Follow on minutes, from committee meeting after AGM

Wednesday 16 March 2016,


Adele Hirst (chairperson)

Steve Bishop (treasurer)

Bernadette Murray (secretary)

Debbie Johnson (committee member)

Keith Gorst (committee member)

Beshlie Squires (committee member)

Jennifer Cuthbert (volunteer assistant - head office)


  1. Cashback – Darren suggested £40 between April and August. It has been agreed an amount of £45 in total per member between April – October and the final submission for claims will be November
  2. Pantomime tickets in December – agreed by the committee, discount to be 25% tickets for children and adults
  3. Rugby league- Grand final, Four Nations and Challenge Cup final - a discount of 25% on ticket prices has been agreed by the committee for these events, however there is to be no travel included for the Four Nations or Challenge Cup
  4. Ripon racing trip on 24 September - this has been agreed by the committee
  5. Euro Championship event in Tykes bar- this has been agreed by the committee
  6. Kingsley dog races – to be organised by Debbie Johnson – has been agreed by the committee
  7. Darts – to be organised by Keith Gorst- has been agreed by the committee
  8. It was recommended that all committee members think and submit an event to be arranged for the current year
  9. It was agreed that all competition winners would be advertised in newsletters to ensure transparency
  10. A joint racing trip between HASSRA and CSSC– this has been agreed by the committees and the date and event is to be arranged

Update from Darren Fellowes events

  1. The magic weekend trip 21/05/2016 is nearly sold out- money for the event is still to be submitted and the bus is yet to be paid for
  2. Sean Locke on the 24/04/2016 is now sold out

Regional Conference feed back

From 2017 there will be a Regional team from North East and Yorkshire and only one committed for both Regions. 15% of the Areas 2016 budget is to go to the Region for Regional events and there are no additional online shopping costs to the Region in 2016

Proposal received from Steve Parker

  1. May and September horse racing events
  2. Indoor golf and events for city varieties: dates and acts to be confirmed. It has been agreed that expressions of interest will be sought initially and the event will be advertised to all members once arranged

The committee agreed to open events to all Leeds Area members subject to seeing dates and costing.

National Conference

This is to be held on 13 and 14 June in Birmingham and a delegate andobserverare required. Beshlie will consider this, although any committee member is welcome to offer to attend and represent the Leeds Area.

Next meeting: 21 June 2016.

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