allowable levy for 201 7 );
3. To approve the 2017 total town tax levy to be collected in 2018 pursuant to s. 60.10(1)(a) of Wis. Statutes.
Dated this ______ day of _______________, 2017.
By: _____________________________________
Town Clerk of the Town of ______________________
{Note that towns may either post this notice in 3 places (or one physical posting place and a town maintained website) not more than 20 nor less than 15 days before the special town meeting or publish this notice as a Class 2 notice in a qualified newspaper.}
Please note this sample Special Town Meeting of Electors Notice is in addition to the Notice of Public Hearing that must be posted in 3 places at least 15 days in advance of the public hearing, per s. 65.90(3)(a)1, Wis. Statutes.}
Sample Resolution for Electors to Exceed the Levy Limit at Special Town Meeting of the Electors
(For Towns Under 3 ,000 Seeking Levy Limit Increase)
Whereas, the State of Wisconsin has imposed levy limits under s. 66.0602 of the Wis. Statutes for town tax levies in 2017 and thereafter;
Whereas, s. 66.0602(5) of Wis. Statutes allows the town electors in towns under 3,000 in population to exceed the maximum allowable levy limit by adoption of a resolution at a town meeting of the electors;
Whereas, the town board has adopted a resolution supporting an increase in the town tax levy which would exceed the maximum allowable state levy limit for the Town of ____________________ ;
Whereas, this Special Town Meeting of the electors has been called and noticed to consider the adoption of a resolution to endorse the town board’s resolution to exceed the state levy limits; specifically by increasing the allowable town tax levy for 2017 (collected in 2018) by ______percent;
Now, therefore, the special town meeting of the Town of ________________, ________________ County, Wisconsin, by a majority vote of the eligible electors voting on this ________ day of ____________, 2017 duly assembled and voting resolves and orders as follows:
Be It HEREBY Resolved, that the town electors of the Town of ___________________, _______________ County, Wisconsin endorse the town board resolution to increase the town tax levy for 2017 (collected in 2018) by ________ percent over the allowable 2017 levy, which is an increase of $_____________________ over the allowable 2017 town tax levy.
The town clerk shall properly post or publish this resolution as required by law under s. 60.80(1)(a) of Wis. Statutes within 30 days of adoption.
Adopted this ______day of ___________, 2017, at a Special Town Meeting.
Number of town electors voting aye _________
Number of town electors voting nay _________
Number abstaining or not voting (if determined) ________
Signature of Town Meeting Chairperson ______________________________
Signature of Town Clerk____________________________
(Within 14 days after adoption of the resolution, the town clerk shall certify the results of the vote to the Wisconsin Department of Revenue. See s. 66.0602(5), Wis. Stat.)
Sample Resolution for Electors to Adopt the Town Tax Levy at Special Town Meeting of the Electors
Whereas, s. 60.10(1)(a) of Wis. Statutes authorizes the town electors of a town to adopt the town tax levy at a town meeting of the electors;
Whereas, a special town meeting of the electors has been called for this _____ day of ___________________, 2017;
{Optional paragraph, to be used only if the electors have approved exceeding the state allowable levy limits either by town meeting vote or by a referendum vote: Whereas, the electors, after proper notice, have with a special town meeting [or referendum] vote, authorized the Town of ________________________to exceed the allowable state levy limit;}
Now, therefore, the special town meeting of the Town of ________________, ________________ County, Wisconsin, by a majority vote of the eligible electors voting on this ________ day of ____________, 2017 duly assembled and voting resolves and orders as follows:
BE IT RESOLVED, the town electors of the Town of ___________________, _______________ County, Wisconsin hereby adopt the town tax levy for 2017 to be collected in 2018 in the amount of $_____________________________(insert the total town tax levy to be collected including any debt service payments , etc.).
The town clerk shall properly post or publish this resolution as required by law under s. 60.80(1)(a), Wis. Statutes within 30 days of adoption.
Adopted this ______day of ___________, 2017, at a Special Town Meeting.
Number of town electors voting aye _________
Number of town electors voting nay _________
Number abstaining or not voting (if determined) ________
Signature of Town Meeting Chairperson ______________________________
Signature of Town Clerk____________________________
*Note this resolution must be posted within 30 days of adoption by the town electors, pursuant to s. 60.80 of Wis. Statutes.