CSE Trauma Part # _____ Page # _____
This assessment is designed to have you think about important issues related to the dealing with exposure to a traumatic event. For each of the situations described below, you are asked to rate how capable you are that you can successfully deal with them. Because people differ from each other in the way that they are dealing with this type of event there is no single correct response. Please think about yourself currently not as it was the day of the traumatic experience.
Using the following scale, please rate how capable you think you are to....
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
I'm not at all I'm moderately I'm totally
Capable Capable Capable
______1. Deal with my emotions (anger, sadness, depression, anxiety) since the traumatic experience.
______2. Keep my life feeling normal.
______3. To not "lose it" emotionally.
______4. Manage distressing dreams or images about the traumatic experience.
______5. Not be critical of myself about what happened.
______6. Be optimistic since the traumatic experience.
______7. Be supportive to other people since the traumatic experience.
______8. Control thoughts of the traumatic experience happening to me again.
______9. Get help from others about what happened.