Request for Proposal for the
Evaluation and Market Characterization of Energy Efficiency Programs
The JEA is seeking an Independent Evaluation and Market Characterization Contractor to conduct evaluation and market characterization services on the utility’s residential and commercial DSM programs.
The total budget available for this project is $200,000.
The target date to begin the engagement is October 1, 2012. The completion date is April 1, 2013 with deliverables listed herein and in accordance with the JEA DSM Goal Setting & Reporting Timeline shown in Appendix II.
JEA owns, operates and manages the electric system established by the City of Jacksonville in 1895. The electric system grew from a department of city government to an independent authority created by the consolidation of city and county governments in 1967. On June 1, 1997, the water and sewer systems operated by the city since 1880 also became part of JEA's utility service offerings. It was fitting that this merger took place, as the Main Street Light Plant was built at the city's Waterworks Park at First and Main Streets.
Today, JEA is the largest community-owned utility in Florida and the eighth largest in the United States. Additional JEA background and information may be viewed at
Florida Energy Efficiency and Conservation Act (FEECA)
JEA is subject to Florida’s FEECA statutes. Originally enacted in 1980, FEECA places emphasis on reducing the growth rates of weather-sensitive peak demand, reducing and controlling the growth rates of electricity consumption, and reducing the consumption of scarce resources such as petroleum fuels. The Florida Public Service Commission (FPSC) fulfills the requirements of the FEECA statutes by setting numeric Electric Peak demand and energy savings goals for JEA and then requiring submission of DSM program designs that will be used to meet the goals. During FY 11 the FPSC approved JEA’s Petition for the Approval of its DSM Program Designs.
JEA is positioned to meet its FPSC annual goals with its designed programs when it reports to the commission in March 2013. Figure 1 summarizes JEA’s FEECA goals and performance.
Figure 1 - Total FEECA Demand and Energy Savings Goals, Achievements and VarianceYEAR / WINTER PEAK MW REDUCTION / SUMMER PEAK MW REDUCTION / GWH ENERGY REDUCTION
GOAL / %
GOAL / %
GOAL / %
2010 / 4.0 / 1.4 / 185.7% / 3.2 / 1.8 / 77.8% / 26.9 / 15.50 / 73.6%
2011 / 5.7 / 1.4 / 307.1% / 4.4 / 1.8 / 144.4% / 40.3 / 15.50 / 160.0%
Notes: / 1. Variance calculated utilizing the formula [(Actual-Goal)/Goal]
Demand Side Management (DSM) Programs
On January 19, 2006 JEA established Customer Conservation Programs. Subsequently, on February 15, 2006 the DSM and Conservation Steering Committee was established to provide direction and oversight of JEA’s DSM Program.
On June 19th, 2007 the JEA Board of Directors approved the establishment of a conservation fund for the purpose of funding the implementation of electric DSM programs. Since that time JEA has significantly increased its efforts in developing and implementing DSM programs for its customers.
The primary objective of JEA’s DSM programs is to educate and promote cost effective, energy efficient alternatives that benefit the community while deferring the need for higher cost supply side resources.
The JEA DSM 2011 Annual Report, shown in Appendix I, includes the mission, objectives and policies as well as an overview of programs.
The JEA DSM Goal Setting & Reporting Timeline is shown in Appendix II.
JEA’s DSM portfolio is a combination of regulated and non-regulated programs. Regulated programs are designated by a checkmark in the column titled “FEECA Programs” shown in Appendix III.
Bidders shall have the following minimum qualifications to be considered eligible to Bid in response to this Solicitation. It is the responsibility of the Bidder to ensure and certify that it meets the minimum qualifications. Bidders not meeting all of the following criteria will not have their Bids considered for Award.
- Company must have been in business for five years and provide references of at least three (3) utilities where a similar engagement has been completed. Include company and contact name, phone number and date of engagement. References shall be from companies greater than 150,000 total residential and commercial electric customers. Similar experience is defined as continuous experience in: program evaluation, measurement, and verification techniques; a variety of measurement and statistical sampling techniques; survey techniques; and public utility energy efficiency program operations.
No Evaluation Mandate. Although JEA has FEECA goals, as a municipal utility JEA is not subject to FPSC mandates for DSM program evaluation like many investor owned utilities. Nonetheless, JEA recognizes the need for appropriate evaluation of its programs to ensure funds are being utilized effectively.
5 Year Program Cycle. Traditionally many DSM programs follow a 3 year program cycle that evaluation activities must follow. However, JEA has planned its DSM program evaluation to follow a 5 year cycle that coincides or tracks the FPSC mandate for JEA to update its programs.
Bid-Savings Methodology. Some residential and commercial programs were ‘bid’ in the marketplace and awarded to Implementation Contractors (ICs) that bid the highest capacity and energy savings for established spending levels. By adhering to this methodology JEA believes it maximizes program delivery efficiencies and provides the highest return on investment to the community. Programs that follow a bid-savings methodology are indicated in Appendix III.
DSM Tools. JEA utilizes a variety of DSM tools to accomplish program design, development, deployment, evaluation and reporting. In order to stay abreast of current best practices JEA will periodically evaluate DSM industry tool options for its programs.
JEA recognizes the value of independent 3rd-party, impact, process and market evaluation. Based upon our regulatory environment, bid-savings approach and 5-year cycle JEA is seeking an Evaluation Contractor that can recommend and implement the best approach to evaluation that considers JEA’s environment.
Bidders may use subcontractors to bid on the scope of work contained within this RFP. However, all subcontracting firms must be identified in the bidder’s proposal. The JEA DSM Support Services Manager must approve any proposed substitution of subcontracting firms in writing before any changes are made.
JEA will not Award this Contract on a price only basis, but will Award based on an evaluation of how well each Bidder meets the evaluation criteria listed herein. Therefore, it is in the best interest of Bidders to provide informative, concise, well-organized technical and business information relative to the Work.
JEA will use the "Selection Criteria" listed below to evaluate the Company's Proposals. JEA will evaluate the Information submitted by each Company based on the Selection Criteria listed below. JEA may make its Award decision based solely upon the information submitted in the Proposals. JEA may also choose to have one or more Companies make presentations to representatives of JEA. It is always in the best interest of the Company to provide informative, concise, well-organized technical and business information relative to the Work, in both the initial submittal of its Proposal and in any subsequent submittals.
Required Information:
Company shall provide a schedule of proposed rates for the first year of the Contract by completing the rates of the personnel below. These rates shall include all profit, taxes, travel, benefits, and all other overhead items.
TitleRate per Hour
Project Manager$
Project Engineer/Analyst$
Market Research Specialist$
Database Specialist$
Field Survey Specialist$
At minimum, Company shall provide the following information:
form of business (i.e., proprietorship, partnership, corporation);
years in business;
changes in ownership;
bank reference; and
revenue of the Company in 2011
Company shall provide the resumes of the Project Manager, Project Engineer/Analyst, Market Research Specialist, Database Specialist, and Chief Field Survey Specialist available to work on the JEA engagement, At minimum, each resume shall present the employee’s name, title, years of service with the Company, applicable professional registrations, education, and work experience. Resumes shall also identify any specialty or technical process expertise. Resumes should be one page in length. Longer resumes will be accepted, however, the preceding information should be highlighted with a colored marker. Resumes should also identify the individual’s home office and the driving distance of this home office from JEA Headquarters (21 West Church Street). The resumes should also clearly identify the expected availability of the individual for the next twelve months from the date of submission of the proposal based on the Company’s present workload. The availability should be expressed as a percentage i.e. number of available billable hours divided by the number of total regular work hours during the year (normally 2080 hours).
The Proposing Company shall provide information regarding three similar projects completed in the past three years. Each project should at a minimum list the following:
Name of Client/ Customer with contact information that should include
Name and title of Contact
Contact’s phone number and email address.
Project Title
Project Cost
Project Completion Date
Brief project description (no more than 10 lines)
Describe how you would perform the JEA engagement. Provide a detailed work plan, a timeline, including time estimates required, by whom and for each task. Include JEA staffing and data requirements and any other items you believe would be necessary to complete this engagement. Also include milestones and status reporting dates throughout the project, including when drafts and final reports will be available. Indicate JEA personnel and customers which would be needed during the engagement.
Required information
Company shall indicate (Yes or No) if Company is certified as a Jacksonville Small and Emerging Business Program (JSEB) as defined by Jacksonville Ordinance 2004-602; Chapter 126, Part 6A and 6B. Company shall also indicate whether it intends to subcontract any services to JSEB certified firms. Points in this category will be assigned as follows:
5% of the total points available will be awarded in the JSEB category. The points will be awarded as follows:
Amount of work that will be subcontracted:
JEA certified JSEB = 10 pts,
Non-JSEB with JSEB partner:
>10% of work = 8 pts,
6-10% of work = 6 pts,
1 -5% of work = 4 pts
<1%=0 pts
add page numbers….
The term of this contract is until the completion of work or $200,000.00, whichever occurs first. JEA does not guarantee any work or dollar amount.
Work products are divided into two broad categories, those outputs that support the goal-setting process and those products that are outside of regulatory process. Since this RFP is limited to $200,000 JEA has prioritized evaluation deliverables starting with our goal-setting needs.
- Work Products of the evaluation:
- Impact Evaluation.
- Assessment of incremental energy (kWh) and demand (kW) savings accuracy for all programs to date.
- Determine Net-to-Gross (NTG) values using proven performance metrics.
- Appliance and Socket Saturation Survey. Perform this combined survey (so home owner is engaged only once) for all existing and emerging technology measures.
- Non-participant Survey. Perform this survey for DSM programs, including contractors and vendors.
- Incremental Costs Analysis. Perform survey to validate costs for all measures. This information will be used to determine cost effectiveness in the upcoming potential study.
- Process Evaluation.
- Perform a process evaluation for programs in Appendix III that have a checkmark in the column titled “Process Evaluation”. Refer to Appendix IV for IC data collection fields.
- DSM Tools Assessment. Perform review and recommendation for current tools used for program design, development, deployment, evaluation and reporting.
- Minimum Tasks to perform the evaluation:
- Review and provide remarks on JEA’s data collection process and impact reporting spreadsheet logic and calculations.
- Perform inspections and provide remarks on statistically selected sample(s) to ensure that measures are installed and operating as planned.
- Review and provide remarks on all deemed savings logic.
- Review and provide remarks on FEECA calculations performed by JEA for annual FPSC reporting.
- Review and provide remarks on foundational program development assumptions found in Itron’s Potential Study.
- Review and provide remarks on JEA’s FY11 DSM Annual Report calculations, format and content.
- Provide recommendations for continuation of existing programs.
- Deliver the final report by April 1, 2013.