RTI Math Curriculum

Students in RTI Math will be working from the Number Worlds program and also the GO Math program.

Goals of RTI Math:

Build foundational skills using the Number Worlds Program

Provide support for the students’ general math classroom material using the Reteach portions of GO Math

Pre-teach skills whenever possible

Biweekly students will be practicing their basic math facts in class and will be tested on them with a goal of 100% by the end of the school year.

AIMSweb progress monitoring will take place on the opposite weeks as fact practice. These tests are a requirement of the RTI program and will help students to meet the spring goals for their grade level.

Criteria for Dismissal from

RTI Math

Complete 10 weeks of RTI Math

Maintain an average in general math class that is acceptable to the general math teacher

Excel in RTI Math class

Show significant progress on AIMSweb tests

Be a Raider! (see below)

Classroom Motto ~ Be A Raider!

To be a Raider, students must:

  1. Be Respectful
  2. Be Responsible
  3. Do the Right Thing

How many days will my child be attending RTI Math?

Tier 2 ~ 3 to 4 days a week

Tier 3 ~ 4 to 5 days a week

What can parents do to help their child succeed in math?

Practicing math facts (addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division) at home each day will benefit your child the most! I suggest getting a set of flash cards (you can get them from the dollar store) and having your child practice 10 minutes before they go to bed or at the kitchen table while your making dinner. Traveling in the car is also a great time to practice math facts!

Castle Learning, IXL Math, and GO Math all are excellent web sites for math practice. If they haven’t already, your child will be receiving log-in information for all of them soon.

I also have a website (see below) that contains links to many online games that provide practice for many math topics and are fun!

Web Site

To access my web site, go to Then click on the Teacher Pages tab, and then scroll down to Support and click on Funke, J.

What is RTI Math?

RTI Math is a state mandated program to provide extra support to students in mathematics who meet the criteria below.

RTI Math Entrance Criteria

Students in the 3rd grade RTI Math program were recommended to receive extra support by their 2nd grade teachers. Students in the 4th, 5th, or 6th grade RTI Math program may have scored a level 1 or 2 on their previous grade level’s New York State Mathematics Assessment and are, therefore, required to receive RTI math services. If a student scored a level 3 on last year’s New York State Mathematics Assessment and is placed into RTI Math, the student was recommended by their previous teacher and also scored low on the AIMSweb Fall Benchmark Tests.*

*AIMSweb tests are nationally normed tests that every student in Eden Elementary takes three times a year. There is one called MCAP that contains word problems, graphs, geometry, and measurement problems. The other is called MCOMP and it consists of addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division problems.

TOGETHER we can make the best education possible for your son/daughter!

RTI Mathematics Information

Eden Elementary

Mrs. Funke

RTI Math Teacher

Room 103


School Phone: 992-3610