Tuesday, April 21,2015, 9:30 a.m.
Legislative Conference Room # 1, State Capitol
Commission Members Present: Tim Engel, JohnMiller, Don Zeller, Patricia Harding,Carla Sahr, James Hansen,Sandy Zinter and Laurie Gill Mayor of Pierre
GuestsPresent: Jeff Holden, Deputy Director of Bureau ofAdministration;Mike Mueller, Bureau of Administration; Rick Jensen and Tina Van Camp with the Trail of the Governors; Tom Farnsworth, Director of Parks and Recreation;Jim Protexter, Post 8 Baseball;Gene Murphy, Wayne Ingalls and Mark T Williamson with Military Order of the Purple Heart; Audry Ricketts Department of Veteran Affairs; Steve Emery and David Reiss of Tribal Affairs;Kevin Larsen from KCCR, and Tammi Florentz,Bureauof Administration,was therecordingsecretary.
Chairman TimEngelcalledthemeeting toorder at 9:35a.m. Tammi Florentzcalledthe roll, andaquorumwas determined.
Motion by Commissioner Hansen and seconded by Commissioner Zeller to approve the agenda as presented. Motion carried unanimously.
A motion for approval of the July 16, 2014, meeting as presentedwas made was by Commissioner Hansen and seconded by Commissioner Gill. Motion carried unanimously.
Mike Mueller introduced Tammi Florentz, the new Administrative Assistant of the Bureau of Administration and recording secretary.
Mike Muellerprovided an update on the Trail of Governor’s and statue placement.
This year’s class of Governors statues will be unveiled onFriday June 12th at 1:00 p.m. in the Capitol Rotunda.
Mike Mueller introduced the board members of the Trail of Governor’s. Rick Jensen, President and Tina Van Camp, Secretary.
Tina Van Camp stated that the2015 statueswill consistof Governors George T. Mickelson, Richard Kneip and Governor Herreid. As shown on the map, permission is being requested to place Governor’s Kneip and George T Mickelson statues on the Capitol Complex.
Mike Mueller explainedthat generally the statues are placed on boulevards next to the street that allows them to be enjoyed driving by as well as walking up to the statue, so they are placed right by the sidewalks. What we have done in most cases is place in them in the boulevard which is city property. We have worked with the City of Pierre and they pour a platformwhere it sits and there are a couple of exceptions and the suggested placement for the Governor Kneip statue is one of them.
President Rick Jensen talked about separating the trail in three areas; the downtown would be one of the two blocks from Missouri up to lower Pierre street, all the way up to the Capitol will be Phase 1 ora third of the route; and then Capitol Street all the way past the Capitol Complex will be the other one; and then back behind the Capitol complex will be the third.
Governor Herreid is to be placed at lower Pierre Street when the City is finished with the redesign of the street. He will be down on the west side of the lower Pierre street. Next year’s 2016 class will be Governor Rounds, Governor Gunderson and Governor Boe.
Chair Commissioner Tim Engel asks if there are any questions or comments.
Commissioner Hanson moved to approve the placeof the Governors Kneip and George T Mickelson as presented, second by Commissioner Sahr. Motion carried unanimously.
Special Project Coordinator Mike Mueller gave an overview of the policy aboutmonuments and memorials on campus. Mike Mueller displayedon a map the design of the war memorials around the Capitol Lake.
As to the Code Talkers Memorial, the Department of Veteran’s Affairs and the Department of Tribal Relations have been working with the tribes in South Dakota on the concept of a Code Talkers Memorial on campus to honor those Native American veterans who contributed with a unique and extraordinary service to our nation.
Tribal Affairs Secretary Rick Emery discussed the 100 plus Code Talkers from South Dakota and asked the Commission to support the project.
Mike Mueller introduced Audry Ricketts from the Department of Veterans Affairs on behalf of Secretary Zimmerman. Ms.Ricketts expressed how this memorial is worthy of the Commission’s support and asked for its favorable consideration.
Commissioner Sandy Zinter asked how the Bureau of Administration plans it out before it comes to the Commissioners and to make sure it follows the policy. Is that the standard procedure?
Mike Mueller explained that the Bureau of Administration will work with Veterans Affairs, the Tribes and Tribal Relations, and then work on a site that works for not only the honorary purpose, but as well we have considerations about how to maintain not only the statue itself but the area around the statue.
Motion by Commissioner Sahr, second by Commissioner Zinter, to give preliminary approval to the proposed Code Talkers Memorial. Motion carried unanimously.
Purple Heart Memorial Monument Relocation
Special Project Coordinator Mike Mueller talked about a request from the Military Order of the Purple Heart to movethe existing Purple Heart Monument from its present location in front of the Soldier and Sailors Monumentbuilding.
Mike Mueller introduced Mark Williamson, Gene Murphy and Wayne Ingalls. They are from the Military Order of the Purple Heart, Department of the Dakotas.
Commander of the Military Order of the Purple Heart Department of the Dakotas Mark T Williamson talked about the members from South Dakota and North Dakota. He stated that his purpose for being here today is to request the relocation of the Purple Heart Memorial which is currently located in front of the Soldiers and Sailors building and that he would like to see it moved down to the veteran’s area by the Capitol Lake.
Audry Ricketts with the Department of Veterans Affairs spoke for Secretary Zimmerman (who was not present)and stated that Secretary Zimmerman is fully in agreement of this project.
Commissioner Gill asked whether, from the Bureau of Administration perspective in terms of moving it to the proposed location, is there any logistical issues that come from your perspective? Mike Mueller explained when it comes to the war memorials site on the Capitol campus, the Bureau of Administration will look into the future and try to plan things what may occur in the future.
Secretary Emery spoke in his capacity as a combat veteranin support of the proposal. Wayne Williamson made a comment about the base of the monument is on is 5 x 4 feet and so it doesn’t take up a lot of room.
Commissioner Hansen asked if there is a better location for it than the one being proposed.
Mike Mueller explained that there is another area around the lake that hasn’t been developed, if you go behind the Visitor’s Center and the Fighting Stallions memorial that’s right on the lake front as well. Mr. Mueller stated that at this point trying to ask anyone where it should go might be premature, butif the Commission found merit in the proposal, then BOA would work with the Military Order of the Purple Heart and find a mutual agreeably spot that works for all interested.
Commissioner Sandy Zinter moved to approve the request conceptually and to request that the Bureau of Administration work with the sponsors to find a suitable location. Motion carried unanimously.
Special Project Coordinator Mike Mueller talked about the City of Pierre and Post 8 Baseball and how they have embarked on a major renovation to Hyde Stadium, which is the baseball field next to the Capitol campus. TheBureau of Administration was invited to participate in their design meetings. The focus was to make it a better playing field for their players and a better experience for the spectators.
Tom Farnsworth from the City of Pierre talked about working on this project since 2013 and how Hyde Stadium is the home to Post 8 American Legion baseball and also with the teener team as well as their amateur league here in Pierre. The particular items that really drove this project arebeing ADA compliant. Mr. Farnsworth gave a short power point presentation on the improvements to be made.
Jim Protexter talked on behalf of Post 8 Baseball league and how Hyde Stadium is a jewel in Pierre.
Special Project Coordinator Mike Mueller spoke about the replacement of the25 year old carpet in the legislative spaces. In December,the Bureau of Administration advertised for bids and in early January awarded the project to Country Carpet of Pierre, which was the sole bidder for the project. The project completion date is August 31st. The State Historical Society will be taking custody of the old custom-sewn state seal.
Special Project Coordinator Mike Mueller spoke about a May 2013 Commission meeting with Chief Justice Gilbertson regarding his proposal to restore the Supreme Court Law Library to its original condition. The overall project estimate based on the decorative work as well as the carpet restoration, the window treatments and the paint was $300,000.00. With that information, the Chief Justice secured funding from the legislator this year in the form of a special appropriation for the project. That bill was passed and signed so there is money to accomplish this project and we began right of way. The State Engineer’s Office sent out request for interest from architectural firms around the state and in the region for their interest in helping to manage this project. Mr. Mueller stated that the project is slated to be completed by the end of this year.
Mayor Gill asks a question about whether asbestos abatement will be necessary.Mike Mueller respondedthat no asbestos abatement is necessary.
Special Project Coordinator Mike Mueller updated the Commissioners about the improvements to the Civil War Monument. There will be a re-dedication event that is going to occur at the Civil War Monument on Monday, June 1st at 11:00 a.m., which will be the 95th anniversary of its original dedication.
Commissioner Zinter commented on how nice it looks.
Special Project Coordinator Mike Mueller gave an updateconcerning the discussion of connecting the Northeast corner of the Hilger’s Gulch walkingtrail to the Governor’s Drive and then the 4th Street trail that extends beyond it. The project is on the calendar for this year. The State Engineer’s office is currently working on the engineering for the project.
Special Project Coordinator Mike Mueller talked about how he was contacted by Rex Reiss about his Purple Martins project. Rex Reiss talked about the Purple Martins and his request for permission to place additional housing to help further establish Purple Martins on the Capitol grounds.
Commissioner Carla Sahr made a motion to approve the placement of additional Purple Martin housing on the Capitol campus as presented. Commissioner Sandy Zinter seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously.
Motion by Commissioner Hansen and seconded by Commissioner Miller to adjourn. Motion passed unanimously.