Select Bibliography/Reference List for further reading
Arnold, J., Davies, K. & Ditchfield, S. (Eds.). (1998). History & heritage: conserving thepast in contemporary culture. Downhead Publishing.
Bennett, T. (1995). The birth of the museum. Routledge.
Black, Graham, (2005) The Engaging Museum:Developing Museums for Visitor InvolvementRoutledge, London
Boswell, D. & Evans, J. (1999). Representing the nation: histories, heritage and museums. Routledge.
Bowbridge, Nina & Creyton, Mark, (2002) Willing and Able: Recruiting, Managing and
Retaining Volunteers in Museums and Galleries, MA (Qld) & Regional Galleries
Association of Queensland, FortitudeValley, Qld
Boylan, P. (ed) (2005) Running a Museum: a Practical Handbook UNESCO/ICOM
Boylan, P. (ed) (2005) Trainer's Handbook to Running a Museum: A Practical Handbook UNESCO/ICOM
Colbert, Jennifer, (1998) Strategic Planning Manual:National Guidelines for Museums, Galleries and Keeping Places, MA, Pyrmont, NSW
Davies, S. (1995). By popular demand. Museums & Galleries Commission.
Dublin, S.C. (1999). Display of power: memory and amnesia in the American museum.
New York: New YorkUniversity Press.
Fishel, David, (2008) The Book of the Board: Effective Governance for Non-profit Organisations, 2nd ed, Federation Press, Annandale, NSW
Hein, H. S. (2000). The Museum in Transition: a philosophical perspective. Washington.
Herbert, D.T. (Ed.). (1995). Heritage, tourism & society. Mansell.
Impey, O. & MacGregor, A. (2000). The origins of museums. BritishMuseum Press.
International Council of Museums. (1971). Ethics of acquisition, Paris: ICOM.
International Council of Museums. (1985). Public view: A handbook of museum public
relations. Paris: I.C.O.M.
International Council of Museums. (1987). Statutes, code of professional ethics, Paris: ICOM.
Kaplan, F. (Ed.). (1994). Museums and the making of "ourselves": The role of objects in national identity. Leicester, University Press.
Kavanagh, G. (1996). A bibliography for history, history curatorship and museums. Scolar Press.
Kavanagh, G. (1999). Dream spaces: memory and the museum. LeicesterUniversity Press.
Lumley, R. (Ed.). (1987). The museum time machine. Routledge.
MacDonald, S & Fyfe, G. (Eds). (1996). Theorising Museums: representing identity & diversity in a changing world. Blackwell.
McLein, F. (1996) Marketing the Museum. Routledge
McLeish, B.J. (1995). Successful marketing strategies for nonprofit organizations. Jossey-Bass.
Moore, K. (1996). Museums & popular culture. LeicesterUniversity Press.
New Institute for Ideas. Museums for 'The People': Conversations in print. Inst. for Ideas. (2001).
Norton, M. (1991). Raising money from industry. Directory of Social Change.
Pearce, S. (Ed.). (1993). 4. Museums & the appropriation of culture. New research in
museum studies: an international series. Athlone Press.
Pearce, S. (Ed.). (1995) 5. Art in museums. New research in museum studies: an
international series. Athlone Press.
Pearce, S. (1995). On collecting: an investigation into collecting in the European tradition. Routledge.
Pearce, S. (Ed.). (1996). 6. Exploring science in museums. New research in museum
studies: an international series. Athlone Press.
Rickard, J., & Spearritt, P. (Eds.). (1991). Packaging the past?: public histories. Clayton: MelbourneUniversity Press.
Sherman, D.J. & Rogoff, I. (1994). Museum culture. Routledge.
State Task Force for Museums Policy in Western Australia. (1992). Into the twenty-first century. Perth: Department for the Arts.
Scottish Museums Council. (1991). Money, money, money & museums. H.M.S.O.
Summerfield, P. (Ed.). Proceedings of the Council of AustralianMuseum Associations Conference W.A. 1986 (pp. 175-210). Perth: W.A.Museum
Thompson, J.M.A. (Ed.). (1992). (2nd ed.). Manual of curatorship: A guide to museum practice. Butterworth-Heinemann.
Vergo, P. (Ed.). (1989). The new museology. London: Reaktion Books.
Volunteering Australia, (2003) Running the Risk? Risk Management Tool for Volunteer Involving Organisations, Melbourne: Volunteering Australia
Walsh, K. (1992). The representation of the past: museums in the post-modern world.
London: Routledge.
Weil, S.E. (1990). Re-thinking the museum and other meditations. Washington:
Smithsonian Institution Press.
Weil, S.E. (1995). A cabinet of curiosities: inquiries into museums & their prospects.
Washington: Smithsonian Institution Press.
Weil, S.E. (2002). Making museums matter. Washington, Smithsonian.