Forest Gate Surgery Patient Participation Group

Meeting Tuesday 29th March 2011


Geoffrey Green Chairman

Janet BacheVice Chairman

Ros MortimerSecretary

Ina Marshall

Margaret Hitch

Daphne Slawson

Godfrey Burton

Jacqueline Burton

Richard Amey

Susan Amey

Ann Pruce

Anne Cook

Carrie Vincent Practice Manager

Dr E Hunt Partner

Lin Hopkins Practice Staff Member

Marianne BiddlecombeStaff Member


Joan CollinsTreasurer

Pat Hodson

Sue Hucker

Irma Richardson

Eric and Sheila Blyth

1Geoff Greenopened the meeting and welcomed everyone to the March meeting, of the Patient Participation Group of Forest Gate Surgery.

2The Minutes of the last meeting were read and agreed by the members

Proposed by Janet Bache Seconded by Ina Marshall

There was a discussion on whether it was acceptable to put a copy of the minutes in the surgery showing committee members names so that Patient’s had access to them. It was unanimously agreed that this was in order.

Matters Arising from Minutes

Carrie Vincent advised that due to the heavy schedule of building works being carried out in the surgery over the past few months it had not been possible for the builders to put up leaflet racks. It was suggested that notice boards be attached to the glass wall inside the door and that other notice boards be updated as they were looking a bit worse for wear and needed to be smartened up. It was agreed that Janet Bache and Ros Mortimer come round to the surgery to try and decide on the best thing to do regarding the leaflet issue

Geoff Green advised that he had put in the Suggestion box but it had not been used so he had taken it away for a rethink. It was agreed to put flyers on the table to advise patients that the surgery would welcome their suggestions.

Carrie Vincent advised that the Mirror in the disabled toilet had not yet been lowered but this was on the list of things to do.

3&4Chairman’s / Treasurer’s Report

As the Treasurer was not present the Chairman’s Report and Treasurers Report were combined, Geoff Green advised that he and Joan Collins would be opening the PPG bank account at the National Westminster Bank in Totton within the next week as they had found out that the Secretary’s signature was also required on the documents. The funds would then be transferred from the surgery holding account

5Group Business

Carrie Vincent advised that a new joint directive from the BMA and the Government had been released regarding contract changes and including the setting up and running of PPG’s in surgeries. It was envisaged that the PPG would become much more of a virtual contact via email between Patients and the Surgeries providing more real time feedback on how the surgery was meeting Patient’s expectations. The PPG’s role would be one of providing a pathway to other patient’s views.

Susan Amey suggested that it would be beneficial to older or housebound patients if their GP could contact them on a regular basis to find out if they were OK. This was discussed and found to be impractical to take a GP out of there clinic to contact these patients as many were already checked on by Carers District Nurses and other Healthcare professionals.

There were a number of committee members who were anxious for the talking to take a back seat to more involvement with the practice day to day. Carrie Vincent was asked when it would be best for any volunteers to attend the surgery to interact with the patients for feedback. She advised that All GP clinics were running every morning and so this was the optimum time to be at the surgery, in the afternoon GP clinics ran from 4-6pm except on Mondays when two GP’s were available until 8pm. Nurses clinics ran every day from 2-6pm.

It was agreed that a small sub committee meet on 15th April to talk about a plan of events and how to get the ball rolling. Volunteers for this were Ros Mortimer, Janet Bache Joan Collins, Anne Cook and Susan and Richard Amey.

It was agreed that a report be brought back to the next committee meeting.

6Report from Totton and Waterside PBC

Due to other commitments Janet Bache was unable to attend this meeting a copy of the notes sent out by this committee is available from Ros Mortimer if anyone would like to read them

7News from the Practice

Carrie Vincent advised that all the new signage was now up and that a new board was going to be placed in the entrance showing the GP’s Names and Photographs. In due course there would be a board showing all the other members of the surgery staff

8Any Other Business:

It was suggested by Ros Mortimer that one of the Partners be asked to attend the AGM and give a short talk on progress over the last year in the surgery. Carrie Vincent said that she would find out if that was possible

9Date of Next Meeting: AGM

14th June 2011 18:30

Venue Community Room, Community Hall Hazel Farm Rd