welcome to
free church
God calls us to delight in Christ and to share His Hope.
Sunday – 12th June 2011
“Blessed is the man who does not walk in the counsel of the wicked or stand in the way of sinners or sit in the seat of mockers.” Psalm 1:1
Led by God, we join together in joyful and reverent worship, seeking unity and maturity in Christ, preparing every believer to share and show God’s Hope as revealed in His Word.
Welcome! We meet for worship today in Dingwall Free Church at 11.00 am and at 6:00 pm. Tea and coffee is served after morning service. Daniel Paterson will conduct the morning service (1 Timothy 1) and the minister will conduct the evening service (Psalm 107). Dan is a student entering his second year at the Free Church College. He is on a six-week placement working with our congregation. Dan, Penny and their son Fox are staying at the manse in Maryburgh.
Sunday School and crèche are available today. Children leave for their groups after the second singing. The prize giving will be on Sunday 26th June, when a presentation will be shown prepared by the Sunday School to help the Rae children fit back into church life in Scotland.
An offering for our OMF mission partners is taken today.
Free Church ‘Year Book’ – see Murdo MacArthur if you would like to order a copy of the church Year Book (£4.50, with details and contacts for each congregation).
Mini Marvels is having a Family Fun Day on Saturday 2nd July from 10 am - 12 noon. This is an opportunity for interaction between church members and the families that attend Mini Marvels. It is also a fundraiser. Activities will include Face Painting, Bouncy Castle, Cafe, and a sale of second hand children's items. Donations of children's books, games, puzzles, DVDs and toys are greatly appreciated. Helpers are needed for home baking, setting up, serving tea, coffee, and cakes, and cleaning up. Please speak to Anna Stirling or Erin Maston if you are able to help.
A week of Christian events around Inverness continues until this Saturday. Dominic Smart speaks at Kinmylies Church of Scotland this Monday 13th at 7.30 pm; David Robertson will speak at Smithton Free Church on Thursday 16th at 7.30 pm. These are free events. Most other festival events require tickets. Contact: 01463 248280 or visit www.alivefestival.co.uk for further details.
Praise Group: All are welcome at a praise practice at the Lees’ home, Almondbank, 31 Woodlands Road (01349 864297), this Tuesday 14th June from 7 to 8 pm. Copies of the lyrics and music are available today. Come along if you enjoy singing and would like to help develop our congregational praise. New folks are most welcome.
Kirk Session: The elders will meet at the manse at 8.15 pm this Tuesday.
Schools: Angus and Dan will take an Assembly at Strathpeffer this Wednesday.
Prayer Meeting: Rev John de la Haye will lead an hour of prayer and Bible Study in the hall this Wednesday at 7.30 pm. All are welcome.
Mini Marvels toddler group meets on Fridays from 10.00 to 11.30 am. Some folks helping serving the snack and teas would be appreciated. Talk to Erin Maston or Anna Stirling if you can be involved even once a month.
Ceilidh: An informal social evening for the congregation with food and music will be held in Strathpeffer Community Centre this Friday 17th June. Come along at 6.45 pm for 7 pm. The evening will conclude around 9.30 pm. There will be a buffet meal. The ceilidh will give us a chance to say farewell to Montserrat who will be moving to England in a few weeks time as her employment here is coming to an end.
Help with the Ceilidh: Please see the sign up sheets at the tea bar. The main course is being catered for, but we would appreciate your help with accompanying dishes (salads, rice dishes, etc), and deserts or baking, and drinks. We woudlalso appreciate help setting up the hall from 6 pm. Talk to Sina, Joan, Wendy and Lynn if you can help with catering or serving. If you have a musical talent bring your instrument along.
Communion: We will celebrate communion next Sunday morning, 19th June. Rev Jonathan Hodgins, Caroline and the family from Abergavenny will join us for the communion weekend. Jon will preach this Saturday 18th at 7.30 pm and next Sunday at 11 am and 6 pm, with an after-church fellowship. Please speak to the minister if you wish to discuss personal commitment to the Lord or becoming a member of the congregation (862183).
John Blanchard will speak at a special event at Dingwall Free Church on Monday 20th June at 7.30 pm. Please invite your friends to come and hear this gospel talk, on the theme: Can we be good without God? Tea will be served.
Lunch and Chat is on Thursday 23rd June at 12.30 pm in the church hall.
Roots Summer BBQ is on Friday 23rd June.
Concert: Amy Roberts (Northern Ireland), Johnnie Bremner and Kristine Kennedy will present an evening of gospel music at Dingwall Free Church on Saturday 25th June. Tickets are available from the tea bar (Adults £8; children £2). (We would appreciate help providing baking and serving teas).
A Men’s Breakfast is held at 8.00 am on Saturday 25th June when Dan will lead a Bible Study on 2 Timothy 2.
YF: The youth fellowship will meet after church on Sunday 26th June.
A training night for our elders and deacons is on Tuesday 28th June at 7.30 pm. (Please study chapter 9 in Leadership for the Whole Church.)
Football Camp: Our church is providing Sunday lunch for the junior camp on 3rd July. We will be looking for help with that and need mini-bus drivers on Saturdays 2nd and 9th July to transport campers to Fairburn. See the minister to offer help.
Church Lunch and Walk: There will be a Bring and Share lunch on Sunday 10th July to mark the Paterson’s last weekend on placement. Afterwards Jonathan Ward has planned a congregational walk along the River Averon to Loch Morie. The walk takes about two hours and will suit most abilities. All are welcome.
Join us for a BBQ at Knockfarrel on Friday 12th August.
Copies of the Explore Bible reading notes are available today (£3). These are a great resource to support regular daily Bible reading. You may also wish to try the online version of For the Love of God, a daily devotion by Don Carson available at http://thegospelcoalition.org/blogs/loveofgod/. The same set of daily readings (based on Robert Murray McCheyne’s one year Bible reading plan) is available at www.gnpcb.org/esv/devotions/one.year.tract/.
Rev John de la Haye is away today preaching at Fortrose Free Church.
We pray for unity and blessing among the congregations and evangelical and reformed leaders in the Church of Scotland as they confer and pray together, seek God’s wisdom and take policy decisions following their recent General Assembly.
Please pray for Rev Kenny MacLeod, and his family and congregation in Thurso. Kenny is undergoing treatment for cancer.
Naomi and Matthew are visiting the family in Japan just now. Samuel and Alexander Nakahashi continue to serve with Samaritan’s Purse in the Sendai (tsunami) area.
We are keen to recruit several more drivers (aged 21 to 70) to join the rota providing people with lifts to Church. If you can help or want to know more please see Fred Lees (864297) or Donnie MacRae (865998).
Youth Camps: Please keep praying for the work of the camps, and for Laura MacAulay coordinating the work. Pray for the Leaders, Campers, travel & safety and that Campers’ young hearts and minds would respond to the Gospel. There are still spaces at some camps. Pray for leaders to be provided for every camp. (Contact Laura on 0131226 5286 - 07766 566 019; ).
The Dingwall Christian Bookshop stock One of Heaven's Jewels, the biography of Archibald Cook, first minister of the Free North Church, focusing on revivals during the nineteenth century. Proceeds go to the Bethesda Nursing home and Hospice in Stornoway.
Welcome Team: Fred Lees, Angus MacKay, Murdo MacKay, & Joan Chamier-Tripp.
Crèche: 12th – K. Sutherland & J. MacIntosh. 19th - Joan Lees & Heather MacMillan.
Minibus: 12th – J MacAskill (863410); 19th – H Reid (863746); 26th – M Forbes (864010).
To Contact the Minister – Rev Angus MacRae: Free Church Manse, Firth View, Dingwall. ' 01349 862183. (Email: ).
Website: Sermons and news are at www.deep-river.co.uk - or find us on Facebook.
Foodbank: Donations for the Highland Foodbank can be left in the church porch.
Morning Praise Evening Praise
103:1-11* (p. 135) 107:1-8 (p. 382)
King of Kings, majesty ¯ 117:1-2* (p. 155)
63:1-6* (p. 80) I stand amazed in the presence ¯
Amazing Grace ¯ 107 (Emma Turl’s version) ¯
* = Sing Psalms version. ¯ = with piano accompaniment.
Morning Songs: King of Kings, Majesty
King of Kings, Majesty,
God of heaven living in me.
Gentle Saviour, closest friend,
Strong Deliverer, beginning and end,
All within me falls at Your throne...
Your majesty, I can but bow,
I lay my all before You now,
In royal robes I don't deserve,
I live to serve your majesty.
Earth and heaven, worship You
Love eternal, faithful and true,
Who bought the nations, ransomed souls
Brought this sinner near to Your throne:
All within me cries out in praise.
Your majesty, I can but bow,
I lay my all before You now,
In royal robes I don't deserve,
I live to serve Your majesty.
Jarrod Cooper
© 1996 Sovereign Lifestyle Music
CCL Licence No. 1203197
Amazing Grace
Amazing grace-how sweet the sound-
that saved a wretch like me!
I once was lost, but now am found;
was blind, but now I see.
God’s grace first taught my heart to fear,
his grace my fears relieved;
how precious did that grace appear
the hour I first believed!
Through many dangers, toils and snares
I have already come;
his grace has brought me safe this far
and grace will lead me home.
The Lord has promised good to me,
his word my hope secures;
my shield and great reward is he
as long as life endures.
And when this mortal life is past
and earthly days shall cease,
I shall possess with Christ at last
eternal joy and peace.
The earth will soon dissolve like snow,
the sun no longer shine;
but God, who called me here below,
will be for ever mine.
JOHN NEWTON 1725-1807
In this version © Jubilate Hymns
CCL Licence No. 1203197
Dingwall & Strathpeffer Free Church is a Designated Scottish Charity: SC011143
Evening Songs - I stand amazed in the presence ¯
1. I stand amazed in the presence
of Jesus the Nazarene
and wonder how he could love me,
a sinner condemned, unclean!
How marvellous! how wonderful!
this my song shall ever be:
how marvellous! how wonderful
is my Saviour’s love for me!
2. For me he prayed in the garden
and bowed to the will divine;
he had no tears for his own griefs,
but sweat drops of blood for mine.
3. In pity angels beheld him,
and came from the world of light
to comfort him in the sorrows
he bore for my soul that night.
4. He took my sins and my sorrows,
he made them his very own,
he bore the burden to Calvary
and suffered and died alone.
5. When with the ransomed in glory
his face I at last shall see,
my joy will be through the ages
to sing of his love for me.
CCL Licence No. 1203197
Psalm 107 (Emma Turl’s version – DCM, tune: Rachel.) ¯
Give thanks to God, for he is good,
his love will never end;
O tell how he has ransomed you,
your Saviour and your friend.
Give thanks for his unfailing grace:
when we were dead in sin,
he sent his word, our souls to raise,
that we might live again.
2. In north and south and east and west
some wandered without aim,
until they cried to God for rest,
and he delivered them.
Give thanks for all his faithfulness,
his mighty deeds make plain-
he satisfies the purposeless,
and gives them hope again!
3. Some sat in prison’s darkest night,
despising God’s commands,
but when they cried, he gave them light,
and cut away their bonds.
O thank him for the liberty
that cuts through every chain:
his word breaks down captivity,
and sets us free again!
4. Some rebels lay in helplessness,
so sick they nearly died-
God pitied them in their distress,
and saved them when they cried.
O thank him for his tender love,
who feels our sharpest pain,
and sent his word from heaven above
to make us whole again!
5. And others went in ships abroad,
but tempests threatened harm;
they cried in peril to the Lord-
he spoke, and all was calm.
Give thanks for his tranquillity
in storms of stress and strain,
for at his word our raging sea
will be at peace again!
6. Then praise the Lord, his love acclaim,
all fears he will destroy,
and when the hungry cry to him
he’ll fill their souls with joy.
Praise him who puts his power within,
our spirits to sustain,
for those who come in need to him
will never thirst again!
EMMA TURL © Author/Praise Trust