Outstanding Senior Psychology Student Award – This award is to be given each spring to a student with senior standing. Faculty will nominate students for consideration. All interested nominees will be asked to provide a copy of their CV and letter of recommendation from a psychology faculty member. Achievements in multiple areas will be taken into consideration, including academic performance, research, and university/departmental/community activities. Preference will be given to students planning to go to graduate school in psychology. Also considered will be the strength of the recommendation letter from the faculty who nominates the student. Previous or current employment by Kent State University will not influence the decision-making process and is not a criteria for selection.

Jonah Meister (Spring 2014)
Brooke Bennett (Spring 2013)
Grace Spee (Spring 2013)
Dana Pugh (Spring 2011)
Erin West (Spring 2010)
David Kalmbach (Spring 2007)

Outstanding Junior Psychology Student Award – This award is to be given each spring to a student with junior standing. Faculty will nominate students for consideration. All interested nominees will be asked to provide a copy of their CV and letter of recommendation from a psychology faculty member. Achievements in multiple areas will be taken into consideration, including academic performance, research, and university/departmental/community activities. Also considered will be the strength of the recommendation letter from the faculty who nominates the student. Previous or current employment by Kent State University will not influence the decision-making process and is not a criteria for selection.

Jessica Mulvany (Spring 2014)
Jonah Meister (Spring 2013)
Morgan Shields (Spring 2013)
Sri Upadhyay (Spring 2011)
Sydney Trask (Spring 2011)
Jeremy Meduri (Spring 2010)
Alex Bea (Spring 2008)
Reshanne Reeder ( Spring 2008)
William Ajayi (Spring 2007)
Joseph Smith (Spring 2007)
Distinguished Student Leader
Morgan Shields (Spring 2014)

Completed Honors Thesis Projects – Visit for full listing of honors thesis projects.

Brooke Bennett
Internal Health Locus of Control Predicts Willingness to Track Health Behaviors Online and with Smartphone Apps
Advisor: Joel Hughes

Jennifer Gorski
Stress and Coping Across the College Experieince
Advisor: Lee Fox-Cardamone

Grace Spee
The Intergenerational Transmission of Depression Examining the Relationship Between Depression and Parenting Traits
Advisor: Jeffrey Ciesla

Kala Phillips
Emotional Clarity as a Predictor of Decentering Capacities
Advisor: David Fresco

Christopher Spanos
Stimulus Regulation: A Non-Medical Behavioral Approach to Adults with ADHD
Advisor: Beth Wildman

Sarah Turner
Why do College Students Improve Their Learning Performance Across Trials?
Advisor: John Dunlosky

Sri Upadhyay
College Students’ Accuracy in Predicting Their Learning of Novel Words
Advisor: Jill Folk

Brittney Williams
Perceptions of Acting White
Advisor: Angela Neal-Barnett

Alison Dickerhoof
Associative Learning Versus Rule Learning: A Computer Model of Pattern Phrasing Effects
Advisor: Stephen Fountain

Kelly Stuhldreher
Army Strong: Stigmatizing concept for those who do not fit the ‘super soldier/macho man’ mold or concept of greatness
Advisor: John Harkness

Jordan Kaufman
The Gender Differences in Young Adult Mate Selections: Relationship to Evolutionary Psychology, Narcissism, and Culture.
Advisor: James Shepherd

Rachel DeFranco
Witness Uncertainty and its Effect on Jurors Decisions
Advisor: Maria Zaragoza

Christopher Steinman
The Attenuation of the Renewal Effect via the Foregetting of Contextual Attributes
Advisor: David Riccio

Jessica Watson
A Comparison of the Role of Self-Reported Mindfulness in Predicting Interpersonal Functioning in Individuals with Systems of Depression and Anxiety
Adivsor: David Fresco

Evelyn Williams
Poverty in Kenya: An Assessment of Need Fulfillment, Physical Health, and Mental Well-Being
Advisor: Julie Cremeans-Smith

Kelsey Robinson
Is the fixation on ‘healthy’ unhealthy? A study on orthorexia nervosa.
Advisor: Janis Crowther

Danielle Liggett
Assortative Mating in Young Adult Romantic Relationships
Advisor: Manfred van Dulmen

Rebecca Conaway
Self-Discrepancy as a Mediator in the Relationship Between Adult Attachment and Body Dissatisfaction
Advisor: Janis Crowther

Jon Cefus
The Disintegration of the Self: How Eastern Thought has Influenced Western Philosphy
Advisor: Brian Betz

Meenakshi Das Lala
Identification of Endogenously Biotinylated Proteins in Mammalian Spermatozoa
Advisor: Srinivasan Vijayaraghavan

Colleen Trhlik
Rat Serial Pattern Learning: Interleaved Pattern Transfer
Advisor: Stephen Fountain

Joseph Smith
Cognitive Impairment and Recovery Following Cold Exposure: The After-Drop Effect
Advisor: John Gunstad

Erica Salisbury
Optimism and Explanation Style: Exploring the Mindsets of People who Participate in Community Action Programs
Advisor: Robin Lashley

Richelle O’Neil
Patient Education Interventions for Improved Comprehension
Advisor: Katherine Rawson

Frances LeHoty
The Effect that Gender Roles, Self-Esteem, Social Acceptance, and Love Styles have on Relational Satisfaction
Advisor: Erin Hollenbaugh

Jillian Jarosz
Levels of Physical Activity and the Development of PTSD in Children
Advisor: Doug Delahanty

Alison Wynne
An Examination of the Relationship Between Self-Esteem, Self-Compassion and Symptoms of Depression
Advisor: David Fresco

Joseph Smith
Cognitive Impairment and Recovery Following Cold Exposure: The After-Drop Effect
Advisor: John Gunstad

Chelsea Kociuba
Sleep and Cognition in Older Adults with Cadiovascular Disease
Advisor: John Gunstad

Amanda Hastings
The Effects of Triangulations on the Entire Family Systems
Advisor: Kathy Kerns

David Kalmbach
The Interactive Effects of Dysphoria and Rumination on the Perception and Recall of Control
Advisor: David Fresco