Te Whanganui-a-Tara Wellington Branch
Hurihia to aroaro ki te ratukuna to atarangi kia takaki muri ia koe
Turn your face to the sun and the shadows fall behind you
Tena Koutou Katoa
We have experienced a full year in our branch over 2016, including a range of clinical presentations, discussions and hui. Within the life of our branch we have focused on opportunities to build connections between members during meetings and welcoming new members introducing themselves.
Early in the year Cherry Pye offered a raranga/flax weaving huias a way for members to connect. Later in the year we warmly welcomed Cherry Pye into the role of Convenor alongside Catherine, with Delia continuing in the Treasurer role for our branch. Our branch feels in good heart and our aspiration is to offer a place of belonging for all our members. Increasingly we are mindful of the time and energy involved with the Convenor role and the need to find ways for all members to participate and contribute. We note the recent changes in the Auckland branch in this regard.
Over 2016 we had the following presentations:
- Matt Harwood offered an experiential presentation of Winnicott’s squiggle game.
- Annie Rogers, Cherry Pye and Matewawe Pouwhare invited us to reflect upon where we each are on our bicultural journey.
- Sean Manning presented a paper for discussion on ‘A Psychotherapists Reflections on Sitting in Court’ and the value of placing ethics in the foreground.
- Kyle McDonald presented on interfacing with the media with confidence, and how to write a press release. He shared a range of his own experiences.
- Garry Cockburn offered an informative presentation on ‘Psychotherapy and the Body’ including the links between sensorimotor, emotional and representational systems and some simple somatic techniques. We acknowledged Garry’s role and commitment to the International Institute for Bioenergetic Analysis.
Andrew Jones and Garry Cockburn also assisted in facilitating branch discussions, including reflection on NZAP Council goals. We welcomed NZAP President Sheila Larsen who joined us on two occasions and particularly thank her for her presence at our meeting after the Wellington earthquake.
We acknowledge those who have made an introduction of themselves at a branch meeting this year as they become full NZAP members, including Celia James, Jane Nicholson (returning member), Patricia Ford, Elisabeth Stubbs and Sophia Jensen. Also existing NZAP members who have offered fuller introductions: Sara Parsons and Andrew Duncan. We extend appreciation to Celia James for offering to awhi and welcome those new to the branch. We farewelled longstanding branch member Louise Marmont.
We acknowledge Virginia Edmond for her work as Convenor of the Wellington ACP Supervisors Group, and supervisors who are supporting applicants through the Advanced Clinical Practice pathway.
At our most recent meeting in February 2017 we explored ‘ReVisioning Our Branch’. This included full engagement in discussion, with many thoughtful ideas about our consolidation, integration, growth and development together as a branch as we look ahead to this year and beyond.
Catherine Gilberd, Cherry Pye, Delia Crozier
Wellington branch