A meeting of the Environment Committee was held in the Parish Office on20th October2015.
Present: Cllrs Mrs S Watson (Chairman),Mrs P van Gelderen, M Powell and Mrs K England
Also Present: Cllr N Hornsey
Clerk: Mrs J Murray
15/10/14 Chairman’s remarks
The Chairman welcomed everyone to the meeting.
15/10/15 Apologies
On a proposal from Cllr Powell, seconded by Cllr Mrs van Gelderen, it was unanimously RESOLVED following a vote to accept apologies from Cllrs Pikett, Lowen and Mrs Scotthaving considered and accepted their reasons for absence.
15/10/16 Declarations of Interest
15/10/17 Minutes
On a proposal from Cllr Mrs England, seconded by Cllr Powell, it was unanimouslyRESOLVED that the notes of the meeting held on 9th September 2015be approved and signed as the minutes.
Owl/Kestrel Boxes – Gary Steele has sent an e-mail following his inspection of the boxes on 28th September – copy circulated
P3 Scheme Grant – the final grant claim has been submitted and confirmation of payment received from LCC.
MyWorkWear – Quote for Facilities staff protective clothing
Industrial Workwear – Quote for Facilities staff protective clothing
WLDC – Tree Works application 036477
WLDC – Tree Works application 036085
15/10/20 Financial
- Members were given a financial report to date.
- On a proposal from Cllr Mrs van Gelderen, seconded by Cllr Powell, it was RESOLVED following a unanimous vote to accept a quotation from My Workwear for facilities staff protective clothing
- On a proposal from Cllr Mrs van Gelderen, seconded by Cllr Mrs England, it was unanimously RESOLVED following a vote to agree the budget as presented for 2016/2017.
During the discussion regarding the budget it was agreed to look at some Christmas lights to be attached to the six lampposts around the Village Green for next year, replacing the Map Board and WW1/WW2 Commemorative benches and litter bin as joint projects working in partnership with other Committees.
15/10/21 Trees
- Tree Warden’s report – Cllr Powell reported that two applications had been received from WLDC for the removal of or maintenance to trees that have either a TPO or are within the Conservation Area and comments have been submitted.
- On a proposal from Cllr Mrs Watson, seconded by Cllr Powell, it was unanimously RESOLVED following a vote to accept the quote for additional maintenance work on the POS on Kingsway.
- On a proposal from Cllr Mrs England, seconded by Cllr Mrs van Gelderen, it was RESOLVED following a unanimous vote that Beckhall POS/Ridge & Furrow/Lagoon area/Kingsway would be suitable locations for planting Horse Chestnut trees. Quotes to be obtained for tree guards.
- Check the tree at the corner of Prebend Lanein the spring to ensure it is healthy.
- The tree on the corner of Furrow Close is leaning and may require a stronger stake.
15/10/22 Footpaths
P3 co-ordinator has not walked the footpaths recently, but is not aware of any issues.
15/10/23 Christmas Tree & Events
- On a proposal from Cllr Mrs England, seconded by Cllr Mrs Watson, it was unanimously RESOLVED following a vote to accept the quotes received for the purchase of Christmas trees for the Village Green and Parish Office.The PCC will light the star and process from the Church following their service.
- On a proposal from Cllr Mrs Watson, seconded by Cllr Powell, it was RESOLVED following a unanimous vote to purchase mulled wine and mince pies for the Christmas tree lighting ceremony on 29th November at a cost of approximately £150.00.
- Dunholme Parish Council is willing to split the cost of a Christmas tree disposal service. On a proposal from Cllr Powell, seconded by Cllr Mrs Watson, it was RESOLVED toaccept the quote from Glendale andrequest permission from the Village Hall Committee to use their car park and if this is not allowed, to use Manor Park as a back-up location.
15/10/24 Lagoon Area off Beckhall
The Clerk will contact the family of the late Cllr Mrs Gillian Dalton to ask if they would like to be involved in a small ceremony to unveil the commemorative bench and plaque and arrange a date accordingly. She will let members know when this has been arranged and as no money will be spent, a further meeting is not required.It was agreed that Cllr Mrs van Gelderen will say a few words.
15/10/25 Councillors’ Reports