Peer-Education Lesson Plan

Activity: “Mission Impossible”

Risk Behavior/Health Topic: Tobacco

Note: This activity can be used with different health topics.

Examples: Alcohol, Eating Disorders, Teen Sexuality Risks, etc.

Objective(s)/Student Outcome:

(What will the student know and are able to do?)

This activity helps students think about and discuss the multiple risks and consequences that a person might take if they chose to use tobacco products. The learner is asked to assess their present knowledge regarding the risks of tobacco use, and than adds to that knowledge base through peer-education, access to new resources, as well as a teacher and/or other resource presentation/mini-lesson.

National Health Standard(s):

(This lesson/activity teaches to what national health standard?)

  1. Students will comprehend concepts related to healthpromotion and diseaseprevention.
  2. Students will demonstrate the ability to accessvalidhealthinformation and health-promotingproducts and services
  3. Students will demonstrate the ability to practicehealth-enhancingbehaviors and reducehealthrisks.
  4. Students will analyze the influence of culture, media, technology and other factors on health.
  5. Students will demonstrate the ability to use interpersonalcommunicationskills to enhance health.
  6. Students will demonstrate the ability to use goalsetting and decision-making skills to enhance health.
  7. Students will demonstrate the ability to advocate for personal, family and community health.

Materials needed for the activity: Students will be assigned to work in base groups of 5-6 students per group

(AV, student materials, teacher materials, resources?)

1. One 5’ x 3’ piece of white paper per group of 5-6 students

2. Each group will have 6 blue markers, 6 red markers and 2 black markers (put in Ziploc bag)

3. CD: Mission Impossible

4. CD player

5. One balloon per group. Inside the balloon is a message typed on a piece of paper:

Mission Impossible: Draw a large BLACK silhouette on your white paper. Using the blue marker(s), illustrate, list, draw, and creatively label all the risksa person might take if they choose to use a tobacco product(s). Consider the seven dimensions of wellness in your answer.”

6. Each group will receive a “Tobacco Packet”. Each packet has a minimum of 10-12 pamphlets/resources in it (i.e.: Health Edco “ABC’s of Tobacco” pamphlet, American Cancer Society tobacco pamphlets, etc.)

7. Optional: (video) Tobacco: Truth or Dare


(What does the teacher/peer-educator need to do before this lesson to prepare the learner?)

Materials need to be prepared ahead of time. It is suggested that this activity be used as an introduction to a theme/topic.

Facilitating the Activity:

(Explain step by step the procedures/directions.)

  1. Create base groups of students (5-6 per group)
  2. Have students sit around a table.
  3. Give each group: 1 piece of paper, 1 ziplock bag of markers, 1 balloon (not inflated)
  4. Instruct one of the students in each base group to blow up and tie off their balloon. (Do ask if anyone is latex sensitive and be cautious of that.)
  5. Instruct the students that when the music “Mission Impossible” begins to play, they must pop the balloon and as a group do what the instructions that are found on the paper inside of the balloon, tells them to do. You only have 4 minutes to complete this mission (the length of the song.)


Tobacco Mission Impossible:

Your group has been assigned to identify as many HEALTH RISKS that a person might take if they choose to use any tobacco product (chew/cigarettes) Your instructions are…

  1. With one BLACK marker draw a HUGE silhouette of a human on your paper.
  2. Using the BLUE MARKER(S) draw in the appropriate shape and size every organ/part of the body that might be affected by tobacco use AND label that organ/part of the body.
  3. Next to the organ/part of the body, EXPLAIN exactly how tobacco use would affect that organ/part of the body or persons life.

Remember, the group with the most organs/risk factors drawn on the silhouette, WINS! (You get one point per health risk you identify on the silhouette) Remember, you ONLY have until the music stops……about 4 minutes!!! (Don’t forget to add to your silhouette the social, financial, intellectual, spiritual, emotional, etc., risks of tobacco use, too!)