Irene McCormack Catholic College
Year 9 – Digital Media
Course Outline 2017
Year 9 Digital Media 1 IMCC
Term 1Week / Teaching Focus / Content Addressed / Assessment /
1-5 / Simple Character Animation – Adobe Illustrator + After Effects
This course break down the process of character animation. The course cover simple character creation and animation techniques from design and rigging, through to simple walk cycle animation. Students learn about shape layers, paths, masks, key framing and key frame velocity – and how to apply them to their animations.
Expected Pupils’ Outcomes:
By the end of the lesson pupils should have learnt to:
Vector Graphics – understand, create, manipulate and appropriately use vector graphics
ü Identify graphic formats and their appropriate use (e.g., PDF, AI, SWF, PNG, EPS, etc.)
ü Utilize drawing tools to create and manipulate Paths (lines and Bezier Curves) using Anchor points, direction handles
ü Apply Stroke and Fill (solid and gradient)
ü Utilize appropriate selection tools
ü Perform grouping and ungrouping of objects
ü Apply Styles and Effects & Transform objects
ü Create Layers
Animations -- Create, manipulate and appropriately use animations.
ü Creating first composition
ü Navigating the interface
ü Importing assets to the Project Panel
ü Adding layers to the Timeline
ü Setting keyframes (changes to position, rotation, scale, colour, and properties)
ü Introduction to temporal keyframe interpolation
ü Understanding the graph editor
ü Creating motion paths
ü Adding length to our compositions duration
ü Previewing animations
ü Animating and moving anchor points
ü Introduction to Effects & Presets
ü Understanding Motion Blur
ü Introduction to Parenting
ü Creating another composition to add to the main composition
ü Adding a null object as a control
ü Adding a camera and controlling it with a null object
ü Working with audio in After Effects
ü Rendering in After Effects / Simple Character Animation – Adobe Illustrator + After Effects
ü Design in Illustrator. Students learn how to design a simple character design with After Effects animation in mind.
ü Building in After Effects. Students will take their character from Illustrator, and import it into After Effects to build it for animation.
ü Rigging in After Effects. Students learn the process of rigging their character for simple walk or run cycle motion in After Effects.
Digital Technologies – Processes & Production Skills
Investigating and defining
ü Investigate a given need or opportunity for specific purpose
ü Evaluate and apply a given brief
ü Consider components/resources to develop solutions, identifying constraints
ü Design, develop, evaluate and communicate alternative solutions, using appropriate technical terms and technology
ü Produce a simple plan designed to solve a problem, using a sequence of steps
Producing and implementing
ü Safely apply appropriate techniques to make solutions using a range of components and equipment
ü Develop contextual criteria independently to assess design processes and solutions
Collaborating and managing
ü Plan, publish and manage projects, collaboratively and/or individually,
considering safety, specific task requirements, time and other required resources / Learners are assessed based on the completion of tutorials, exercises, portfolio of work and project diary file. Students update their project diary at the end of every lesson that shows evidence of their work using screenshots of their work. Students explain the skills they have learned and what they could improve in their learning and skills.
Task 1: Students are assessed based on the completion of tutorials, exercises, portfolio of work and project diary file.
6-10 / Assessment
Bring simple characters to life! Students learn to build and rig a simple character for animation and share it as a gif! Students design and create a character in an animated run cycle! Pupils learn how to export their animated GIF to make their work sharable.
Expected Pupils’ Outcomes:
By the end of the lesson pupils should have learnt to:
Vector Graphics – understand, create, manipulate and appropriately use vector graphics
ü Identify graphic formats and their appropriate use (e.g., PDF, AI, SWF, PNG, EPS, etc.)
ü Utilize drawing tools to create and manipulate Paths (lines and Bezier Curves) using Anchor points, direction handles
ü Apply Stroke and Fill (solid and gradient)
ü Utilize appropriate selection tools
ü Perform grouping and ungrouping of objects
ü Apply Styles and Effects & Transform objects
ü Create Layers
Animations -- Create, manipulate and appropriately use animations.
ü Creating first composition
ü Navigating the interface
ü Importing assets to the Project Panel
ü Adding layers to the Timeline
ü Setting keyframes (changes to position, rotation, scale, colour, and properties)
ü Introduction to temporal keyframe interpolation
ü Understanding the graph editor
ü Creating motion paths
ü Adding length to our compositions duration
ü Previewing animations
ü Animating and moving anchor points
ü Introduction to Effects & Presets
ü Understanding Motion Blur
ü Introduction to Parenting
ü Creating another composition to add to the main composition
ü Adding a null object as a control
ü Adding a camera and controlling it with a null object
ü Working with audio in After Effects
ü Rendering in After Effects / Simple Character Animation – Adobe Illustrator + After Effects
ü Design in Illustrator. Students learn how to design a simple character design with After Effects animation in mind.
ü Building in After Effects. Students will take their character from Illustrator, and import it into After Effects to build it for animation.
ü Rigging in After Effects. Students learn the process of rigging their character for simple walk or run cycle motion in After Effects.
Digital Technologies – Processes & Production Skills
Investigating and defining
ü Investigate a given need or opportunity for specific purpose
ü Evaluate and apply a given brief
ü Consider components/resources to develop solutions, identifying constraints
ü Design, develop, evaluate and communicate alternative solutions, using appropriate technical terms and technology
ü Produce a simple plan designed to solve a problem, using a sequence of steps
Producing and implementing
ü Safely apply appropriate techniques to make solutions using a range of components and equipment
ü Develop contextual criteria independently to assess design processes and solutions
Collaborating and managing
ü Plan, publish and manage projects, collaboratively and/or individually,
considering safety, specific task requirements, time and other required resources / Learners are assessed based on the completion of tutorials, exercises, portfolio of work and project diary file. Students update their project diary at the end of every lesson that shows evidence of their work using screenshots of their work. Students explain the skills they have learned and what they could improve in their learning and skills.
Task 2: Students design and create a character in an animated run cycle! Pupils learn how to export their animated GIF to make their work sharable.
Term 2
Week / Teaching Focus / Content Addressed / Assessment /
1 / Kodu Game Design
This course aims to teach learners the fundamentals of games programming using Kodu Game Lab, which is a visual game development environment. Using Kodu Game Lab learners will develop a range of key skills which include drawing and sculpting a world, adding character and objects. The use of When and Do instructions to control characters and objects including the use of paths and pages. Once learners have built their skills they are required to design, create, test and evaluate their own game.
Expected Pupils’ Outcomes:
By the end of the lesson pupils should have learnt to:
Getting Set Up with Kodu
ü What is Kodu?
ü Starting Kodu
ü Kodu game-level options
ü Interacting with Kodu
Understanding Kodu by Playing a Game
ü Playing in a Kodu world
Creating Your First Kodu World
ü Using the Make Land tool
ü Understanding brushes
ü Using the Mountain tool
ü Using the Water Tool
By the end of the lesson pupils should have created to:
ü A world demonstrating different heights, types of terrain and water. Collectable objects added to the world.
ü Character added to the world and controlled by the user.
ü Score added to keep track of the number of objects collected.
ü Understand how to use the terrain tools and control a character’s movement using Kodu Game Lab. / Algorithms
ü Design solutions that use repetition and two-way selection.
ü Design solutions by decomposing a problem and creates a sub-solution for each part.
Programming & Development
ü Create programs that implement algorithms to achieve given goals.
ü Declare and assign variables.
ü Uses post-tested loop and a sequence of selection statements.
ü Uses a variable and relational operators within a loop to govern termination.
Digital Technologies – Processes and production skills - Digital implementation
ü Design plans, using a sequence of steps, and represent them diagrammatically and in English, to solve a problem and to predict output for a given input to identify errors (ACTDIP029)
ü Implement and modify solutions, that include user interfaces within a programming environment, including the need for choice of options and/or repeating options (ACTDIP030) / Learners are assessed based on the completion of tutorials, exercises, portfolio of work and project diary file. Students update their project diary at the end of every lesson that shows evidence of their work using screenshots of their work. Students explain the skills they have learned and what they could improve in their learning and skills.
2-3 / Expected Pupils’ Outcomes:
By the end of the lesson pupils should have learnt to:
Working with Worlds
ü Using Save in Kodu
ü Using Export and Share in Kodu
ü Downloading and playing a game
ü Starting from a sample world
Adding Objects
ü Adding and changing basic object properties
ü Exploring more basic object properties
ü Adding more types of objects
ü Advanced object information
ü Using the Delete tool
Programming Objects by Example
ü Programming using When/Do menus
ü Using single-level When/Do commands
ü Copying objects
ü Reading When/Do commands
ü Exploring a complex When/Do program
By the end of the lesson pupils should have created to:
ü Walls and roads added to the world to make it look more realistic.
ü Use a plain path to control an enemy or NPC’s movement.
ü World settings tweaked to improve the overall appearance.
ü Understand how to add different types of paths to a world and use these to control enemies or NPCs within a game. / Algorithms
ü Design solutions that use repetition and two-way selection.
ü Design solutions by decomposing a problem and creates a sub-solution for each part.
Programming & Development
ü Create programs that implement algorithms to achieve given goals.
ü Declare and assign variables.
ü Uses post-tested loop and a sequence of selection statements.
ü Uses a variable and relational operators within a loop to govern termination.
Digital Technologies – Processes and production skills - Digital implementation
ü Design plans, using a sequence of steps, and represent them diagrammatically and in English, to solve a problem and to predict output for a given input to identify errors (ACTDIP029)
ü Implement and modify solutions, that include user interfaces within a programming environment, including the need for choice of options and/or repeating options (ACTDIP030) / Learners are assessed based on the completion of tutorials, exercises, portfolio of work and project diary file. Students update their project diary at the end of every lesson that shows evidence of their work using screenshots of their work. Students explain the skills they have learned and what they could improve in their learning and skills.
4-5 / Expected Pupils’ Outcomes:
By the end of the lesson pupils should have learnt to:
Programming Objects by Example
ü Programming using When/Do menus
ü Using single-level When/Do commands
ü Copying objects
ü Reading When/Do commands
ü Exploring a complex When/Do program
Shaping Your Game
ü Exploring sky and lighting options
ü Changing water and tree settings
ü Working with glass walls
ü Controlling the camera
Building Paths
ü Why do we need paths?
ü Creating basic paths
ü Programming object movement on paths
ü Creating advanced path types
By the end of the lesson pupils should have created to:
ü Basic racing game that is won when the player reaches the end.
ü Opponent added that races against the player by following a path.
ü Game Over displayed when enemy reaches the end first.
ü Understand how to combine programming and design skills learnt so far to use paths and opponents within a racing game. / Algorithms
ü Design solutions that use repetition and two-way selection.
ü Design solutions by decomposing a problem and creates a sub-solution for each part.
Programming & Development
ü Create programs that implement algorithms to achieve given goals.
ü Declare and assign variables.
ü Uses post-tested loop and a sequence of selection statements.
ü Uses a variable and relational operators within a loop to govern termination.
Digital Technologies – Processes and production skills - Digital implementation
ü Design plans, using a sequence of steps, and represent them diagrammatically and in English, to solve a problem and to predict output for a given input to identify errors (ACTDIP029)
ü Implement and modify solutions, that include user interfaces within a programming environment, including the need for choice of options and/or repeating options (ACTDIP030) / Learners are assessed based on the completion of tutorials, exercises, portfolio of work and project diary file. Students update their project diary at the end of every lesson that shows evidence of their work using screenshots of their work. Students explain the skills they have learned and what they could improve in their learning and skills.
Task 3: Students are assessed based on the completion of tutorials, exercises, portfolio of work and project diary file.
6-8 / Expected Pupils’ Outcomes:
By the end of the lesson pupils should have learnt to:
Advanced Object Programming
ü Adding emotion to an object
ü Adding sounds to an object