Year 5/6 Creative Curriculum – Autumn 1, Cycle 2

Theme: / The Vicious Vikings
Driver: / History / Understand who the Anglo-Saxons and Vikings were, including the Roman withdrawal from Britain and the Scots invasion.
Understand key historical vocabulary: invasions, settlements, kingdoms.
Understand who Edward the Confessor was.
Learn about Anglo-Saxon art and culture.
Understand Christian conversion, e.g. Canterbury, Iona and Lindisfarne.
Through studying the Vikings, pupils will use critical thinking strategies to consider cultural and social issues. They will develop a greater understanding of the impact/influence which the Anglo-Saxons and Vikings had on British culture.This will enable them to develop a greater appreciation and understanding of their own culture and civilization, including the rule of law.
Cross Curricular Opportunities: / Science / Chemistry: To investigate materials
Compare and group everyday materials based on evidence from comparative and fair tests, including their hardness, solubility, conductivity (electrical and thermal), transparency (clothing and Viking long boats), and response to magnets.
Give reasons, based on evidence from comparative and fair tests, for the particular uses of everyday materials, including metals, wood and plastic.
Working scientifically (see Milestone 3 objectives on long term plan)
Art / Use sketchbooks to collect, record and evaluate ideas.
Improve mastery of techniques in weaving and dying (natural substances.)
Learn about artist and designers from this historical period (linked to RE, early Christianity, illuminated letters in the Bible.)
DT / Use research and criteria to develop products which are fit for purpose (long boats).
Use annotated sketches.
Analyse and evaluate existing products and improve own work.
Materials: Cut materials with precision and refine the finish with appropriate tools.
Show an understanding of the qualities of materials to choose appropriate tools to cut and shape.
Construction: Develop a range of practical skills to create products.
Geography / Locate world countries using maps to focus on Europe (Scandinavia).
Understand human geography, including types of settlements, land use and trade links.
Music / The Ride of the Valkyries by Wagner
Choose from a wide range of musical vocabulary to accurately describe and appraise music.
SMSC / Understand the term ‘community’ and what this is.
Identify communities which we are part of.
Understand laws and making the right choices (Dane Law).
Understand that laws protect individual citizens within communities, and that they are essential for wellbeing and safety.
Understand how citizens can influence decision-making through the democratic process.
Understand how to co-operate and work within a team.
Applied English
Read traditional tales and legends (Viking culture).
Read, write and perform free verse.
Use reading/research skills to identify key information about the Anglo-Saxons and Vikings.
Write a non-chronological report about the Vikings. / Applied Maths
Choose and use appropriate measuring instruments and units of measures when making long boats, as well as participating in a Viking spear throwing competition.
Convert between different units of measures.
Apply understanding of number operations to solve number puzzles and non-routine problems and explain reasoning (Viking themed). / Computing
Unit title: We are explorers – Creating a geotrail.
Use search engines effectively.
Select, use and combine a variety of software, including the internet, on a range of digital devices to accomplish given goals.
Be discerning in evaluating digital content.
Discrete subjects
MFL / ‘Je parle Francais’ – unit 1
To speak confidently.
To read fluently.
To write imaginatively.
To understand the culture of France.
(Year 5) / Dance Skills
•Compose creative and imaginative dancesequences/motifs.
• Perform expressively and hold a precise andstrong body posture.
• Perform and create complex or extended sequences consistently to different audiences.
• Express an idea in original and imaginativeways.
• Plan to perform with high energy, showgrace or other themes and maintain thisthroughout a piece.
• Perform complex moves that combinestrength and stamina gained throughgymnastics activities (such as cartwheelsor handstands).
•Use knowledge of dance to adapt skills to meet the demands of a range of dance styles.
•Show expression in dances and sensitivity to music.
(Year 6) / Games Skills-Rugby Focus
•Choose and combine techniques in gamesituations (running, throwing, catching,passing, jumping and kicking, etc.).
• Work alone, or with team mates in orderto gain points or possession.
• Field, defend and attack tactically byanticipating the direction of play.
• Choose the most appropriate tactics fora game.
• Uphold the spirit of fair play and respect inall competitive situations.
• Lead others when called upon and act as agood role model within a team.
RE / Unit 7a: World Faiths: Islam: Muhammad
Understand why Muhammad is important to Muslims.
Know that Muhammad is regarded as a model for all Muslims to follow.
Describe the different stories about Muhammad that teach Muslims about how to carry out God’s will in their daily life.
Identify people in their own life who are role models for themselves.
Recognise other influences on their behaviour and views.
Music / Sing or play from memory with confidence.
Sing or play expressively and in tune.
Hold a part within a round.
Perform with controlled breathing (voice) and skillful playing (instrument).
Combine a variety of musical devices, including melody, rhythm and chords.
Convey the relationship between the lyrics and the melody.
Use the standard musical notation of crotchet, minim, and semibreve to indicate how many beats to play.
Read and create notes on the musical stave.
Understand the purpose of the treble and bass clefs and use them in transcribing compositions.
Understand and use the sharp and flat symbols.
Use and understand simple time signatures.
Choose from a wide range of musical vocabulary to accurately describe and appraise music, including: pitch, dynamics, tempo, timbre, texture, lyrics and melody, sense of occasion, expressive, solos, rounds, harmonies, accompaniments, drones, cyclic patterns, combination of musical elements, cultural context.
Describe how lyrics often reflect the cultural context of music and have social meaning.
SMSC / Theme 1 - New Beginnings
Educational Experience: / Jorvik Viking Centre and Jorvik DIG workshops: DIG activity; Battle Tactics; Traders, Lotters and Settlers, museum visit.
Durham cathedral

*red font shows where the curriculum specifically seeks to promote fundamental British values, as set out by the DfE.