I : Let me introduce myself, my name is Tadius Lius??? I’m from.. I’m a lecture from law faculty, in Tanjung Pura University, I come here with 4 of my friends, to.. err.. do a research, sir. For academic purpose. What is your name?
N : My name is Nurdianto.
I : Nurdianto, right?
N : Yes.
I : You come from..
N : Jagui Babang.
I : From Jagui Babang..
N : I’m a member of this area Ojek group.
I : Oh.. You work as Pengojek?
N : Yes.
I : How long have you worked as Pengojek?
N : It has been more than 10 years.. yes.. it has been more than 10 years, from 97..
I : Oh.. from 97?
N : Yes.
I : So, it has been 10 years?
N : Yes.
I : More than 10 years
N : More than 10 years.
I : From the beginning, until now, what do you think? Is there any development?
N : There is development sir, this road, it used to be made from boards. So, we go through the boards, the mud was about 30 cm.
I : Oh.. it’s like that..
N : Yes.
I : Use boards?
N : It wasnot like this, the car couldn’t go through at that time when we still carried things using Ambingan.
I : Oh.. when was that?
N : That.. That was.. about 80s
I : So, in the past, this “Ojek” used to be people right?
N : Yes, we used people, we used Ambingan.
I : didn’t use motorcycle?
N : There was no motorcycle yet.
I : You already did that?
N : Yes, I have
I : What motivated you to do that job?
N : Because it seemed that, there was no ther jobs.
I : Oh.. to get sallary right?
N : Yes
I : For all this time, you never work in the field in Kampung or else?
N : We also do some work in the field.
I : Oh.. you also do that.
N : So, this work is..
I : This is only part time work?
N : Yes, only part time work.
I : Since when did you get the motorcycle?
N : At first, we used Ambingan, and then we used bicycle.
I : Oh, used bicycle as well?
N : After carried things using Ambingan we could get some money to buy bicycle, for bicycle we also need to push it. Over there, the road is still made from boards.
I : When did you start with this? With motorcycle?
N : Used this motorcycle? Well.. it was.. when it was... perhaps.. about 90s. At that momment, we have already been able to go through the road by motorcycle.
I : How many years it has, since this road was built? Since this road has been good. Good means big.
N : Perhaps.. it’s about.. almost 20 years for using this good road, perhaps..
I : About 90s right?
N : Yes
I : Are there many people who use this road now?
N : Right now, there might be a lot of people. But if we see it from Ojek.. there’s more people in the past.
I : There were more people in the past?
N : Yes, there were.
I : When the road was still bad?
N : Bad, yes. Because.. why I said so, it’s because at that time it was the passenger who look for Ojek. So now, if we compare it with the condition right now, It’s the Ojek who look for passenger.
I : Is it because the Ojek is getting more or why?
N : For the number of Ojek members, I think it’s the same. But I think, The passenger who wants to use us is getting less.
I : In your opinion, what is the cause for that?
N : I think it’s because of the regulation from Malaysia government is tighter, so people who entered that area is getting less as well.
I : In the past.. it’s free to go in the past?
N : We can consider it as a little bit free in the past, up to the people, the traders who want to go here..
I : That’s.. that’s.. is it in Malaysia which regulation is tighter or in Indonesia as well?
N : For the regulation from us (Indonesian), it’s a little bit less, I think. Only in Malaysia which regulation is tight.
I : If you go by Ojek, do you need any document?
N : We use documents to Ojek, use PLB.
I : You make it each day or each month?
N : No.. we.. well, this PLB is a book..
I : Oh, a book?
N : Yes, so we use PLB book, to cross the border.
I : Is it stamped every day?
N : No, not everyday. We usually do the Ojek for once a month.
I : Oh, once a month..
N : Yes.
I : That’s.. who published the PLB?
N : Our immigration, from..
I : Is it hard to proceed?
N : No.
I : Oh.. no..
N : As long as we have the book, it doesn’t require a long time.
I : How about over there?
N : When we enter Malaysia, we enter the immigration of Malaysia, then they give us. If we asked for 1 month, they’ll give us 1 month. But we also pay them.
I : Oh, you pay for that?
N : Yes.
I : Do we need to pay if we want to go there? Go there.. pay.. something..? Do we?
N : For now, we need to pay. There are Malaysia people who guard the gate, we pay the.
I : Oh, there are gate guards?
N : Yes there are. For Motorcycle, it’s 2 ringgit, it’s about 5 rupiah.
I : How long has it been?
N : .. That’s for motorcycle. That.. maybe it has been about this 6-7 years, the gate.
I : Oh, 6-7 Years.. is it from the government? Malaysia government?
N : From what I heard, that was from local people (Kampung people)’s policy.
I : Oh, local people.. What do you think about that? Will it be a burden?
N : I think it’s not, because the one who pay the fee is our passenger.
I : oh, your passenger?
N : We only bring them, and they will pay for the fee. If we bring their goods and there are fee to pay, they will also pay the fee for us.
I : It’s your passenger who pay for it, right?
N : Yes.
I : The passenger will complaint about the fee?
N : I don’t know! They never complaint.. but I think they won’t complaint.
I : So, it’s not a problem right?
N : No, it’s not a problem
I : How about here? Is there anything like that as well?
N : For this area, there is no such thing.
I : Free to enter?
N : There is no such thing..
I : Well, according to your experience, do you have any interesting experience.. very interesting for you, when you did the Ojek there. One or two interesting experience, for you..
N : Well.. what makes it interesting is, after we bring them there, they will give us money.
I : Oh.. Errr.. What I mean is.. in the past, you started with carried things using Ambingan, then you go by bicycle, there were changes, right? What was the most memorable for you? Perhaps it was sad.. or on the opposite, it was interesting. Is there any experience like that?
N : Well.. for all this time, all I know was happy, there was no bad side.
I : Oh.. you was happy.
N : When we first used Ambingan, then we like it, then we used bicycle, now we can use motorcycle.
I : Oh, it’s like that.. so there is.. there is changes?
N : Yes.
I : How about from the income? Does it increase?
N : It’s not bad, sir.
I : Not bad right?
N : For daily life..
I : Well.. you are local people right?
N : Yes.
I : Our neighbor? The border beside us, it’s Bidayuh. Do you feel that they are Malaysia people, foreigners.. or how? Do you have any feelings like that? For the house next door, for example.
N : It feels fine, sir. I don’t think there’s any proble.
I : No.. not a problem. Do you feel that.. well they’re Malaysia people and we are not. Don’t feel such thing?
N : Ooh.. I don’t feel such thing. We feel that we are one district.
I : Oh...
N : Yes. Only one Kampung.
I : There’s no visible border right?
N : Yes. It’s only feel a little bit different that they’re Malaysia and we’re Indonesian people, just that.
I : You feel such thing?
N : Yes, I feel such thing. But..
I : (Interupt) In the society?
N : .. we still feel as one family.
I : In the society? There is no...
N : No.
I : There is no feelings like : “ Oh you are people from..”
N : There’s no feelings like that, the only different is we know that they’re Malaysia people, and we are Indonesian, just that.
I : But you know, right?
N : But.. There’s no difference, it’s the same.
I : You were born in Jagui Babang right?
N : Yes
I : When did you know about the border? Knew that this area is the border.
N : Well.. I don’t know.. when it was.. I don’t know.
I : When you were little, have you known that this is the border of Malaysia?
N : Yes I already knew it because my parents told me.
I : Oh, your parents told you? Like.. this is Malaysia.
N : Yes.
I : They have told you?
N : Yes, my parents told me that. The other parents might not tell their children.
I : Was there that area in the past? Has it been there for a long time?
N : This is recently as well. About 90s..
I : What it used to be in the past?
N : In the past, before.. I’m not sure, it’s like those stones as well.
I : When that hasn’t been existed... that area didn’t exist yet, and now you know that is the border. How about in the past, sir? How did you know which one is the border? When that sign didn’t exist yet.
N : Well.. I just knew that it was a border. Just knew it was a border.
I : Was there any pole/sign? Like the signs over there?
N : Those signs, perhaps were there in the past, but we don’t really remember.
I : But you knew that was the border?
N : Yes, we knew, it was said that was the border.
I : Ok.. err.. The passengers that you usually carry, well.. who? Traders? Or.. normal visitor?
N : There are traders, there are people who go to work in Malaysia..
I : Oh.. people who work as well?
N : Yes. Those people are the people that we bring then there. But for people to whom we bring them there, they come home from work.
I : On the other hand, from.. from Malaysia, is there any ojek to go here?
N : Malaysia people, yes there are, but they don’t go up until here, Srikin people who did Ojek will go until this place, then we will continue to Seluas.
I : Oh.. it’s like that..
N : Yes
I : So.. So.. You don’t know each other?
N : Yes, we know everyone, everything.
I : You don’t need to snatch each other right?
N : No, no.. we have divided them all. In Seluas is like that as well, from Seluas there is Ojek, the Ojek people stop here, then the Ojek people from this area will bring the passenger.
I : Oh.. well. Later, this area will be changed, sir. About several years later, there will be border, the road will used asphalt.. What do you imagine, with your job as Ojek people, if this area has become better?
N : I don’t know yet, but we hope that Ojek people will still exist.
I : Still exist..
N : Yes, still exist, but what will it be.. just let’s see.
I : Do you feel threatened? For example, when the road has been better, people will go by car, by bus, and they won’t go with Ojek anymore, do you feel threatened?
N : Well.. this kind of things..
I : Do you have any kind of feelings like that?
N : There is that kind of feelings, but.. if it’s possible, in the future don’t forget about the ojek.
I : So that the Ojek will still exist?
N : Yes, still exist.
I : Later, when the road is good, there will be many cars, like taxi.. and else
N : Well..
I : Do you see it as a threat for the existance of this Ojek?
N : Well.. More or less will be like that. There is a threatened feeling if that case happen, Ojek will dissapear. But if it’s possible, don’t let the Ojek dissapear.
I : That’s your wish, right?
N : Yes that’s our wish, for little people like us right?
I : Do you have.. how old are you now?
N : Well.. 97... It’s more than 40 years old.
I : What is your name again?
N : Nurdianto.
I : Nurdianto..
N : Yes.
I : How many children do you have?
N : I have 3 children.
I : 3.. they have grown up?
N : Yes they have.
I : Do they go to school?
N : One son doesn’t go to school anymore, my two other children are in 2nd grade of senior high.
I : 2nd grade of senior high.. well, do you want to send your children to Malaysia?
N : No.. they can’t.
I : Why is that?
N : Because.. there’s also the regulation.
I : Oh.. they are not allowed?
N : They are not allowed.
I : Eventhough you are the same Bidayuh?
N : Well.. but there are also people from this Kampung who send their children to go to school in Malaysia, but I think their reason is that their wife was born there, or gave birth there, so their children can attend Malaysia school. But if for us, local people from this area, it’s difficult. If in the past, it was still possible.
I : In the past, it was allowed?
N : In 70s, there were a lot of people from this Kampung who went there to attend school.
I : Why is that sir? It’s allowed in the past but not it’s not?
N : I don’t know.
I : Or was it because in the past, there was no school yet?
N : Perhaps.. but I think there were already schools, but, perhaps because there were these families who come from Babang and lived there, so “It’s fine kids, I will send you to Malaysia school.”
I : Oh.. so, it’s not because the school is better?
N : No. I don’t think so.
I : In your opinion, which school is better? Right there or right here?
N : I think it’s the same.
I : It’s the same?
N : It’s the same.
I : It’s still the same.. You like it more to send your children to go to school in...
N : Yes, because it’s nearer.
I : You don’t want to work in Malaysia?
N : No, I don’t.
I : No? Why?
N : Well, I had that thought while I was young.