Meeting minutes – Jul 8th, 2014
Board in Attendance: Parents in Attendance:
- Dan Osborne – Justin and Kristen McGuan
- Bob Lamey – John Lee
- Ryan Wesolowski – Ray Budisavljevlc
- Toni Tealander
- Matthew Ziegler
- Steve Waldorf
- Dan is going over the ADM model and printed out copies for people in attendance. These will be the guidelines that FVHA will follow.
- Board and parents discussed rosters for PeeWees and Squirts traveling next year.
- Traveling hockey:
- Two plans A and B.
- A is going alone but doing practice at Summit for the first part of the year
- B is to just go it alone with a lot of dry-land and look for ice somewhere until we get ice.
- Kristen McGuan will gather numbers for PeeWees
- John Lee will call Squirts
- Parental meeting next 16th at the Pub. Matt will get information out.
– John Lee spoke about Arvada fee structure where it was heavier at the bottom and lighter at the top.
– Board needs to communicate better about funding alternatives.
- GAP funds
- Scholarships
- payment plans
- etc.
– Important to communicate about cost structure for travel program and benefits vs. rec.
- Ray joined the board meeting to talk about a golf tournament:
– $65 per player is cost
– no minimum number
– Need 50 to break even
– Sponsers per hole. Will see Mulligan, sandies, etc
– $125 per player is our target price
– Open dates Sept through early Oct.
– Need to commit and put deposit down. Ryan and Ray will take the lead going forward.
- Will go with Sport Ngin for the season for the team website. Matt will work with the Sport Ngin team to get the site up and running and getting admin privs to board members and managers.
- Capital improvements discussed about chillers and storage shed. Chillers are a long term plan and quotes have been obtained for the board to start planning. Storage unit for equipment.
- Steve talked about Quickbooks. Board needs to bring it onboard and will need to decide the best way to go: online or desktop. Matt made a motion for the board to buy the online. Ryan made a second motion and a vote was unanimous.
- Steve brought forth the issue of dogs in the rink. Next board meeting the item will be discussed.
- Steve wants to formalize the skate pass. The board will need to approach the rec district to get a pass.