DraftThorp Arch Parish CouncilMinutes Monday 9th November2015
Present: Cllrs:J Richardson (Chairman), Graham Duxbury
M. Smyth, Andrew Rodger Amy Crooks
In Attendance: T. Wormley (Clerk)
Others: PCSO Becky Jackson
1. Apologies for Absence
2. Declaration of Prejudicial/Personal Interests
3. Police Report
PCSO Becky Jackson reported five crimes for the month of October. All occurred on the trading estate. Two arrests were made on the trading estate when officers approached a vehicle acting suspiciously. The vehicle was searched and a number of televisions were found.
4. Minutes of the last meeting held onMonday 12th October2015,having been circulated to all members, were agreed as correct.
5. Matters Arising from the Minutes
6. Correspondence
- Response from Boston Spa PC re Hydro-power project – On agenda
- Response from Tree Officer re Trees on The Green – On agenda
- Response from Peter Smart re Neighbourhood Plan – On agenda
- Email from Village Society re phone box – Discussion postponed until Dec meeting
- Response from Martin Sellens re planning application. Currently under investigation
- Letter from David Spurr in response to parish letter re move to school
- Email from Bramham PC re their rejection of Headley Hall
- YLCA – Accounts and Finance training session – Clerk to attend
- Neighbourhood Watch – information about Council Tax Scam
- Outer North East Town and Parish Council Forum – Thursday 4th Feb – John Richardson (JR) and Andrew Rodger (AR) to attend
- Email from Clifford PC re Neighbourhood Plan Pre-submission consultation
The tree Officer, Richard Lapish has advised a tree size of12-14cm, which would cost £105. The Council agreed that this was a good price but will source a second quote for next
8. Update regarding Highways and maintenance Issues
The Planned Highway Maintenance Programme for 2016/17 does not contain any inclusions for Thorp Arch. Graham Duxbury (GD) and AR have surveyed the area and produced a photographed list of repairs that need to be undertaken. It was agreed to send the list with an accompanying letter to Highways. AR to forward to Clerk.
Resolved: To send a photographed list of repairs to Highways.
9. To receive an update regarding the prison social club
The HCA have confirmed that they will be making representation to the Leeds City Council Site Allocation Plan. They have agreed to share the submission with the Parish Council once it has been completed. The HCA and the Parish Council have agreed to meet after the Site Allocation Consultation deadline has passed.
10. To discuss the establishment of a ‘Cold Calling Central Zone’
Following a discussion about the possibility of establishing a Cold Calling Central Zone in Thorp Arch, the Council agreed to make enquiries about individual packs for residents, rather than establish a whole estate zone. AR to investigate.
11.To discuss developments on the Boston Spa Hydro Power Project
The Clerk at Boston Spa has responded to the Council’s email requesting information about new developments. The current position is that a meeting is being arranged with the residents of Holgate Lane and Lynton Avenue who own the land up to the edge of the bridleway to agree a wayleave. Hydrosense will then take out insurance in respect of the land for which ownership cannot be established. Once this has been sorted the final Heads of Terms agreement can then be finalised and agreed. The Council agreed to put the matter on next month’s agenda.
12. Proposed meeting with Walton Parish Council
The Council agreed to meet with Walton Parish Council post Site Allocation Consultation. Areas of common interest will be discussed. JR to organise.
13.Feedback from Rural Action Yorkshire AGM
JRgave a report from the Rural Action Yorkshire AGM. The meeting focussed on issues affecting rural communities. A pack with information from the event was circulated.
14. Site Allocation Consultation Process
The Parish Council circulated a letter with the last Causeway magazine advising residents to comment on the Site Allocation Consultation proposals. Positive feedback about the letter from residents has been forwarded to the Council. The Council agreed to submit their own comments outlining their objections to several topics, including the unsustainable development proposals for TATE. JR and GD to draft the letter and forward to Clerk.
15.To review the Thorp Arch Trading Estate Planning Application and responses
Nothing further to report.
16. Community Right to Bid
The Council agreed to consider registering three properties under the Community Right to Bid scheme: The Pax, The old Smithy and the stone wall behind The
Pax, which surrounds the cricket ground. It was agreed to ask residents through Causeway, if they would like to add any other assets. The matter will also be raised at the Annual Parish meeting in April. Clerk to add to Causeway news update.
17. To receive an update on the Neighbourhood Plan
The first meeting has taken place with the appointed Consultants AlysonLinnegar and David Gluck. Their feedback on the plan was very positive.Timescales have been reviewed. A pre-consultation version of the plan should be ready by March 2016. Further funding may be available after March next year to support the plan.
Peter Smart will be attending the December meeting. It was agreed to hear Peter at 6.30 prior to the start of the meeting.
18. To receive an update on the Thorp Arch North East steering group
No new members. Still awaiting report regarding noticeboard in the Woodlands.
19. Planning Matters
Ref. No: 15/06091/FU – Existing middle stand to be demolished and replaced with extension to the Millennium Stand - Wetherby Race Course.Support
Ref. No: 15/9/00258 – 7 The Village – Two storey and single storey side/rear extension including new driveway with vehicular access, drop kerb and porch to front - NON MATERIAL AMENDMENT to 15/01289/FU - relation of access drive, new front windows to extension and side windows.No Comment
Ref. No: 15/05310/FU – Variation of condition 2 of approval 14/01048/FU to vary house type of plot 1 - Land East Of Leeds United Training Ground Walton Road. Planning Approved.
Ref:- 15/05792/TR For – T1 Maple - 20% all round reduction. T2 Beech - To safely dismantle to ground level including grinding out stump. T3 Cherry Plum- To crown lift by 2 meters. Site At: 3 Mulberry Garth. Approved, but Beech tree to be pruned not felled.
Ref:- 15/04696/FU/NE – Two storey/single storey side extension: 32 The Village. Planning Refused
20. Financial Matters
Spot check of accounts undertaken by JR. All in order and compliant.
Draft budget – The draft budget was circulated and accepted by members pending a discussion about the precept which will take place at the December meeting.
Resolved: To pass the following accounts for payment:
Jenny Bentley– Poppy wreath for Remembrance Sunday £17.00
CPRE – Annual membership renewal £36.00
21. Minor items and items for next agenda
Minor Items: New style agenda will commence from January 2016.
Clerk to chase up Rosie Watts from Parks and Countryside.
Next Agenda: Cleaning of War Memorial, Boston PC Hydro Power Project, removal of phone box, budget and precept.
Date of Next Meeting: Monday 14th December – 6.30pm at the Church.
The minutes are draft until agreed at the next Parish Council Meeting