Hamilton International Middle School

8th Grade HCC Science - Biology 2016-17

Ms. Fox | Room 302 | 5th Period Prep
206-252-5864 |

Website – himsbio.pbworks.com

Course Summary

Biology is standards-based course centered on the science of living organisms and how they interact with their environment. Students study structure and function of cells, matter/energy, proteins, genetics, evolution and ecology. This class is designed to actively engagestudents through meaningful hands-on, minds-on learning experiences enabling students to make sense of the natural world around. Emphasis will be placed on the Next Generation Science Standards and will include scientific practices: gathering, representing, and applying scientific data to solve problems, as well as the ability to effectively communicate scientific research and data through discourse, drawing and writing.

Textbook and Tools
All students will take home a BSCS A Human Approach to Biology by Kendall Hunt. (Reference only)
Insights in Biology by Kendall Hunt
Carbon TIME ( fromMichigan State University)
Students will bring to class daily: paper, pen, pencil, lab notebook which will be provided by HIMS.
Additional resources can be found on our class website (himsbio.pbworks.com) / Expectations of Student
Be Safe – Listen, follow directions, use materials appropriately.
Be Kind: Respect yourself, your teacher, and our community.
Be Responsible – Come to class prepared and ready to learn, use appropriate language and clean up after yourself.
If expectations are not met:
  1. Verbal warning
  2. Removed from situation & reflection
  3. Phone call home, student-teacher conference, lunch detention
  4. Report to administrator

Assessment for Learning

The semester grade is an 18-week cumulative grade and quarter grades represent progress to that point. Grades are assigned according to the following percentages.

A93 -100% B+87 - 89% C+77 – 79% D+67 – 69%

A-90 - 92% B83 - 86% C73 – 76% D60 – 66%

B- 80 - 82% C-70 – 72% Ebelow_60

All student work will fall into one of three categories and will contribute to the students’ overall grade as indicated.

Tests and Quizzes (60%): Tests will be given at the end of each unit and quizzes on occasion after a major concept. If you are absent the day of the test or quiz, you may make up during homeroom the day you return. Other arrangements can be made on a case by case basis. See Ms. Fox for retake or test correction options – maximum score of 85%.

Labs and Projects (30%):Labs are an integral part of biology class and are performed regularly. Labs should be completed with attention to detail, thoroughness, neatness, and adherence to scientific reasoning. Lab write-ups will be assessed using a scoring rubric. Incomplete or illegible labs will be returned and considered late. Late labs will lose 10% of the awarded points per day for a maximum of five days.

In Class Assignments, Homework and Notebook (10%): Homework is due at the beginning of the period and in-class assignments are due by the end of the class period in which they are assigned. Both are assessed only for effort andcompleteness rather than accuracy. Incomplete or illegible work will not be given credit.

Citizenship Grade: Each student will receive a citizenship grade for the semester. This grade is based on meeting the expectations for all students – Be Safe, Kind and Responsible while in the biology classroom.

Attendance and Make Up Work
It is your responsibility to be aware when you need to make up an assignment, lab, etc. and to be proactive in making it up.
Steps to take if you are absent: / If you are absent, the following policies apply:
  1. Check the class website himsbio.pbworks.com
  2. Find the date you were absent or the date you will be absent and read website.
  3. If there were assignments due the day you were absent – turn in immediately.
  4. If at home or in library, download any assignments and follow directions to make up work.
  5. If in class, locate missing assignments in the class file and follow directions to make up work.
  6. Turn in assignments the next day.
  7. If you have questions or need help, please get a homeroom pass and see Ms. Fox.
/ Absent the day an assignment is due = turn in on the day you return.
Absent the day an assignment is given = turn in on the second day you return.
Absent for part of a lab = obtain data from lab partners, it is due on time.
Absent for an entire lab or activity = make arrangements to make-up or alternate assignment
Unexcused absences = no credit for assignments, labs, or quizzes which are due, or take place that day.
Absent for a quiz or a test = complete the test during the make-up time or your first day back

Late Work –Late work is accepted. All major assignments turned in will receive two grades, a grade for work completed and an on-time grade. The work completed grade will demonstrate how well students understand the content, while the on-time grade will reflect if it is turned in on time or late.

Cell Phones - Cell phonesmay be used for academic purposes only.

Restroom and snacks

Leaving class will be hard to do… It is expected that you use the passing time between classes to take care of your restroom needs. If you must use the restroom during class, you may ask to leave during independent working times only. You may not leave during direct instruction (when I am teaching) or during whole-class discussions.

There is absolutely no food allowed in the class. Water is allowed, stored under your table during class.

NO GUM is allowed in the classroom. Please dispose of gum before entering the classroom.

Teacher Availability - Homeroom and before school is the best time to check in for extra help or make up a lab. Homeroom is a work time and students are expected to work on class assignments. Other times may be arranged by appointment.

Academic Honesty - Academic honesty is a fundamental aspect of science and is given great consideration in this class. The honesty policy outlined in your student handbook applies to this class and will be strictly adhered to.Below are some guidelines to help you understand the difference between this and academic dishonesty.

Please adhere to the following rules during tests/quizzes:

All notes/papers must be completely out of sight.

Your eyes must remain on your own paper.

There will be no talking from when the first test is passed out until the last person has finished.

Classroom Discussions – Sharing ideas, listening to others and contributing to a group conversation is important to your learning experience in science. The following guidelines will be followed during both small and large group discussions:

You have the right to… / You are obligated to…
  • Make a contribution to an attentive, responsive audience.
  • Ask questions that clarify and advance your understanding.
  • Be treated civilly.
  • Have your ideas discussed.
  • Speak so that everyone can hear.
  • Speak one at a time.
  • Listen for understanding.
  • Agree or disagree (and explain why) in response to other people’s ideas.
  • Critique ideas, not people.

Hamilton International Middle School

8th Grade HCC Science - Biology 2016-17

Ms. Fox | Room 302 | 5th Period Prep
206- 252-5864 |

Website – himsbio.pbworks.com

Please fill out the following information with a parent or guardian and return this page to Ms. Fox

I have read and understand the courses syllabus of 8th Grade APP Biology:


Student Printed NameStudents SignatureDate


Parent/Guardian Printed NameParent/Guardian SignatureDate

Request for Parental Input and Contact Information

Parent or guardian name ______Relationship ______

Home phone ______Alternative number______Email ______

Parent or guardian name ______Relationship ______

Home phone ______Alternative number ______Email ______

  1. Is there anything you would like me to know about your student that you feel may help me better address their needs as a learner?
  1. Is there a particular aspect of this course that holds special interest or concern for your student?
  1. Do you have any personal or professional interests that you would like to share with our class that supports science learning?
  1. Would you like to be contacted in regard to assistance needed for special classroom activities, or field trips?  Yes  No