Science Policy



Science at Woodchurch Road Primary School is about developing children’s ideas and ways of working that enable them to ask and answer questions. In order to make sense of the world in which they live through investigation and using and applying process skills.

What is Science?


Science is a body of knowledge built up through experimental testing of ideas. Science is also methodology, a practical way of finding reliable answers to questions we may ask about the world around us.

Science in our school aims to stimulate and excite pupils’ curiosity about phenomena and events in the world around them. It proves to satisfy curiosity with knowledge. Science links direct practical experience with ideas and it engages learners at many levels. Scientific method is about developing and evaluating explanations through experimental evidence and modeling. This is a spur to creative thought. Through science, pupils understand how major scientific ideas contribute to technological change – impacting on industry, business and medicine and improving the quality of life. Pupils recognise the cultural significance of science and trace its world-wide development. They learn to question and discuss science-based issues that may affect their own lives, the direction of society and the future of the world.

Through science in our school we aim to:

·  Encourage the development of positive attitudes to science.

·  Deliver the National Curriculum Science orders in ways that are imaginative, purposeful, well controlled and enjoyable, bearing in mind that the new curriculum will lead to further policy changes during the period of transition.

·  Help in developing and extending the children’s scientific concept of their world and encouraging them to ask deeper questions about the world around them.

·  Deliver clear and accurate teacher explanations and skilful questioning. Providing guidance but at the same time allowing children the freedom to explore as independently as possible.

·  Make strong, purposeful links between science and other subjects. Using ICT in a meaningful way to extend their learning (Data Loggers, video, photography and ipads).

·  Develop the use of scientific language, recording and techniques.

·  Enable children to become effective communicators of scientific ideas, facts and data whilst becoming experts at analysing the data they collect.

·  Develop the following skills of investigation – observation, measuring, predicting, hypothesising, experimenting, communicating and interpreting.

Teaching and Learning of Science

Content of the Curriculum

Science is important because: -

·  It is a body of knowledge essential to our understanding of the world around us.

·  The process of scientific investigation forms the basis of the most intellectual enquiry.

·  The skills and knowledge of science have a wide application in everyday life.

Science is a core subject in the National Curriculum. The fundamental skills, knowledge and concepts of the subjects are currently set out in “Science in the National Curriculum”

1. Working scientifically is described separately in the programme of study, but will be taught through and clearly related to the science content in the programme of study. This will be embedded within the content of biology, chemistry and physics.

2. Pupils at our school will be taught to use a variety of approaches to answer relevant scientific questions. The types of enquiry will include:

Observing over time; pattern seeking; identifying, classifying and grouping; comparative and fair testing

3. Spoken language will be developed through science, and children will be assisted in making their thinking clear to themselves and others.

Reception classes are taught the required science elements of the foundation stage document through cross curricular themes.

(The Early Years curriculum was amended in 2012 so all planning is structured under their new curriculum.)

In line with the New Curriculum, science teaching across the school will change in terms of topics taught and expected skills to be mastered by the end of each key stage.

The school will continue to timetable annual Science events that will include trips, visits, investigations, presentations and performances. In ‘houses’, the children will also be encouraged to research a selection of famous scientists and topics related to them.Children may also chose to select a Scientific Topic or scientist to research and focus.

Planning and delivery

Planning in science is a process in which all teachers are involved to ensure that the school delivers full coverage of the current National Curriculum and Foundation stage. The whole school yearly science plan is based on the National Curriculum programme of study for each key stage that provides a basis for termly and weekly planning. The units are provided as a starting point to the delivery of the Science Curriculum and ensure that the programme of study is covered. It ensures progression between year groups and guarantees topics are revisited. Teachers are expected to adapt ‘Kent and ‘Hamilton Trust’ curriculum plans and modify the model to suit their own teaching and children within the class, making best use of any support staff and the resources available.

·  KS2, KS1 and Foundation stage teachers should be teaching science for a minimum of two hours each week or equivalent pro rata.

·  Teachers should try to make cross-curricular links wherever possible.

The science curriculum is delivered through co-operative group work, individual work, and whole class teaching.

Within this structure there will be: -

·  Whole class and group discussions and presentations.

·  Demonstrations, explanations and instruction by teachers to groups, individuals and the whole class as well as child-led when possible.

·  Practical activities to advance and consolidate knowledge and skills.

·  Problem solving and investigation tasks.

ICT in Science

·  The provision for the use of ICT in science at Woodchurch Road Primary is adequate and all teachers work to maximise the use of resources in their teaching. The children are given the opportunity to research, plan, predict, test and improve their ideas using relevant ICT resources to improve understanding, aid communication and enhance presentation.

·  This involves more tasks involving interpreting and analysing results, which can be supported and developed by the use of I.C.T.

·  I.C.T provides various opportunities to investigate (e.g., Virtual experiments, Concept Cartoons, Log box, the Internet, I-Pads, visits to C.L.C etc)

·  And to interpret results (e.g. Data loggers, databases, graphs)

·  Helps to develop more independence and can provide an excellent extension and challenge for more talented pupils, whilst supporting others where necessary.


Teachers at Woodchurch Road Primary use assessment effectively to plan lessons that build on individual pupils’ prior knowledge and provide feedback that genuinely helps pupils to improve their work in science. Teachers write a question for the child to respond to at the beginning of the following lesson.

Individual children are recorded onto class teachers’ assessment trackers, which are reviewed termly. These include on going teacher assessments and end of unit outcome. Children’s subject knowledge and understanding and level of competence and aptitude for working scientifically and each unit of study are assessed and recorded onto a progression tracker at the end of each unit. Children will be identified as emerging, achieving or exceeding.

In Early Years Foundation Stage and KS1 and KS2 assessment in science is ongoing, observations inform next steps planning. Evidence is collected throughout the year and it includes photographs and evidence slips or post-it note annotations collated into a class evidence book.

Reports to parents on the attainment of their children are made verbally in the autumn and spring term and a written report is provided during the summer term. Reporting in science focuses on each child’s:-

·  Attitude towards science

·  Progress in the ability to work scientifically, including understanding of the nature of scientific method.

·  Level of scientific knowledge achieved.

The formal assessment of Science at Woodchurch Road Primary at the end of KS 1 and KS2 takes place in accordance with the national statutory requirements.

·  The year two teacher will assess children’s level of attainment at the end of the KS1 program of study. This is a teacher assessment based upon assessment records, observation and work samples.

Management and Development

Science education throughout the school is co-ordinated by a science leader. The role of the leader entails updating and monitoring school resources and giving support to colleagues as appropriate. The Science leader holds meetings and discussions related to science issues, e.g. Science Week, monitoring program, work scrutiny or inset.

Moderation and Monitoring

At Woodchurch Road Primary we moderate and monitor science as a part of our self-evaluation approach to maintaining standards and supporting staff in their teaching.


Science moderation involves analysis of children’s work in relation to expectations for the key phase-KS1, LKs2, UKs2. Science moderation achieves the following.

·  Evidence of learning outcomes

·  Understanding and agreeing on evidence of achieving, emerging and extending

·  Class evidence book


Monitoring of science teaching is carried out through a program of lesson observations by the Science leader. The objective of the monitoring is to ensure science is being taught well across the school. Observations focus primarily on the effective communication of scientific knowledge and the quality of investigative work. If requested specific areas, for example use of support staff, Sc 1, the use of ICT, maybe agreed on as the focus in advance of the lesson. Following an observation the class teacher receives feedback and a copy of the observation notes.

Science monitoring achieves the following:

·  To gain insight into the nature of science teaching across the school.

·  It gives class teachers the opportunity to review their own practice and discuss teaching science with a subject specialist.

·  It gives the science leader an insight in to areas of strengths, enabling good practice to be shared among colleagues.

·  It allows resources to audited and for the assessment of current and future resource requirements.

·  It allows the science leader to set targets, demonstrating the schools commitment to self-evaluation and improvement of standards in science.


·  The vast majority of resources are stored centrally at the back of year 3-4 classroom. Foundation Stage resources are stored within their own classrooms.

·  Teachers need to collect their resources as they need them and ensure they return them to where they came from.

·  Staff should notify the co-ordinator of any extra resources required, of any breakages or losses that occur and of any new materials, CD ROMs, books, DVDs etc that might prove useful.

·  Unsupervised children should not be allowed to collect resources.

·  Every KS 1/ 2 classroom has copy of ‘Kent’ and ‘Hamilton Trust’ Curriculum. A collection of ideas for teaching science in the new curriculum has been shared with staff.

Environmental Awareness

At Woodchurch Road Primary we realise the importance of teaching our pupils to care for the environment. The school will continue to recycle waste paper and promote walking to school through the ‘Walk to School’ initiative. Our grounds include a small area where children can study mini beasts and habitats- local community areas (e.g., The Arno) will also be used. Pupils are taught the importance of their impact on the environment and have used the area for studying plants, rivers and rocks and soils.

Equal Opportunities

At Woodchurch Road Primay we work to ensure that all children have the opportunity to gain scientific knowledge and understanding regardless of gender, race, and class, physical or intellectual ability. We will ensure that expectations do not limit pupils’ achievements and that assessments do not involve any cultural, social, and linguistic or gender bias.

Health and Safety

Safe practice must be promoted at all times. The ASE publication,’ Be Safe!' Will be available for staff to take into account any health and safety and child protection issues, particular attention must be given to avoiding the use of anything which aggravates individual pupils' allergies. Risk assessments are carried out to ensure safety issues have been identified and that specific attention is paid when activities are unusual and beyond the scope of normal safety practice.

Review Date

The Woodchurch Road Primary School is to be reviewed annually by the Science leader.


( Science Manager)

September 2014