Joel ?, Bob Walch, Craig Tyler, Brian sanders, Huseyin Sarper, Phil Kavanagh, George Tessmer, Azer Yalin, Steve Tragesser, Ted Violette, Chris Koehler, Bernadette Garcia, 3 UNC students, 1 WSC student, 3 CSU-Pueblo students.
ACTION: Members would like feedback on their reports and proposals to let them know whether they are completing them appropriately (Note: Bernadette notifies members when there is something lacking.)
ACTION: Put longitudinal tracking form on the website for members to have access to.
ACTION: All members should review RFP for Supplement funds and submit proposals for any new (or improvement) projects.
ACTION:All members should post flier for summer internship and encourage students to apply to participate (students should have minimum 3.0 GPA).
The date of the Symposium is April 19, 2008 at CU Boulder.
ACTION: Brian will send out another email about Symposium – will include details and a flyer.
Discussion issues:
Should we allow grad students?
□they already have other professional opportunities to participate in paper presentations.
□it is important to keep it friendly for undergrads
Should we combine our effort with the Colorado Space Business Roundtable and make the symposium a state-wide thing?
□Would CSBR consider providing matching funds to support COSGC as a part of this collaboration?
- Answer: No. The CSBR is not an entity with dollars to spread around. They are a loose-knit collection of Aerospace Industry partners.
□Could we give a presentation to the CSGR to talk about how they could effectively partner with COSGC?
- In addition to student presentation at the CSBR event in December, could we include a short presentation about what COSGC needs are from industry?
- Answer: Possibly. Will examine the content of the presentation once it is known who will be participating and after further discussion to ensure it is appropriate venue for such a discussion.
□Would like to keep the Symposium within COSGC and keep it undergraduate.
□We could grow the Symposium as COSGC grows so it is more of a stead and organic growth as opposed to a spurt that could be administratively unrealistic.
□Could there be gradual growth? Just invite a couple of schools this year (for example the three schools that are interested in joining the Consortium).
Should we open the Symposium to non-COSGC students?
□Most large Aero departments are already represented in COSGC, so will there really be a huge influx of non-COSGC presenters if we were to open it up to non-COSGC students?
- Answer: CU Aerospace senior projects alone have the potential of filling the entire day. So this may be a real problem.
□The USAF is allowed to have students and they are not an active COSGC member, nor are their students involved in COSGC projects. Why do they get to participate?
- The arrangement was made when USAF decided that the amount of documentation was not in there interest since they had no need of COSGC funding.
□There may be benefits to being more inclusive with the students we allow to participate.
□Perhaps we could cap the number of papers allowed from non-COSGC students to avoid an influx of CU (or other large university) senior projects.
Could there be a special session for students from smaller schools?
□May make students feel more comfortable.
□Could give the impression that we think students from smaller schools are less capable.
□Larger institution does not always mean high quality work. Smaller schools have students that produce high quality papers and they have an equal chance of winning the top prize.
□Is it possible to award for categories instead of a general 1st, 2nd, 3rd format? Could have random categories to cover a wide range of prizes
Voting Results on Symposium Decisions:
- Should we combine with CSBR? No
- Should we work to have a larger industry presence at the Symposium? Yes
- Should we include a career fair? Yes
- Should we include graduate students? No
- Should there be a graduate student division? Maybe eventually
- Should we invite the 3 schools interested in joining? Yes
- Should we limit non-COSGC papers to 1 per institution? Yes
- Should we have a session just for the smaller schools? Good discussion, but no ultimate decision. Issue is tabled for right now.
Robot Challenge
Event will take place April 5, 2008 at (or near) Sand Dunes in Alamosa.
ACTION: Randy will begin negotiations with the Sand Dunes authorities.
ACTION: More details will be sent as they become available (including rules and guidelines for student teams)
□There is a launch on November 10 (no space for DemoSat payloads, but there’s been no interest).
□Next launch is April 12.
□If fewer people participate in DemoSat (as RocketSat gets geared up and schools possible move to a RocketSat program from the DemoSat) would it be possible to lessen the restrictions? (e.g. give teams more weight?)
□Is it possible to make DemoSat a bigger project that could be undertaken by several COSGC schools (the balloon would hold one payload and therefore the payload could weigh more).
- If it was a multi-campus endeavor, students could communicate via telecons and come together to fly.
- Some schools could do engineering and other do science.
- It sounds like a major project. Figuring out what something like this would look like might be an ideal proposal for the supplemental funds. (encouraged UNC students to take the concept further and make it more solid)
- UNC students are designing their rover systems modularly --- the fell that schools could represent subsystems.
- Concern that the idea would work well for schools in close proximity, but might not work too well with schools further away.
- Projects have been done successfully with partners in different states. The idea would have to be very well planned to work for all.
- UNC students feel that they have parts of the rover down already, but think that they could include partners who could focus on other subsystems. A more complex rover could contribute to current lunar research.
Consortium Growth
□Motion to approach school that have expressed interest in joining the COSGC (Phil)
□Second (Azer)
□Motion passed with unanimous vote.
ACTION: Chris will contact the schools and invite them to submit applications to join the COSGC. Approval or denial of membership to COSGC will be done by a vote by current membership following review of all applications.
Website Publication Repository (a.k.a. Bulletin of COSGC Papers)
□When a project is completed, it would be added to this website.
□Such a website would be a good way to be able to cite references.
□Need to come up with a Word template so all papers are in the same format.
□Brian already has a prototype of such a page and would like feedback from members.
□Page url:
□Papers should be research or final report oriented.
□Would be helpful tool for students to see what else was done on similar projects.
□After Brian gets feedback, the site can be tweaked this year and it can be iterated to make it most effective.
□It would be best to come up with categories for papers to be put in. Should not just be entered as general time or event.
□For old papers, it’ll probably be best to just provide a link to them instead of trying to format all of them to the template at this point.
ACTION:Brian will come up with a template.
ACTION: Affiliate Directors should send Brian any papers they want posted on the site. It will be up to the Directors to ensure the papers are in the correct format.
2007 Fall Member Meeting Minutes~1~Colorado Space Grant Consortium