Log on, go to the internet and go to

Click on What is evolution and how does it work? Then click on Mechanisms of Evolution

At the end of each page, click NEXT. Continue till the end of the section



In the example given, why are more brown beetles being born than green beetles?

Mechanisms of Change

Explain how each of the following causes change in a population:

  • Mutation
  • Migration
  • Genetic Drift
  • Natural Selection

Genetic Variation

Name three processes that cause genetic variation and explain how they work.

Genetic Drift

Define genetic drift and explain how it differs from natural selection

Natural Selection

Explain the process of natural selection. Give examples.

Compare and contrast sexual selection and artificial selection with natural selection


Define Coevolution. Give an example, explaining how it demonstrates coevolution.


What level of group does microevolution focus on?

How do we detect and study microevolution?

List and explain 4 ways that microevolution can occur:


Define species

Define the process of speciation and explain how speciation can occur.


Distinguish between geographic isolation and reproductive isolation. Explain why isolation is important to speciation.

Evidence for speciation

Explain how the owl populations were isolated.

Describe the experiment with fruit flies and explain how it demonstrates both geographic and reproductive isolation,


How is macroevolution different from microevolution?

Describe the general pattern of macroevolution.

The pace of evolution

What are “transitional forms” and what do they tell us about the pace of evolution?

Explain “adaptive radiation”

Trends in Evolution

Why does the “tree” represent evolution patterns better than the “ladder”?

Log on, go to the internet and go to Click on What is the evidence for evolution? Under the Sub-topics section, note 2 links: Homology and Analogy and Observations of Evolution click on Homology and Analogy and work through those sections.


Homology and Analogy

Explain the difference between homology and analogy

How are tetrapod limbs similar?

What do homologous structures suggest about ancestry?

Why might unrelated organisms have similar body parts?

Do you think the similarity in body shape between sharks and dolphins is a homology or an analogy? Why?

How about the “wings” of sugar gliders and flying squirrels? (homologous or analogous) Explain.