Worship Sharing Groups report, IMYM 2017
In 2017, Worship Sharing (WS) was a favorite and important experiencefor most people who filled out an IMYM survey, as it usually is. Many people again reported Worship Sharing as their favoritepart of IMYM. However, its rating fell somewhatfrom 2016’s (from 4.46 to 4.37)reflecting some difficultiesin 2017.
Comments varied greatly.
Some participants foundthe theme and queries deep and spiritually rich:
- “Very meaningful and rich. Deeply satisfied with the listening and queries and sharing.”
- “We so rarely talk about personal economics with F/friends…in the manner of spiritual sharing. It was very deep for me.”
Some did not:
- “To talk about money matters without acknowledging there are differences in class was difficult for me.”
- “Questions seemed meaningful to some members of the group, but did not speak to me.”
Many commenters found WS leaders were well-prepared and helpful,including:
- “Excellent in all ways—great leader!”
- “Wonderful (except for the bugs!). Leaders were well-prepared.”
- “I was a leader and feel we got very good advance orientation for our role.”
While others had problems:
- “Overuse of the same leaders in some instances.”
- “There was no God or Spirit in my WS. More of a support group for people with money issues.”
- “Having quality queries that build over time and relate to the topic is valuable. Now it’s just the Worship Sharing Coordinator that comes up with queries. She requests suggestions but doesn’t have help with discernment. Not sure if Pamela Haines was asked to submit a query.” (oof!)
As always, queries were indeed submitted and then refined by many experienced people (including me). Many were stimulating and spiritually rich.But in truth, last year’s theme was more challenging for me as coordinator in terms of generating many queries with spiritual depth. And I fewer submissions were sent back from seasoned WS leaders and the speaker than in 2016 or in other gatherings where I’ve led WS. More proposed queries than usual lacked depth or aim at personal experience, but some were great.
The orientation meeting this year opened andprogressedconfidently and calmly. But my introduction of a discussion of ideas about evaluation added stress toits close. I was disappointed with that decision on my part. I stillthink some feedback would help the Coordinator help leaders,help select leaders, or pairleaders if one is struggling. Perhaps interested Friends may discuss this with me during or after Arrangements.
Group size of 10-11 worked well this year, and most groups maintained sizes of 6-9 through the Gathering, allowing for drop-offs for hiking etc, except in Intergenerational WS. The problem there was solved fairly well by combining groups at the end of the week.
Spacing of group locations worked better this year than last, with the somewhat larger groups and lower overall attendance. Commenters mentioned generally being able to hear, and all groups had some sun and some shade. One person loved being at the campground, while another thought it a difficult and useless location. It seems clear campground attendance should be by request only.
Favorite things Friends mentioned included the Spanish language group that has grown so close, and Jamie’s leadership of it; Rob Pierson’s Bible-based group with growing interest there; and the openness and sharing of participants and leaders in the groups. Comments in general were personal, interesting, and helpful.
One interesting suggestion to handle hearing difficulties was to offer a group that people with hearing challenges could specifically select, where all members would understand the importance of making themselves heard. Perhaps we can discuss this idea at Arrangements.
I have enjoyed both my years so far as Coordinator, each with its particular challenges and accomplishments. I am grateful for everyone’s support, including Barb Stephens and other Friends who love Worship Sharing as I do. Carl Feitler has been magnificentlysupportive and helpful both years. Others in Operations have been very helpful as have Sara Feitler and Lisa Toko-Ross in Registration. I have enjoyed working with Senior Young Friends (especially with Flora Quimby in 2016 and Tynan Gacy and others last year). I am very pleased with the growth in participation in Intergenerational Worship Sharing we have encouraged together over the two years. I look forward to overlapping and working with the next WS Coordinator in 2018, to help ensure a smooth transition when he or she takes over the program in 2019.
It is also has been a joy to work with DeAnne and John since last June as they clerk the Program Working Group. They keep all members part of process as we worktogether towards outcomes on theme, speaker, panelists, and interest groups. My strong sense is that this preparation is leading to a centered and spiritually joined Gathering in 2018, and Iexpect and intend that this spirit and cohesion will be similarly reflected in 2018’sWorship Sharing Groups and queries.
Ba Wise
December 2017