2016 County Population Estimates


2015 – 2016 Highlights

New Jersey’s population grew by 9,048 (0.10%) between 2015 and 2016. Seven counties had a faster rate of growth than the state between 2015 and 2016 (Ocean, Hudson, Union, Bergen, Essex, Somerset and Middlesex).

Bergen (population 939,151) was still the most populous county in New Jersey as of July 1, 2016, followed by Middlesex (837,073) and Essex (796,914). The state’s two least populated counties ̶ Salem (63,436) and Cape May (94,430) still had less than 100,000 residents.

Nine counties gained population between 2015 and 2016, led by Hudson (4,218), Ocean (3,706) and Bergen (3,141).Among the twelve counties with population declines, the numeric losses ranged from(-145) in Camden to (-2,044) in Atlantic.

Both Oceanand Hudson Countieshad a 0.63 percentannual growth rate - the fastest in the state between 2015 and 2016. The annual rates of growth were also substantial in Union (0.49%) and Bergen (0.34%).The over-the-year population declines were most severe in Cumberland (-0.93%), Salem (-0.79%) and Atlantic (-0.75%) counties.

2010 – 2016 Highlights

Since the last decennial Census, the state’s population has grown by 152,516 (1.74%). Six counties grew at a faster rate than the state during the current decade (Ocean, Hudson, Union, Bergen, Somerset and Middlesex).

Hudson County gained more residents (43,709) than any other county in New Jersey, since the most recent decennial Census in 2010. Other urbanized counties in the state, such as Bergen (34,034), Middlesex (27,026) and Union (19,191), also experienced substantial numeric gains in resident population since 2010.

With a 6.89 percent growth of population since the 2010 Census, Hudson was the state’s fastest growing county so far in this decade, followed by Bergen (3.76%), Union (3.58%), Middlesex (3.36%) and Somerset (3.19%).

Nine counties experienced population declines between 2010 and 2016. Notable declines were found in less urbanized counties like Sussex (-4.27%), Salem (-3.99%), Cape May (-2.92%), and Hunterdon (-2.11%).

The numeric decreases of resident population were most severe in Sussex (-6,364), Monmouth (-4,577), Atlantic (-3,549), Camden (-3,528), Cape May (-2,835) and Cumberland (-2,831) counties, so far in this decade.

The hefty population growth in Hudson County was due to substantial natural increment and migration. The county’s 39,496 natural increment (surplus of births over deaths, 2010-2016) was the largest in the state. However, its 4,656 net migration (more in-migration from abroad and other counties than out-migration) was the third largest in the state, next to Bergen’s 22,172 and Ocean County’s 8,939.

Natural increments were also substantial in Essex (27,558), Middlesex (24,349) and Passaic (20,609) counties, while Cape May was the only county to suffer from natural decrease (-2,375 more deaths than births) between 2010 and 2016.

Every county in the state gained population from international migration. With more than 20,000 net gains, Hudson (58,646), Middlesex (44,248), Bergen (33,936), Essex (32,785) and Union (22,087) were the state’s major destinations of international immigrants.

Almost every county in New Jersey lost population due to domestic migration between 2010 and 2016, except Ocean. However, Ocean County’s net gain from domestic migration (5,320) was relatively low compared with its gains in the past two decades. Counties with large (20,000 or more) net losses due to domestic migration were Hudson (-53,990), Essex (-46,656), Middlesex (-40,439), Passaic (-35,565) and Camden (-23,769).

Prepared by: New Jersey Department of Labor and Workforce Development, Division of Economic & Demographic Research, March 23, 2017.