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Chapter 11-Study Guide Chapter 11-Study Guide
Section 1: The Byzantine Empire
Bubonic Plague
Emperor Leo III
Empress Theodora
Hagia Sophia
1. Of the 88 Byzantine leaders how many died violent deaths and how many ran away to live in monasteries?
2. What were the four aspects of the Justinian Code? (Make sure to know what each aspect contained)
3. What methods of diplomacy did the Byzantines attempt prior to resolving a conflict with military power?
4. What four political duties did Empress Theodora hold?
5. Which disease swept across the Byzantine Empire killing nearly 10,000 people?
6. What was the uprising designed to overthrow Justinian called?
7. Name the six building projects Justinian is known for in our notes?
8. What was the Cyrillic Alphabet designed to bring to the Slavic people?
9. Which major city changed hands six times between 535 and 551?
10. Was Justinian’s politics well organized or chaotic in nature?
11. Upon the backs of which animals do researchers believe did the Bubonic Plague traveled to Europe?
12. Which ancient culture did the Byzantines attempt to preserve?
Section 1: The Byzantine Empire (Continued)
13. How many people died during the Nika Rebellions?
14. In addition to ruling with absolute power what other role did Byzantine Emperors possess?
15. What happened to a person who is excommunicated from the Catholic or Orthodox Church?
16. What did Empress Theodora restore to the Orthodox Church in 843?
17. Did the Bubonic Plague help strengthen or weaken Justinian’s empire?
Section 2: The Russian Empire
Genghis Kahn
1. What linked the Byzantine Empire to Kiev in addition to religion?
2. Prior to the establishment of Kiev which Russian city was considered the most important/influential?
3. How long did the Mongols control Russia following the sacking of Kiev?
4. Which major Russian city had nearly 400 churches by the beginning of the 12th Century?
5. Which Russian leader investigated Islam, Christianity and Judaism before converting to Orthodox Christianity?
6. What religious ceremony did Vladimir have his people conduct in the Dnieper River?
7. The Church acted as the mediator between which to groups?
8. What decision did Yaroslav “The Wise” make that led to the demise of Kiev?
9. Which leader is responsible for the Russian’s achieving independence form the Mongols?
Section 2: The Russian Empire (Continued)
10. What were Yaroslav “The Wise’s” three major accomplishments?
11. What conditions did the Mongolian hordes place upon their captured territories?
Section 3: Turkish Empires Rise in Anatolia
Malik Shah
1. What was the Christian campaign to drive the Turks out of Anatolia in 1095 called?
2. Which nickname did Ivan III give himself, and what does that nickname mean?
3. Upon purchasing Turkish children as slaves what jobs did the Abbasids have them perform?
4. What did the Mongols wrap the last Abbasid Caliph in before having a horse trample him to death?
5. What agreement did England’s Richard I and Saladin reach regarding the city of Jerusalem?
6. Prior to the emergence of the Ottoman Empire which major empire ruled Asia and Russia?
7. What were Turkish military slaves called?