Clerk: Rachel Bull
Sketty, Swansea, SA2 9EU
07730 527745
Minutes of the meeting of the Mawr Community Council held at Garnswllt Welfare Hall on 22ndMarch2017 at 6.30pm. For the transaction of the following business:
Present: Chair: G Morgan, L Frame, I Price, R Williams, R Jones, J Penquet, H Jones, B Rowlands, P Northcote
271/2016 T Cook
G Turner
Cllr H Jones Land boarders onto path discussed under 277/2016
- Windfarm Community Fund & Construction
Kathryn Harries UK Community Investment Officer from Innogy spoke about the Community Fund;
She advised that the Fund would be £240K per annum from when the wind turbines started to produce power for to the end of the life of the farm which is up to 25 years.
The Wind farm is expected to be fully operational by the end of 2018.
There are two parts to the fund: the Wider Fund (Swansea) and Local Fund (local affected communities)
The Fund Committee would be made up of a panel of local people and there will also be a separate independent administrator of the fund who would be paid for their services from the Fund Itself. Estimated administrations costs are likely to be 7.5% of the fund each year.
There will be definitive split between the local and the wider fund, which purely depends on applications received firstly from the local communities, anything left can then be consider from the wider fund. Any unspent fund money from one year will be rolled over into the next year.
Local people can apply to sit on the panel which will consist of around 7 members
The Administrators will assess each application as it comes in and then present them to the panel who will then vote.
Why is the wider fund needed?
So money can be used to tackle county wide issues for the benefit of all.
Who will be deciding on the wider fund allocation?
There will be set themes that the fund can be used for such as support for skills development or expansion of a small business.
Swansea Council has just had a Billion pound grant signed off by the British government will any of the fund go to the county council
No Swansea Council have taken themselves out of the fund.
The local fund is priority and in some instances there may be nothing
left for the wider fund.
Kathryn advised she was aware Mawr no longer have a development trust and Mawr Community Council might want to make an application for a development officer in partnership with S.V.S – she will liaise with the Clerk for further discussions on this and grant applications.
The fund is not be used to fund things the local Authority should be funding.
Jen Cowley the Community Liaison officer advised that there have been some complaints received re noise and timings of deliveries;
She advised that they have been giving correct instructions to their supplies but these were not always adhered to. They have been paying extra for materials to be not taken through the quicker routes such as pontadulais however on some occasions these were not being met and as such when a breach occurs some deliveries have been turned away.
Applications are being made to the Local Authority for road closures in Felindre – Dawnus will be doing a letter drop to locals – expected to be from May onwards.
There could be up to 10 weeks of road closures, they are looking into a text alert service to keep people updated.
- Public Forum
A member of the public asked to see the council’s budget, Clerk will send a copy to him.
- Confirmation of the accuracy of the minutes
RESOLVED: Minutes from February 2017 were agreed and
Signed. All in Favour
- Matters rising from the minutes
- Notices of Motion
- Defibrillators
We have obtained funding for 6 Defibrillators and need to provide details of locations and relevant approval:
RESOLVED: That the Defibrillators will be placed in the following locations subject to owners approval:
Garnswllt: Telephone boxes situated one up the top and one at the bottom of the village – Clerk/Cllr Rowlands to approach BT re Adopt a Box
One outside the hall and by The Shepherds – subject to permission
Hall, Masons Arms and outside School subject to permission
All in Favour
- Use of land at Ffordd Ellen by Swansea Council
The use of the land was discussed, many questions were raised and it was thought best to call a separate meeting at CCP which the contractors would be in attendance then questions from the Public and Councillors could be answered.
RESOLVED: That a meeting be arrange at CCP Hall with the contractors on Tuesday 28th March at 5.30pm – Clerk to confirm arrangements with contractor and produce agenda – All In Favour
- Public Footpath at Heol Rhyd, Craig Cefn Parc
No further observations made by the Council
- Website
The website link had been viewed by the Councillors,
Clerk to add R Jones as Independent and a note to be made that queries will be responded to within 7 days - No other changes.
RESOLVED: Clerk to “Go Live” with the new website
- Solar Panels in Felindre
RESOLVED: Income from the Solar Panels to be split equally between the 3 hall committees – All in Favour
- Minimum Wage
RESOLVED: It was agreed that the minimum wage should increase effective from 1st April 2017 to £7.50 per hour where applicable. – All in Favour
- To formally adopt the new financial regulations from June 2016
The clerk had emailed out the regulations to all Councillors for their Consideration. No Changes were requested RESOLVED: That the Council formally adopt the Financial Regulations dated June 2016– All in Favour
- CCP Roof and Ceiling Repairs
The roof of the backroom in CCP is now fixed and re-decoration is now needed.
RESOLVED:Quotations are obtained for repairs to the ceiling and redecoration of the walls subsequent to the roof leak -8 in Favour with 1 abstention.
- Pension Scheme
Item referred to additional meeting on 28th March 2017
- Reports from Committees, Sub Committees and Working Parties
Cllr Northcote advised that the Windfarm Community Liaison meetings were not being properly minuted and the next meeting would be 20th April where road closures would be discussed.
- Reports from the County Councillor
- Report from the Chairperson
- Report from the Clerk
- Report from the Community Councillors
RESOLVED: Suspend standing orders as it was now 9pm– All in Favour
Cllr Price commented on the speed vehicles pass through Heol – Y – Garn and Heol Y Mynydd Storm Drain are blocked again on Heol Y Garn even though they have been previously un-blocked recently and water is pouring onto the road.
It was agreed that the police be contacted re speeding incidents in the area and the planning department re heavy good vehicles.
Clerk to chase Mr Willacombe from CCS re an update and invite him to a future meeting.
Cllr Frame reminded the Council of Youth’s Got Talent show being put on by the Garnswllt Youth Club on 29th March at 6pm
Cllr Williams needed access to the Archives and the Clerk to register with I.C.O to comply with new regulations.
Cllr Penquet commented on the amount of dog mess in CCP even though there are dog bins, it was advised that the Dog warden be contacted to come and remove the Dog mess.
Cllr Cook asked permission for CCP School to use Mawr’s field on CCP for sports, Cllr Cook to liaise with Rhys Williams re cutting the field a track. RESOLVED: Permission granted for CCP School to use the Mawr Community Council’s field on Rhyddwen Road – All in Favour.
Cllr Morgan advised he had to obtain a quote from the Landscaper to deal with a dangerous tree on Mawr Land in Felindre and had been quoted £250 – RESOLVED: Allow Newham Trees to make safe tree in Felindre for the sum of £250 – All in Favour
- To Consider Planning Applications
No Observations
- Correspondence
- Financial Report and Presentation of Payments to be Made
Financial Reports for March were viewed and agreed.
Payments for Marchwere viewed and approved.
Resolved: That the accounts, budget, reconciliation and payments for March2017 have been reviewed and approved. Motion carried all in favour
- Date and Time of Next Meeting
Wednesday 17th May 2017
Craig Cefn Parc Welfare Hall
Full Council Meeting
Wednesday 17th May 2017
Craig Cefn Parc Welfare Hall
Meeting Closed at 9.30pm
Rachel Bull