Gwyrosydd Primary School
Ysgol Gynradd Gwyrosydd
Respecting Others Policy
We are a Rights Respecting School
Gwyrosydd Primary School is a Level 2 Rights Respecting school. Children and adults work together to recognise and act upon the rights of the child within our school, our local community and the wider world. We believe that by understanding their own rights children learn to respect and value the rights of others.
At Gwyrosydd children learn about rights through the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child (UNCRC). Children are taught that with rights comes respectful, responsible behaviour. We believe that learning should be fun and that by encouraging respect for each other and valuing opportunities available we all grow and learn together.
Article 14 ~ Children have the right to think and believe what hey want, and to practise their religion, as long as they are not stopping other people from enjoying their rights.
Article 19 ~ Governments should ensure that children are properly cared for, and protect them from violence, abuse and neglect by their parents, or anyone else who looks after them.
Article 28 ~ All children and young people have a right to primary education, which should be free. Discipline in schools should respect children’s human dignity. Young people should be encouraged to reach the highest level of education they are capable of.
Article 29 ~ Education should develop each child’s personality to the full. It should encourage children to respect their parents, and their own and other cultures.
Article 30 ~ Children have the right to learn and use the language and customs of their families, whether these are shared by the majority of people in the country or not.
- We believe that the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child (UNCRC) should be at the heart of our planning, policies, practice and ethos.
- We believe that the respecting others agenda makes a significant contribution to the effective learning and teaching that takes place at Gwyrosydd Primary School.
- We believe that better standards of behaviour prevail when there is a positive atmosphere in school.
- We believe that the best way to encourage good standards of behaviour is to have a clear combination of rewards and sanctions.
- We believe that the ‘Respecting Others’ policy should be clearly understood by pupils, parents, governors, teachers and other school staff.
- We believe that pupils should learn from experience to expect fair and consistently applied sanctions for misdemeanours.
- We believe that the punishments which humiliate pupils are not appropriate.
- We believe that quality of the content of the curriculum and the learning and teaching methods through which it is delivered are important influences on pupils’ behaviour.
- We believe that parents should be active partners with our school in promoting good behaviour and if any significant behavioural problems arise parents should be involved at an early stage.
- Our school has adopted a set of rights and respectful behaviours which are displayed clearly around our school.
- Clear guidance is provided to all adults on unacceptable behaviour, if and when it occurs, is to be tackled.
We have implemented the Social and Emotional Aspects of Learning (SEAL) programme across the school. The aims of the SEAL programme are to support pupils to:
- be effective and successful learners
- make and sustain friendships
- deal with and resolve conflict effectively and fairly
- solve problems with others or by themselves
- manage strong feelings such as frustration, anger and anxiety
- recover from setbacks and persist in the face of difficulties
- work and play cooperatively
- understand and value the differences between people, respecting the rights of others to have beliefs and values different from their own.
The principles of SEAL will underpin everything we do in our school.
With reference to our school aims, we believe that our ‘Respecting Others’ Policy will make a significant contribution to our intentions:
- To encourage our children to become independent learners who are happy, confident and secure.
- To develop in our children lively, enquiring and creative minds through a broad, balanced and enriched curriculum.
- To enable our children to achieve their potential and to take pride in their achievements, while taking pleasure in the achievement of others.
- To provide a friendly, welcoming school in which everyone feels valued and appreciated.
- To build strong collaborative partnerships with families and the local community.
- To encourage our children to appreciate their Welsh heritage, culture and language.
- To provide an environment for our children which promotes good health and nutrition.
- To promote a sense of responsibility, respect and caring for self, others, the environment and the wider community.
This is set out in our school behaviour policy and class charters are displayed in individual classrooms.
We expect that everyone will act courtesy and consideration to others at all times.
This means that children will:
- make it easy as possible for everyone to learn and for the teacher to teach,
- move safely and quietly about school;
- always speak politely to everyone – shouting is always discourteous;
- be silent when required to be;
- keep the school clean and tidy;
- respect their own property and that of the school and others in the school;
- try to understand other people’s feelings and point of view;
- always remember that, out of school, our school’s reputation depends on the way they behave;
- carry out at once, and without argument, any reasonable request from a member of staff;
- and refer to adults by their title.
- We will not tolerate racism, bullying, offensive language or discrimination due to gender, age, ability, religion or physical disability.
- Any form of violence will not be tolerated either from or towards our children and staff.
It is very important that the positive aspects of praise and reward should have great emphasis. Good discipline is based upon all
children knowing and respecting the set standards of behaviour. Children respond better to systems which recognise both their
strengths and difficulties. Anything which recognises that children have achieved what has been asked of them is desirable.
- Teachers and support staff may offer a range of rewards ranging from verbal praise and encouragement to ‘chart’ systems, sometimes allowing children to earn rewards for achieving what has been asked of them.
- Staff are also encouraged to send children to the head teacher, and deputy head teacher for rewards for continued or particular achievement.
- Children are chosen by their class teacher for ‘Pupil of the Week’ during star/merit assembly. Pupils will receive words of praise from their class teacher, a special sticker and applause for particularly good work and behaviour or helpfulness. Children are encouraged to share this achievement with their families at home.
- Certificates and metal badges are awarded to pupils in the weekly star/merit assembly for working hard and achieving bronze, silver and gold awards. This merit system is used throughout the school
- Pupil’s work is displayed in classrooms, corridors. The effort that staff put into the display of children’s work is a clear demonstration to children of how much we esteem their efforts.
- Above all, adults in the school seek out opportunities to catch children doing right around the school and offer praise/ merits. Children seen/known to be being particularly effective ‘rights ambassadors’ are rewarded with a gold leaf which is added to our ‘Rights Tree’.
- Smiling at children is a powerful reward.
- Please refer to Progression of Sanctions sheet at the back of this policy.
- The implementation of this policy is the responsibility of every adult in the school. To ignore bad behaviour is to condone it. A chance missed to praise good behaviour is an opportunity lost forever.
- We will reinforce our ‘Respecting Others’ agenda, together with the need for polite behaviour and consideration for others and their property, through assemblies, classroom teaching and around the school.
- A weekly SEAL lesson will teach pupils social and emotional skills that they can use in all aspects of their schooling.
- Children are required to move safely and quietly around the school.
- We will teach children not to retaliate but to seek help from an adult and encourage the use of restorative practice.
- Staff will work together to ensure that we deal with children in a consistent and positive manner. Behaviour charts/diaries are completed and monitored to achieve these ends.
- Parents will be informed of inacceptable behaviour at an early or acceptable stage.
- All staff will endeavour to prevent situations which may lead to discipline problems by careful supervision, vigilance and good time keeping.
- All incidents of racism will be reported to the head teacher and recorded.
The effectiveness of this policy will be monitored by the management team and all staff will be involved in its review and improvement.
The policy will be reviewed annually.
Mrs C.E.Mathews 2014