GSK’s Alcohol-Free Inhaler Deal
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Buy GSK’salcohol-free Seretide MDIon discount
Pharmacode / Seretide MDIAlcohol Free / 3% / 6%
Min Buy
30 units assorted / Min Buy
60 units assorted
2120194 / Seretide MDI - 50mcg/25mcg,
120 doses
2120208 / Seretide MDI - 125mcg/25mcg,
120 doses
If you order Seretide MDI above, you can choose further discounts on
Ouralcohol-freeVentolin MDI below
Pharmacode / Ventolin MDI
Alcohol Free / 2% / 6%
Min Buy
48 units / Min Buy
144 units
2026414 / Ventolin - 100mcg, 200 doses
- Wholesaler outer discount may apply in addition to GSK discounts (depending on product and quantity)
- Seretide MDImust be ordered for eligibility to discounts on alcohol-freeVentolin MDI
- All products mentioned in this deal can still be purchased separately outside of this offer from your wholesaler at regular prices
- Different discount tiers for each product can be reached by ordering the different minimum buy quantities
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Seretide® (fluticasone propionate/salmeterolxinafoate inhaler 50/25 or 125/25mcg per actuation and Accuhaler® 100/50, 250/50mcg per actuation) is afully funded medicine. Seretide 250/25mcg inhaler is a private purchase medicine; a prescription charge will apply. Maximum Daily Dose: MDI 2 puffs twice daily, Accuhaler 1 inhalation twice daily. Maintenance Dosage: Titrate to lowest effective dose 1-2 times daily. Prescription Medicine for the treatment of reversible obstructive airway disease (ROAD) including asthma, and for the treatment of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). This medicine has risks and benefits. Warnings and Precautions: Not for relief of acute symptoms. Do not discontinue abruptly. Use care when co-administering strong CYP3A4 inhibitors (e.g. ketoconazole) or in patients with pulmonary tuberculosis or thyrotoxicosis. Common Side Effects: Hoarseness/dysphonia, throat irritation, headache, oral candidiasis and palpitations. Paradoxical bronchospasm may occur. Avoid beta-blockers if possible.
Ventolin®(salbutamol) is available as an alcohol-free and CFC-free Inhaler, 100mcg per actuation.Ventolin is a partially funded Prescription Medicine. Short acting bronchodilator for the management and prevention of mild asthma attacks and for the acute management of reversible airways obstruction due to asthma, chronic bronchitis and emphysema.Dosage: Acute bronchospasm – 1 or 2 puffs, Chronic therapy – may take up to 2 puffs four times daily. This medicine has risks and benefits. Contraindications: Hypersensitivity to this medicine, threatened abortion, toxaemia of pregnancy, antepartum haemorrhage, placenta praevia. Warnings and Precautions:Do not use asthe only or main treatment. Consider using maximum doses of inhaled steroids and/or oral steroids if short-acting bronchodilators become less effective or use increases. Hypokalaemia may occur, particularly in acute severe asthma, potentiated by xanthine derivatives, steroids, diuretics and hypoxia. Caution in hyperthyroidism, hypertension, cardiovascular diseases and diabetes. Avoid beta-blockers, tricyclic antidepressants, MAOIs, digitalis. Common Side Effects: Headache, mild tremor, mouth and throat irritation, tachycardia and peripheral vasodilation, paradoxical bronchospasm.
Before prescribingSeretide, and Ventolinplease review the Data Sheet at Seretide, Ventolinand Accuhaler are registered trademarks of the GlaxoSmithKline group of companies. Marketed by GlaxoSmithKline NZ Limited, Auckland
TAPS DA1728IG/17MAY/SLB/0005/17
Adverse events involving GlaxoSmithKline products should be reported to GSK Medical Information on 0800 808 500