Colorado Agriscience Curriculum

Section: Plant & Soil Science

Unit: Plant Physiology and Growth

Lesson Number: 5

Lesson Title: Plant Hormones and Their Effects

Colorado Agricultural Education Standards:

Agriculture Science 11/12.4: The student will demonstrate and understanding of

physiological processes in agriculturally important plants.

Enabler AGS 11/12.4.8: Identify plant structures and their functions

Colorado Science Standards:

SCI 3.3.1, SCI 3.3.5

Student Learning Objectives (Enablers)

As a result of this lesson, the student will …

1.  Understand the overall functions of hormones

2.  Identify the major types of plant hormones

3.  Analyze the different types of plant responses

Time: Instruction time for this lesson: 50 minutes


·  Biology; The Dynamics of Life, Glencoe



Tools, Equipment, and Supplies

One Needed of the following per pair of students (available from Wards Science Cat.):

2 Petri Dishes

Damp Paper Towels

8 Little Marvel Pea Seeds

8 Alaska Pea Seeds

4 Small Pots for transplanting seedlings

Cotton Swabs

Gibberellic Acid

Masking Tape

Permanent Marker


One Copy, per student, U3, L5, Lab (pages 6-8)

One copy, per student, U3, L5, Notes Worksheet (page 5)

White board with markers

Small candy bars for reward

One copy, per student, U3, L5, Evaluation (page 9)

Key Terms


Unit 3, Lesson 5, Plant Hormones and Their Effect








Unit 3, Lesson 5, Plant Hormones and Their Effect


Unit 3, Lesson 5, Plant Hormones and Their Effect

Interest Approach

Write the following terms on the board: Paylean, Thyroxin, Somatotrophin, Ralgro, Oxytocin, and Androgens.

I am going to give you a list of substances, or drugs that may be found in an animal or humans body. Anyone that can tell me the function of one of these substances will win a mini candy bar as a reward. Each term may be defined only once.

Allow students to take guess at what each of these substances do to the body. Hand out rewards if the students get it right.

Paylean: Substance given to market hogs to minimize fat and maximize muscle

Thyroxin: Controls the body’s metabolic rate

Somatrotrophin: Accelerates muscle building in humans

Ralgro: Implant given to market steers or heifer to increase growth

Oxytocin: Releases milk in the pregnant or new mother

Androgens: Sexual development hormone in humans that stimulates production of testosterone

All of these substances have something in common. Can you tell me what it is? The answer is that each of these are a type or brand of hormone. Some may be man-made, while others are found naturally in the body. Our topic for today is going to be plant hormones, and the effect that these have on the production of crop plants.

Summary of Content and Teaching Strategies

Objective 1 Understand the overall functions of hormones

Now that we understand and can name some common animal or human hormones, we need to understand what a hormone is and how it works in organisms. As I project the next slide, capture the definition on the notes worksheet I am handing out.

Hand out notes worksheet for this unit. Project slide number 2 on the function of plant hormones. Have students copy the definition onto their notes worksheet.

Functions of Plant Hormones:

Plant hormones are chemicals that are produced in one part of the plant and transported to another part, where it causes a physiological change.

Ok, let’s review one more time! When I say plant hormones, you respond with “cause a physiological change in plants” Do this as many times as needed until students remember the definition of a hormone.

Objective 2 Identify the major types of plant hormones

Great job scientists! Just as we can take steroids to improve our growth, plants can take advantage of both natural and man-made hormones to help improve their growth and development. We are going to spend a couple more minutes discovering the different types of hormones that plants can utilize. Although this may seem a little “out there”, and not relevant to agriculture, be thinking about the different plant hormones that producers can apply to increase their yield or better their product for a certain market. As I project these notes, be sure to write them accurately on your notes worksheet.

Project slides 3-7. Each slide has a different type of plant hormones. Students should copy the notes onto their worksheet.

I.  Types of plant hormones

There are four common types of plant hormones:

a.  Auxins

b.  Gibberellins

c.  Cytokinins

d.  Ethylene

II.  Description of Auxins

a.  Auxins promote cell elongation.

b.  It weakens the connections between the cellulose fibers in the cell wall, which allow them to stretch and grow longer.

c.  Auxins promote stem growth

III.  Description of gibberellins

a. Gibberellins also promote cell elongation.

b.  Dwarf plants are often so because they cannot produce gibberellins or can’t process it.

c.  Farmers use it to enhance fruit formation.

IV.  Description of cytokinins

a. Cytokinins stimulate cell division (cytokinesis).

b.  They produce more proteins by promoting mitosis.

c.  Cytokinins are produced in the roots.

V.  Description of ethylene gas

a.  Ethylene is a simple, gaseous compound composed of carbon and hydrogen that speeds the ripening of fruit.

b.  Ethylene causes the cell walls to become soft and causes the fruit to become sweet.

Objective 3 Analyze the different types of plant responses

Complete the lab at the end of the document (pages ). Resources must be located in advance, as they aren’t all readily available.


Use a Hieroglyphics e-moment to encourage students to draw what they remember from the lesson. To assist with memory and the linking of the symbol to the term, make sure each icon is different from the others. Students should draw what they think of when the terms hormones, auxins, gibberellins, cytokinins, and ethylene gas are presented to them. Students should complete the drawings on the back of the notes page and share their drawings with a partner.


Extended Classroom:

·  Complete the plant hormones lab with various crops common in your area, and discuss potentials for improved crop growth.

·  For those programs with a functioning greenhouse, further experiment with these hormones and their effects on common houseplants.


·  Encourage students to become involved in the nursery/landscape CDE at the state level.


·  Encourage students with horticulture SAE’s to experiment with the various plant hormones in order to discover whether or not their production could be increased.


See page 9 of this document, could very well be completed orally to save paper since there are few questions.

Answers to evaluation

1.  Ethylene gas

2.  Cytokinins

3.  Gibberellins

4.  Auxins

Unit 3, Lesson 5, Notes Worksheet



1.  What is the function of plant hormones?

2.  What are the four types of plant hormones?

3.  Describe auxins.

4.  Describe Gibberellins.

5.  Describe cytokinins.

6.  Describe ethylene gas.

Unit 3, Lesson 5, Lab



Taken From:

Materials Needed in Each Group:

2 Petri Dishes

Damp Paper Towels

8 Little Marvel Pea Seeds

8 Alaska Pea Seeds

4 Small Pots for transplanting seedlings

Cotton Swabs

Gibberellic Acid

Masking Tape

Permanent Marker


Investigation of Plant Hormones

Introduction: Both plants and animals produce hormones that can regulate growth. Gibberellins are a group of plant hormones that affect growth. The effects of these hormones were first observed in the 1920s in rice plants that were attacked by a fungus, these rice plants grew unusually tall. Scientists isolated the substance responsible for the growth ( Gibberala fujikuroi ). Gibberellic acid is derived from this chemical and is used to make plants grow taller.

Question: What is the effect of Gibberellic acid on the growth of normal and dwarf pea plants?

Little Marvel and Alaska Peas, and Gibberellic acid can be purchased from biological supply companies (such as Wards or Carolina)


First, take 8 pea seeds and set them in a petri dish with a paper towel on both the base and the lid. Wet the paper towels and leave undisturbed until germination occurs. You may need to re-wet the paper towels if they become dry. (Make another petri dish as a spare, in case something happens with your first batch). Label Petri dishes with your group’s name. One will be empty, the other will have 8 seeds for germination.

After germination - record root and shoot length for each seedling. .After approximately 1 1/2 weeks after germination, transplant seeds to containers (put two seedlings in each container and label with making tape, including group name and type of test in each container.

Apply Gibberellic acid to the four seedlings with the GA test by using a cotton swab - apply to the leaves and the shoot tips of the seedlings after they have been transplanted. You will need 4 pots each containing 2 -4 seedlings each (if one of them dies, you can still use the data from the alternate.)

Record your data over a period of 8-10 days. You may also check with other groups to get an average for each treatment. Complete the following chart (day 1 is first day of germination):

Height Day 1 / Height day 2 / Height day 3 / Height day 4 / Height day 5 / Height day 6 / Height day 7 / Height day 8
Alaska Pea, water, #1
Alaska Pea, water, #2
Alaska Pea, GA, #1
Alaska Pea, GA, #2
Little Marvel, water, #1
Little marvel, water, #2
Little Marvel, GA, #1
Little Marvel, GA, #2

Questions to be Answered:

1. Why was water applied to the 1st and 3rd pots?

2. Based on the graphs, which group had the fastest rate of growth?

3. Compare the growth of the Little Marvel Pea plants and the Alaska Pea plants with and without the treatment of gibberellic acid.

4. Suggest real world applications for gibberellic acid.

Unit 3, Lesson 5 Evaluation



1.Which plant hormone is cited with ripening fruit?

2.Which plant hormone is cited with increasing plant size through cell division


3.Which plant hormone assists in growing dwarf plant varieties?

4.Which plant hormone assists with stretching the cells to allow the stem to grow?


Unit 3, Lesson 5, Plant Hormones and Their Effect