We read “For Every Child” by Desmond Tutu. It tells us that children everywhere have rights, rights to live, be safe, grow, be happy, loved and listened to.
One picture in the book shows a kid telling his dad that an alligator in eating his bike but his dad is not listening he carries on reading his book.
The boy: Urm? Dad there is an alligator eating my bike
Dad: Oh good for you
The boy: Curiously there is an alligator eating my bike
Dad: Go AWAY I’m trying to read
The boy: If you are trying to read I learnt how to that years ago!!
Dad: Now don’t you be cheeky, I am busy
The boy: But there really, really is an alligator eating my bike
The alligator then eats dad and the boy runs off. IF ONLY THE DAD HAD LISTENED TO THE BOY.
It is a very similar story to “Not Now Bernard”
(Play script and information from Jed Cowie Y5)
Other pictures showed
Keep our families together and if we have no family look after us and love us just the same
No one on earth has the right to hurt us, not even our mums and dads. Protect us always from anyone who would be cruel.
We read Some Secrets Should Never Be Kept by Jayneen Sanders
This is a meaningful story about a mum who is very poor and works in a castle as a maid. When the boy finishes school that lord who owned the castle that the maid cleaned played with him. He played a tickling game which was fun to start with but the lord touched his private parts.
One day the boy bravely stepped up and told him to stop but the lord said if he told a soul his mum would lose her job and it would be his fault.
At first the boy felt too bad to tell his mum, he was so sad and worried. The he was very brave and told his mum. She cuddled him and told him he had done the right thing.
She got another job and the lord was banished. This story tells us to always tell someone if anything horrible happens . EshanSandu Y5
We talked about what childhood is
Jesus was preaching when a crowd of children burst in and began flooding the room. “Go away, you aren’t important!” shouted the disciples. But Jesus said, “They ARE important, the Kingdom of God is for everyone, now let those children come to me!” The disciples learnt that the children are important and they must be listened to.
There was no childhood in Victorian times the children had to work to help the adults in factories, mines, mills and farms. In those times they used to say “children should be seen and not heard”. There are still children in the world today in some countries that are in the same position. We know that this is wrong and that children should be listened to.
Diasy Evans Y5