Hey Everyone!

New Strength focus calendar:

(Remember to share this with your gym so they can screen shot it and use it to get the most out of the strength focus).

Here is our annual calendar once again:


If you are in the Northern Latitudes, this is the time of year when people are doing a lot of traveling and spending time outdoors. It is also a time where people tend to fall off with their gym habits.

The best thing you can do to keep people engaged is to make sure you are posting content to social media regularly. People doing stuff inside of the gym. People using their fitness outside of the gym (share their content). And lots of tips on how to stay fit while on the road/vacation.

Ping people when they are away to ask how their vacation is going. Ask them to send you a picture of them doing something cool (squatting their spouse, doing a plank while drinking a margarita out of a straw, eating some epic food). Save a couple ‘workouts’ they can do anywhere and send them to them so they can get at least one or two while working on their tan. Keep them short and sweet. 8 and 10 min AMRAPs are great.

One of my favorites is 10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1 hollow rocks and burpees. Another good one is 8 min of 12 lunge jumps (6 per side), 12 push ups, 12 sit ups.

Make sure they know you expect them to have fun and not stress about their ‘health’ while away. You want them to feel comfortable working with you, and not feel like you are Big Brother judging them!

Don’t forget to make some time to have some events outside of the gym as well. Organize a hike, a trip to the beach, or a meet up at the farmer’s market / wine festival.

Summertime doesn’t have to be a time you lose clients or leads slow down! Showing people how much fun you and your members have outside of the gym is a great way to keep them engaged and get you new clients!

Thrive on.


What I am reading/watching (content for you or to share on your social media):

You Cannot Learn What You Think You Already Know – Lifehacker
Do your clients think they already ‘know’ all of the movements? Make sure that you are constantly giving feedback and directions in classes so that people understand that there is always something to do better or learn about a movement. Don’t let them get complacent about learning!

The $100 billion per year back pain industry is mostly a hoax – Quartz
Proper movement and rehab is key. Avoid the surgeries and pain meds!

Routine periodic fasting is good for your health, and your heart, study suggests – Science Daily
“New evidence from cardiac researchers demonstrates that routine periodic fasting is good for your health, and your heart. The study found that fasting not only lowers one's risk of coronary artery disease and diabetes, but also causes significant changes in a person's blood cholesterol levels.”

Lose weight and live longer: DrAseem Malhotra reveals the secrets of the world's healthiest village – The Telegraph
“Yes, the local eat pasta – but only in small quantities, and they rarely touch sugar. They only eat dessert on a Sunday, pizza once or twice a month. They take time over lunch. They don’t have a gym in Pioppi but they are constantly on the go.”

Take Naps at Work. Apologize to No One. – The New York Times
People tested on perceptual performance throughout the day had performances deteriorate normally. Subjects who got a single nap saw less of a drop off or even improved scores! Long live the afternoon nap!

These Realistic Coloring Books Let You Learn While You Color – Lifehacker
More and more people are turning to coloring books as a way to relax and ‘unplug’. Now you can turn this pastime into a way to learn more about anatomy! Check out this one for just the musculoskeletal system!

On to the Programming!


Monday: 170717 Mon wk 29 Papas Got a Brand New Bag -
Pistols warm up notes, front box squats and going deeper, why the simple pattern for the strength focus, notes on saving the hands, time guide, putting other people’s equipment away, weekly overview

Tuesday: 170718 Tue wk 29 Evasion -
Competition context for this benchmark, extra time on the skill practice warm up, notes on airdyne technique, teaching running, rowing, and airdyne, time guide

Wednesday: 170719 Wed wk 29 Ready or Not -
Snatch balance notes, dropping the snatches between reps, no super set today, db ground to overhead notes, scaling the ring dips/muscle ups, budgeting time for waves on the rowers, when to recommend cash outs

Thursday: 170720 Thu wk 29 The Chief -
Why heavy power cleans before power cleans in the metcon, notes on the Chief, starting the next cycle where you left off, mental toughness and testing your limits

Friday: 170721 Fri wk 29 Carjacked -
More time to coach and warm people up, coaching the front box squat, focusing on the negative for pull up progressions, making sure people are thoroughly warmed up before starting a short intense metcon (especially on a Competition context day)

Saturday: 170722 Sat wk 29 Dog is my Copilot -
Notes on partner deadlifts and lowering the bar, partner wall ball scaling, burpees over partner and planking, starting the deadlifts before the other partner gets back from the run

Sunday: 170723 Sun wk 29 Render Unto Caesar -
More cleans in the skill warm up, not hitting the elbow on the knees, shifting from a running ‘season’ to a barbell ‘season’, scaling up, cash out