Lewis County Schools
Skill: Text Features
Subject: Reading Grade: 2
This test section contains EIGHT multiple-choice and ONE open-response (short-answer) questions. Please mark your answers for the multiple-choice questions in the spaces provided on your Student Response Booklet. Mark only one answer for each question. If you do not know the answer, make your best guess. DO NOT WRITE ANY ANSWERS IN THIS TEST BOOKLET. WHEN YOU FINISH, DO NOT WORK ON ANY OTHER TEST SECTION.1. / The item below is an example of which text feature?
Introduction / What’s in the Mind of a Spider? / Page 1-3
Chapter 1 / Lurking for Prey / Page 4-7
Chapter 2 / Web Spinning / Page 8-12
Chapter 3 / Catching Bugs / Page 13-15
O / A. / Picture
O / B. / Label
O / C. / Table of Contents
O / D. / Graph
2. / The item below is an example of which text feature?
The picture shows household trash that has been sorted for recycling.
O / A. / Caption
O / B. / Font
O / C. / Glossary
O / D. / Table
3. / The name of a book or movie is called the ______.
O / A. / chapter
O / B. / title
O / C. / index
O / D. / page
4. / This text feature can be large, italicized or even a different size or color.O / A. / font
O / B. / indent
O / C. / bullet
O / D. / list
5. / Olivia just read about Chinese New Year in her Weekly Reader. She recalls celebrating New Year’s also. Which type of text connection has she made?
O / A. / Text-to-Self
O / B. / Text-to-Text
O / C. / Text-to-World
O / D. / Text-to-Media
6. / We can put words with our pictures by placing them inside a(n) ______.
O / A. / bubble
O / B. / bubble gum
O / C. / air bubble
O / D. / word bubble
7. / We all know that to begin a story, paragraph or letter that we have to ______.
O / A. / spacing
O / B. / indent
O / C. / caption
O / D. / picture
8. / This is where you would look to find an alphabetical list of words along with their definition in the back of a book.
O / A. / glossary
O / B. / index
O / C. / table of contents
O / D. / text box
Read all parts of the open-response question before you begin. Write your answers to the open-response question in the space provided on your Student Response Booklet. DO NOT WRITE ANY ANSWERS IN THIS TEST BOOKLET.Fall Flowers
As summer ends and fall begins, you can still enjoy spring flowers—inside! It’s an easy way to make your home look pretty. Some flowers grow from seeds. Other flowers, such as tulips, grow from bulbs. A flower bulb looks like an onion. Some bulbs are as big as eggs. Flowers grown from bulbs come in many different colors. Some bulb flowers are easier than others to grow inside. A good one to try first is called a paperwhite. As many as twelve sweet-smelling flowers can grow from one paperwhite bulb.
Flower Bulbs are for sale at the Farmer’s Market every Saturday
1 Find a large glass jar that is clear enough to see through. Fill the jar almost to the top with marbles, stones, or shells. This will give the bulb’s roots something to hold on to as they grow. It will also give you a place to set the bulb.
2 Place the bulb on top of the marbles. The bottom of the bulb is the part that is pointed, like the bottom of a heart shape. Push the bulb into the marbles just far enough to make it stay.
3 Fill the jar with water. Use just enough water to cover just the bottom part of the bulb.
4 Put the jar in a place where the bulb will get plenty of light. Check every day to make sure there is still the right amount of water in the jar. Add water when it is needed. Soon the roots will start to grow. In a few weeks, you can enjoy watching the flowers bloom.
There are a few different kinds of paperwhites, and not all of them are all white. Some are white and yellow, and others are yellow and orange. See what you can find at the garden store. You might want to grow more than one next time!
Fall Flowers9. / Read and study the selection Fall Flowers.
A. Identify two Text Features that you find in the selection.
B. Explain the purpose of the two text features you identify.
Do not write on this page. Please write your
answer to this open-response question in
the test answer booklet
Student Name______
Scoring Guide
SCORE / DESCRIPTION4 / Student answers both part A and B successfully identifying 2 text features. All explanations are clear and complete. There is evidence of clear understanding of the concept.
3 / Student gives correct answers for part A and B. Explanations are correct, but possibly unclear. There is less evidence of clear understanding.
2 / Student answers 1 (A or B) part of the question completely correct. There is some evidence of understanding.
1 / Student gives only parts of correct answers. There is little evidence of understanding.
0 / Student’s response is totally incorrect or irrelevant.
Blank / No student response.
Annotated Rubric/ Performance Expectations for ORQ
Academic Expectation:
Core Content: RD-EP 5.0.3
Students will apply knowledge of text features (e.g. pictures, lists, charts, graphs, tables of contents, indexes, glossaries, caption, headings) to answer questions about a passage
Ceiling DOK Level: 2 Question DOK Level: 2
Question Type (circle): Scaffold, Single Dimension/Component, Two or More Relatively Independent Components, Student Choice, Respond to Provided Information
An appropriate student response should provide evidence of the student’s understanding……….
Students will understand that determining the usefulness of text for a specific purpose, evaluating language and textual elements, and analyzing the author’s style are all ways to critically examine texts.
For example, an appropriate response to this question would show that the student can
Student will identify two Text Features (Heading, Picture, Caption, Italics, Bold Font, and list) from the selection.
Student explains the purpose of the two text features they identify explaining how text features are used to organize information for clarity or usefulness.
Essential Vocabulary:
Text Features, (Pictures/Illustrations,
Lists, Charts, Graphs, Table of Contents,
Indexes, Glossaries, Captions, Headings).
Connections (Text-to-Text, Text-to-Self, Text-to-World/Media),
Text Feature Posters
Information and resources gathered from multiple sites:
Grade 2 – Subject ReadingQuestion / First
A.E. / First CC / Second A.E. / Second CC / DOK
Level of MC Question / Answer
Key / Rational/Annotation for MC Questions
1 / 1.1 / RD-EP 5.0.3
Students will apply knowledge of text features (e.g. pictures, lists, charts, graphs, tables of contents, indexes, glossaries, caption, headings) to answer questions about a passage
DOK Ceiling Level 2 / 1.2 / 1 / C / Students will recognize a table of contents as the text feature.
2 / 1.1 / RD-EP 5.0.3
Students will apply knowledge of text features (e.g. pictures, lists, charts, graphs, tables of contents, indexes, glossaries, caption, headings) to answer questions about a passage
DOK Ceiling Level 2 / 1.2 / 1 / D / Students will recognize a table as the text feature.
3 / 1.1 / RD-EP 5.0.3
Students will apply knowledge of text features (e.g. pictures, lists, charts, graphs, tables of contents, indexes, glossaries, caption, headings) to answer questions about a passage
DOK Ceiling Level 2 / 1.2 / 1 / B / Students will recognize a name of a book is called the title.
4 / 1.1 / RD-EP 5.0.3
Students will apply knowledge of text features (e.g. pictures, lists, charts, graphs, tables of contents, indexes, glossaries, caption, headings) to answer questions about a passage
DOK Ceiling Level 2 / 1.2 / 1 / A / Students will recognize a font can be large, small, (different sizes) italicized or colored.
5 / 1.2 / RD-EP-4.0.1
Students will connect information from a passage to students’ lives (text-to self), real world issues (text-to-world) or other texts (text-to-text - e.g., novel, short story, song, film, website, etc.) / 1 / A / Students will understand the connection of what they read to their own experiences.
6 / 1.1 / RD-EP 5.0.3
Students will apply knowledge of text features (e.g. pictures, lists, charts, graphs, tables of contents, indexes, glossaries, caption, headings) to answer questions about a passage
DOK Ceiling Level 2 / 1.2 / 1 / D / Students will recognize a word bubbles can be used to put words with pictures.
7 / 1.1 / RD-EP 5.0.3
Students will apply knowledge of text features (e.g. pictures, lists, charts, graphs, tables of contents, indexes, glossaries, caption, headings) to answer questions about a passage
DOK Ceiling Level 2 / 1.2 / 1 / B / Students will understand when to indent.
8 / 1.1 / RD-EP 5.0.3
Students will apply knowledge of text features (e.g. pictures, lists, charts, graphs, tables of contents, indexes, glossaries, caption, headings) to answer questions about a passage
DOK Ceiling Level 2 / 1.2 / 1 / A / Students will recognize a glossary is used to find an alphabetical list of words and definitions in the back of a book.
Multiple Choice Item Information: Text Features