Terms of Reference
Support to the GNC Capacity Building Project
Job Title: / Support to the GNC Capacity Building ProjectPlace of Work: / Home based and training location in the field (Kenya).
Reports to: / Global Nutrition Cluster Coordinator
Works with: / Nutrition Cluster Coordinators at country level, cluster partners and CLA Regional Nutrition and Emergency Advisors
Responsible for: / Facilitation of one Country or Regional Cluster Coordinators Training in Nairobi (Kenya) – location is to be decided in consultation with UNICEF Regional Office for East and South Africa (ESARO)
Duration / February - March 2015
The concept of global clusters was adopted by the Inter-Agency Standing Committee (IASC) in September 2005 in recognition of the capacity gaps which often undermine the effectiveness of humanitarian assistance delivered to communities affected by emergencies. Cluster leads were identified for eleven areas of activity with UNICEF the designated global lead for three clusters including Nutrition. UNICEF is also a lead for working group on Gender Based Violent and Child Protection, both of which falls under the Protection Cluster.
The aim of the global clusters is to “improve the predictability, timeliness and effectiveness of a comprehensive response to humanitarian crises” through strengthening partnerships between NGOs, international organizations, the International Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement and UN agencies. At country level it is anticipated that enhanced inter agency collaboration will improve the quality of response by encouraging better prioritization of available resources and greater clarity in defining the division of labor and the roles and responsibilities of humanitarian actors in the response.
At a global level, the Nutrition Cluster has made significant progress since 2006 in bringing together Nutrition partners to support a coherent emergency response. Over the past eight years, the GNC has supported the development of much needed tools and document within the Nutrition cluster coordination and Nutrition in Emergencies areas. Capacity building for effective cluster coordination is at the core of the Pillar 2 of the 2014-2016 GNC Strategic Plan.
In 2012, the GNC developed the Nutrition Cluster Handbook. The GNC’s Nutrition Cluster Coordinators Training Package was also updated and revised in 2014 to include the new IASC guidance on cluster coordination and Humanitarian Programme Cycle (HPC). Many cluster reviews, cluster coordination performance monitoring (CCPM) reports and evaluations have identified the need for the promotion of tool and training packages developed at global level to support the capacity of country clusters. As a result, in 2013/2014, several capacity building initiatives covering several countries across five UNICEF regions were undertaken.
In April 2014, the South Sudan National Nutrition Cluster conducted a CCPM exercise as prescribed by the IASC Cluster Coordination Reference Module. One the main recommendations of the CCPM which was included in the Cluster Action Plan was to build the capacity of the cluster coordination team in effective coordination of nutrition response in South Sudan. As of September 2014, the CLA fully staffed the cluster coordination team in Juba with the cluster coordinator, deputy coordinator, co-coordinator (seconded by the cluster partner ACF), information management officer and the monitoring and reporting specialist. Additionally, there is a roving cluster coordinator, seconded by the Stand-by partner, supports four sub-national hubs (Upper Nile, NBeG and Unity States) and one hub (Jonglei State) is supported by the dedicated cluster coordinator seconded by the cluster partner (SC-UK). None of the cluster team members were previously trained as cluster coordinators.
Given the limited human resource capacity within the Global Nutrition Coordination Team (GNC-CT), this training will have to be out sourced to either independent consultants (2 people applying as individuals or jointly) or a consulting firm or an agency. The consultant(s) or the consulting firm or agency are expected to undertake one Cluster Coordinators Training in Nairobi, Kenya (the exact location is to be decided based on agreement with the UNICEF ESARO) in English. The training will target up to 25-30 participants. The revised GNC cluster coordinators’ training package will be used following adaptation to the ESARO context. For the training session in Nairobi, cluster coordination teams from S. Sudan, Somalia, Kenya and possibly Sudan and Myanmar will also join. The dates for the travel will be determined in consultation with UNICEF ESARO – tentatively 23-27 February 2015.
Key Responsibilities and Tasks
Support the preparation of the training sessions in coordination with the GNC-CT, targets countries and regions by:
· Task 1: Preparatory stage: update of the GNC training package to the country/region context:
o Updating the existing GNC training package for cluster coordinators in English to reflect ESARO context; The current package exists in DOC and PPT formats on GNC web-site.
· Task 2: Conduct a five day Cluster Coordinators’ Training in English (Nairobi, Kenya, TBD)
· Liaising with the regional/country offices regarding the logistics aspects of the training sessions
· Ensuring that all the requirements for the training sessions are available, such as handouts and liaise with the respective country office and/or regional office on other training requirements such as projectors and stationery.
· Ensuring that a USB stick containing key resources and the training package are produced and provided to each participant.
· Coordinating with the ESARO Regional Advisor on collation of key information on the country specific contexts that will be used for the practical sessions of the training.
· Facilitating regional level preparation for the training in collaboration with the CLA Regional Nutrition and Emergency Advisors
· Evaluate the training from the perspective of each trainee and the training as a whole
· Produce a report which outlines the results of overall evaluation of the training. The report should propose recommendations for future training sessions on both training tools and processes (types of trainees selected, review of the training package, review of the training process)
Expected Outputs/Deliverables:
1. Task 1 (15 February 2015):
- Adapted training package on nutrition cluster coordination with specifics for ESARO;
- A one-day meeting (face-to-face or via Skype) might be needed to finalise the training package.
2. Task 2 (by 31 March 2015) – Final payment:
- Participants’ list;
- Training agenda;
- One country or regional Cluster Coordinator training session conducted in Nairobi (to be decided in consultation with UNICEF ESARO). The training should be based an updated version of the Cluster Coordinators Training Package, and targeting about 25-30 participants.
- Final report with evaluation of the training.
If two consultants will be selected by for this assignment, one of them will be appointed as a team leader by the GNC Coordinator.
Qualifications or specialized knowledge/experience required:
· Advanced university degree in Health, Nutrition, Social Sciences, or other related field. A BSc/ MSc or equivalent is required.
· At least 8 years of progressive responsibility with NGOs or UN agencies in programme formulation, planning, management, and evaluation, some of which should be in emergency programme management and cluster coordination.
· Excellent understanding and experience in nutrition in emergencies and comprehensive knowledge of the IASC Humanitarian reform/Transformative Agenda processes.
· Excellent communication skills, organizational skills, training skill and the ability to work in a team and with cluster partners.
· Excellent facilitation and interactive learning skills. Previous experience in cluster/sector coordination training is an asset.
· Good analytical, negotiating, communication and advocacy skills.
· Computer and writing skills including internet navigation and various office applications.
· Fluency in English in order to facilitate the training.
Travel and Insurance
This consultancy involves travel to Nairobi, Kenya (To be determined). All travel expenses will be paid by UNICEF. The consultant(s) will travel by the most direct and economical route in economy class. UNICEF will pay the daily subsistence allowance as per UN-approved rate. The consultant(s) must be fit to travel, be in a possession of the valid UN DSS Basic and Advanced Security certificates, obligatory inoculation(s) and have a valid own travel/medical insurance and an immunization/vaccination card. The dates for the travel will be determined in consultation with UNICEF ESARO.
Application Process:
Interested candidates should submit their letter of interest with a short description of methodology to undertake this assignment, proposed budget, number of working days and duration to Ayadil Saparbekov, Deputy Global Nutrition Cluster Coordinator and by 22 December 2014.