May 13, 2011

Attendance: Lori Erlenbach, Susan Munger, Colleen Chavez, Tracy Jewell, Lori Vecchio, Tamara Hurley, Lorelle Mudd, Ann Marie Gallagher, Michelle Irwin, Heather Letzring, Lynn Todd.

I. Welcome and Introductions - Lori Erlenbach

The meeting of the Marshall Middle School PTSA was called to order by Lori Erlenbach on May 13, 2011 at 9:32 am. All in attendance introduced themselves.

II. Approval of Agenda and Minutes

Motion: Lynn Todd moved to approve the Agenda and the April 15, 2011 minutes.

Second: Colleen Chavez

Vote:All in favor, none opposed.

III. ASB Report

ASB has sold 600 of the 1,100 yearbooks ordered. Will have a table at promotion. They have three weeks to sell the remainder. Looking at possibly reducing the price to $40 at Club Carnival. Will need four PTSA volunteers to handle money at the booths. May 27th, 1-2:20 pm.

IV. Staff/Principal Report – Michelle Irwin

Congratulations to Laura McDonald for receiving the award of “Rookie of the Year” for Art. East Coast Trip leaves today, 280 kids and staff. 6th grade drama will be held on Wednesday. MMS Choir will compete in San Francisco 5/27-30 after raising their own funds. June 9th is 8th grade awards ceremony. Promotion is June 13th (32 students not eligible at this time).

V. President's Report - Lori Erlenbach

Jersey Mike’s fundraiser was successful, $230-$250 raised. They also donated a free lunch to the class raising the most funds.

VI. Treasurer's Report/Wish List - Heather Letzring/Lori Vecchio

Treasurer’s Report combined with Wish List as discussion held as to how much is remaining in Wish List budget for this year, as well as how much to budget for next year. Heather reported we are $4,576 under budget. Lori suggested we re-address three wish list items that were submitted at the beginning of the school year, but which we denied at the time, as follows:

  1. Cheryl Converse-Rath-$328.95 reimbursement of wish list item

Motion: Lynn Todd moved to approve the reimbursement request of Cheryl Converse Rath in the amount of $328.95

Second: Bonnie Chapman

Vote:All in favor, none opposed

  1. Deborah Whitehurt-$450 reimbursement of wish list item

Kathy Girvin-$350.40 reimbursement of wish list item

Motion: Tamara Hurley moved to approve only if the ASB is required to pay for the yearbooks and they’re short of funds

Motion: Tamara Hurley-move to table

Vote: No vote, motion tabled


Presentation by architects regarding air conditioning. There is also a study being conducted in Scripps Ranch by the National Childrens Health at UCSD, at EBS and Dingman. Discussion also held regarding cluster goals, GATE program, student safety, AC increases per pupil.

VIII. SSC/SGT-Lori Erlenbach

Marshall Middle School was given a 10 out of a 10 ranking score; subgroups exceeded expectations.

IX. Committee Reports

Hospitality-Lori Erlenbach

Teachers luncheon will be catered, either El Pollo Loco or Jersey Mikes, 100 staff. Also will need bakers for 8th grade awards ceremony.

X. Old Business

Bonnie Chapman reported that Lori Harris won the parking space raffle. Will be painted shortly. Raised $800. Also 8th grade party canceled due to lack of ticket sales.

XI. New Business

No new business.

XII. Open Discussion

Discussion held regarding the state-wide rally being held in 20 locations on May 24, 2010, 4:30-5:30, Balboa Park is San Diego location. Purpose of rally is to educate citizens of the $800 per student being potentially cut out of the school budget again next week. New media will be in attendance. Brief discussion held as to why Family Life classes are co-ed.

XIII. Adjourn

Meeting of the Marshall Middle School PTSA was adjourned at 10:35am.

[End of Minutes]