Teacher: Miss Bonnie Zobel/Ms. Danielle Cooper

Email: and

Website: http://www.eastpennsd.org/teacherpages/bzobel/ and we there will also be information for the class on Moodle

Phone Number: (610) 965-1650 X21493

Room Number: lecture 504 /lab 418 (I have lab on day 2)

Teacher Location: Miss Zobel’s desk is next to room 423 and Ms. Cooper’s room is 548

Hours to meet for extra help: I am very flexible with timing and am here early in the morning and can stay late just about any day. If you need extra help, please schedule a time to come see me and I will be glad to help.


This course is designed to acquaint students with the basic concepts of biology as they apply to everyday life. The course content will focus on the study of the unity and diversity of organisms, the interdependence of living and non- living world, and the development of species. This course will include the topics of biotechnology, cells, genetics, and natural selection. Students will complete the Keystone Exam at the end of this course.


Biology:Exploring Life. by N. Campbell, B. Williamson, & R. Hedyden. 2004 Pearson Education. Online textbook resources can be found at www.pearsonsuccessnet.com.

TOPICS TO BE COVERED (order is subject to change):

1.  Intro to Biology

2.  Introduction to Organic Chemistry and Biomolecules

3.  Cytology

4.  Cell Division

5.  Cell Transport

6.  Protein Synthesis

7.  Genetics

8.  Biotechnology

9.  Evolution and Classification

10.  Energy Relationships

11.  Ecology

12.  Plants

13.  Microbial World


1.  Textbook- will remain in the classroom

2. Biology Notebook. An organized 3-ring binder for class materials- 5 sections in a 1 ½ in. binder (Labeled: warm-ups, vocabulary, notes, worksheets, labs)

3.  Writing equipment: Pen or pencil- pencils are preferred for lab time

4.  Also helpful- the following are not required but are HIGHLY recommended to have at times during Biology class- colored pencils, highlighter and calculator. Because both Miss Zobel and Ms. Cooper travel we cannot guarantee they will be present in the classrooms to which we travel.


  1. Grades will be determined from class participation, homework, tests, quizzes, lab data, lab reports and projects.
  2. Grading Scale:

A-  92-100% B- 84-91% C- 74-83% D-65-73% F-56-64% FF 0-55%

3.  The Final Grade for the year is an average of the four quarter grades plus

your midterm and final exam grade average.

4.  Semester exams (midterm and final) are worth a total of 20% of your final grade in the class as per Emmaus High School policy. Therefore, 80% of your final grade will be determined by your effort and performance during the four marking periods.


It is your responsibility to write down assignments and check my webpage and Moodle. Assignments are due at the beginning of the class period and work handed in during the class period or at the end of the class period is considered late. Lab assignments will be due at the beginning of the next lab day. A late assignment policy is in effect for lab reports, projects, online activities and other long-term assignments. This policy does not apply for homework reviewed the next day.

·  One day late- 20% loss of points

·  Two days late- 50% loss of points

·  Three or more days late- no points will be awarded for that assignment

Make up work is your responsibility if you are absent. Remember to check my webpage/Moodle and come and talk to me after class or before or after school upon your return to school. I will have assignments set aside for you. If you are absent on the due date of a known assignment, the assignment will be due the day you return to school. Work assigned during the student’s absence will be due 3 days after returning to school. Copy missed notes from another student or access my PowerPoint presentations online and complete notes at home. You are responsible for scheduling missed tests and quizzes within 5 school days of your return to school. After 5 days you will receive a zero. Students must be excused for makeup work to count. Tests and quizzes will be scheduled at a time that is convenient to both the student and the teacher.

It is your responsibility to reschedule a missed laboratory. The laboratory must be made up in a timely fashion within 5 school days of your return. Labs not made up will receive a zero. Laboratory make ups will be scheduled at a time that is convenient for both the student and the teacher.

ILLEGABLE WORK WILL NOT BE GRADED!! Projects, lab reports and papers must be typed and printed and all classwork/homework must be neatly written in pen or pencil. Use tools like spell and grammar checker to help.

You are expected to complete homework assignments. Not all Homework will be graded for points. Homework will be randomly checked for points at the teacher’s discretion. It is to your benefit to complete homework as it reinforces concepts and let you know when you need additional help.


Miss Zobel and Ms. Cooper follow the Emmaus High School Discipline Code which can be located on EHS’s website under the administration tab and clearly outlines consequences for various offenses. I really hope that you, as a student, can have enough respect for yourself, your teachers and your classmates that discipline will not become an issue.


In my class, I have three simple rules. They are:

  1. Be here- physically and mentally, on-time
  2. Be prepared- have all materials required for the day with you when you arrive, be ready to participate and learn, come to class with a positive attitude, abide by the rules of Emmaus High School
  3. Be cooperative- treat others with respect at all times in this classroom, anything less will not be tolerated

Biology is a rigorous course. The science is challenging and the exploration is frequent. We will function as a community of learners. If you are committed to the work, as well as to listening and learning from one another, this class will ultimately become one in which we are all teachers and students. Each member of this class will have a voice. We will learn from one another, read findings out loud, work collaboratively on research and assignments, and share our thoughts and ideas. Recognize that learning is a lifelong experience and maintain a positive attitude. Believe in your own potential and the potential of your classmates. Always think critically, not negatively.

The purpose of the class expectations is to create a positive and safe learning environment for each and every student. I expect you all to try your hardest, be active participants in class, and respect others. This will allow everyone to achieve at their highest level. Each student is expected to treat his or her classmates the way they would like to be treated. No insults, put-downs, or teasing will be tolerated. Students are expected to take education seriously. Knowledge is something that no one can ever take from you and you can carry with you wherever you go. All students are capable of succeeding in this classroom if they are dedicated to doing so.


Cut and Return this portion by Tuesday September 3, 2013 the top portion of this contract should remain in your binder in “Biology Survival” section.

This is a contract and I have read and understand the course outline, requirements for success, and student responsibilities. I agree to adhere to the above stated responsibilities and to follow all other written and verbal instructions given in class.


(Your signature) (Date)


(Parent or guardian signature/phone number/email address)