Subject code / Name of the subject / Instruction Period/Week / Total Periods/semester / Scheme of Examination
Theory / Practicals / Duration (Hrs.) / Sessional Marks / End Exam Marks / Total Marks
HMCT-101 / Food Production & Culinary French / 4 / - / 60 / 3 / 20 / 80 / 100
HMCT-102 / Food & Beverage Service-I / 3 / - / 60 / 3 / 20 / 80 / 100
HMCT-103 / Front Office Organization / 3 / - / 60 / 3 / 20 / 80 / 100
HMCT-104 / Accommodation operations-I / 4 / - / 60 / 3 / 20 / 80 / 100
HMCT-105 / Hygiene and HACCP / 4 / - / 60 / 3 / 20 / 80 / 100
HMCT-106 / Food Production Lab – I / - / 8 / 120 / 4 / 40 / 60 / 100
HMCT-107 / Food & Beverage Service Lab-I / - / 3 / 60 / 3 / 40 / 60 / 100
HMCT-108 / Front Office Organisation Lab / - / 3 / 60 / 3 / 40 / 60 / 100
HMCT-109 / Accommodation operations Lab-I / - / 4 / 60 / 4 / 40 / 60 / 100
HMCT-110 / Computer Applications-I / 4 / 60 / 3 / 40 / 60 / 100
Tutorials/Tests/Group Discussions/Local Industrial Visit / - / 2 / 30 / - / - / - / -
TOTAL / 18 / 24 / 690 / 300 / 700 / 1000


Subject Title - Food Production & Culinary French

Subject code - HMCT-101

Periods / week - 04

Periods / Sem -60


1 / Introduction to cookery ,Aims & Objectives Culinary History / 12 / 28 / 4 / 2
2 / Kitchen Organization / 15 / 36 / 3 / 3
3 / Equipment and fuels / 8 / 18 / 4 / 1
4 / Textures and Consistencies / 10 / 28 / 4 / 2
5 / Culinary French / 15 / 10 / 5 / 0
TOTAL / 60 / 120 / 20 / 8


On completion of study of this subject the student will be able to:

1.0Introduction to cookery

1.1Aims and objectives of cooking

1.2Definition of cooking

1.3Origin of culinary history of cookery

1.4Levels of skills and experiences required in the kitchen

1.5Attitude and behavior in the kitchen

2.0 Know about kitchen organization

2.1 List out the classical kitchen brigade

2.2 List out the kitchen brigade in various categories hotels, flight kitchens, hospital and institutional kitchen

2.3 Explain the duties and responsibilities of kitchen staff

2.4 State the importance of cooperation with other departments

2.5 General layout of kitchen in various organizations (hotels, industrial, institutional)

2.6 Explain briefly about the of receiving areas and storage areas.

2.7 Explain briefly about the layouts of service and wash up area of kitchen.


  1. Introduction to cookery - History of culinary – culinary cookery and bakery terms, levels of skills, attitudes and behavior in the kitchen.
  1. Kitchen organization - Layouts of kitchen, classical kitchen brigade, duties and responsibilities of kitchen staff, coordination with other departments.


  1. Theory of Cookery by Krishna Arora Published by Frank Bros. & Co. Ltd. 2000-2001.
  2. The Theory of Catering by Ronald Kington ELBs, 8th Edition 1995.
  3. “Modern Cookery” Volume-I by Ms. Thongerm E. Philip by Orient Longman Ltd.1998.
  1. Cooking in the professional way by Keneeth C. Wolfe by Van Nostrant Reinhold Co. 1982.
  1. The Art and Science of Culinary Preparation by Jerold W. Chessar, CEC by the Education Institute of American Federation.


Subject Title - Food & Beverage Service -I

Subject code - HMCT-102

Periods / week - 04

Periods / Sem -60

S.NO. / Major Topics / Periods / Weightage of marks / No. of short questions / No. of essay question
1 / Introduction to the Hotels and Catering Industry / 10 / 30 / 5 / 2
2 / Organization and Staffing / 10 / 18 / 4 / 1
3 / Food & Beverage Service outlets and Ancillary Departments / 5 / 8 / 4 / 0
4 / Food and Beverage Service equipment / 15 / 36 / 3 / 3
5 / Non-alcoholic beverages / 20 / 28 / 4 / 2
TOTAL / 60 / 120 / 20 / 08


1.0 Introduction of Hotel and Catering Industry

1.11.1Define hotel and list out the departments.

1.2Give a brief history of hotel and catering industry.

1.3Give an account of the growth and development of hotel and catering industry in India.

1.4Discuss the role of catering industry in travel and tourism.

1.5List out the types of catering establishments

1.6Explain the commercial catering (Residential and non-residential)

1.7Give a brief description of welfare catering (industrial – institutions)

1.8Explain the transport catering (airlines, railways, ship and surface)

1.9Know about career opportunities in hotel and catering industry.

2.0 Understand the organization and staffing of food and beverage serviceDepartment.

2.1Draw the organization chart of Food and Beverage Service Department.

2.2List out food and beverage service personnel.

2.3Explain the duties and responsibilities of food and beverage service personnel.

2.4Describe the attributes of Food and Beverage Service personnel.

2.5Explain Inter Departmental Relationship


  1. Introduction to Hotel & Catering Industry - Brief history growth and development of hotel in India, role of catering establishments in travel and tourism - Types of catering establishments - Career opportunities.
  1. Departmental organization and staffing - Organization of food and beverage service department – Principal staff - duties and responsibilities - attributes of Food and Beverage Staff - Inter departmental relationship.


  1. Food and Beverage Service by D.R. Lillycrap – Edward Arnold.
  2. Food and Beverage Service by Vijay Dhawan – Frank Bros. & Co.
  3. Professional Food and Beverage Service Management by Brian Verghese Macmillan India Ltd.,
  4. Food and Beverage Service Training Manual by Sudhir Andrews – Tata Mc Graw Hill Publishing Co. Ltd.
  5. Multiple choice questions on food service by Brian K. Julyan – Heinemann London.


Subject Title - Front Office Organisation

Subject code - HMCT-103

Period / week - 04

Period / Sem - 60

S.NO. / Major Topics / Periods / Weight age of marks / No. of short questions / No. of essay question
1 / Introduction to Hospitality Industry / 10 / 24 / 2 / 02
2 / Classification of Hotels / 15 / 24 / 2 / 02
3 / Front Office Organisation / 10 / 18 / 4 / 01
4 / Glossary, Brochure & Room Tariff / 10 / 20 / 10 / -
5 / Grooming and Poise / 15 / 34 / 2 / 03
60 / 120 / 20 / 8


Upon completion of study of the subject the student will be able to

1.0Know about the characteristics of Hospitality Industry.

1.1Hospitality Industry, its origin and growth.

1.2Importance of Tourism Industries related to Tourism.

1.3Evolutions and the Growth of the Hotel Industry in the World.

1.4Definition of Hotel and Core Areas.

1.5Major Chain of Hotels in India, their profiles. ITDC, OBEROI, TAJ GROUP, ITC, WELCOME GROUP, HCI, STARWOOD, and Major other International Chain of Hotels in India

2.0Know the classification of Hotels.

2.1The need for Classification.

2.2General ways of Classifying Hotels and Standard classification.

2.3Classification based on Size.

2.4Classification based on Target Market.

2.5Classification based on Levels of Service.

2.6Classification based on Ownership and Affiliations.

2.7Describe Alternate Accommodation.

2.8Categorize as per Automobile Association Stars Awarded to Hotels.

2.9List the Rosette Awards to Restaurants and Hotels.


  1. Introduction to Hospitality Industry – Tourism-Evolution and Growth of Hotel- Definition – Core areas - Major chain of Hotel in India, International chain of Hotels.
  2. Classification of Hotels-Size-Targets-Levels of Service - Standard classification – Ownership and Affiliation - Alternative Accommodation - Star Classification – AA-Rosette Award.


  1. Hotel Front Office Training Manual by Andrews.
  2. Hotel Reception by Paul B. White and Helen Beckley.
  3. Front Office Operations and Administration by Dennis L. Foster.
  4. Back Office Operations and Administration.
  5. Front Office Operations – American Hotel & Motel Association (AHMA).

Body Language by Allan Pease

  1. Body Language by Allan Pease.
  2. Principles of Front Office Operations by SUE BAKER. & PAN BRANDLEY
  3. Front Office Management by S.K. BATNAGAR
  4. Best Impressions in Hospitality by ANGIE MICHAEL


Subject Title-Accommodation Operations-I

Subject Code- HMCT – 104

Periods / week- 04

Periods / Sem- 60


S.No / Major Topics / Periods /
Weightage of marks
No. Of Short questions
No. of Essay questions
1. / Organization of House keeping / 10 / 28 / 4 / 02
2. / Cleaning Agents -I / 15 / 18 / 4 / 01
3. / Cleaning Agents – II / 15 / 28 / 4 / 02
4. / Cleaning Equipments / 15 / 28 / 4 / 02
5. / General Cleaning procedures – I / 10 / 18 / 4 / 01
TOTAL / 60 / 120 / 20 / 08


1.0Understand the importance of housekeeping department in hospitality operations and organization of house keeping department.

1.1State the types of hotels and services offered.

1.2Mention the types of rooms available in a five star hotel.

1.3Explain the role of housekeeping in guest satisfaction and repeat business.

1.4Draw the organization chart of house keeping department.

1.5State hierarchy in small, medium, large and chain hotels.

1.6Enlist the responsibilities of house keeping department.

1.7State the personality traits of house keeping management personnel.

1.8Explain the duties and responsibilities of house keeping staff.

1.9Draw the lay out of house keeping department.

2.0Know the importance of cleaning Agents.

2.1Explain the nature and structure of cleaning agents

2.2Discuss the types of water used for cleaning.

2.3Explain the water softening process used in Hospitality Industry.

2.4List out the types of detergents.

2.5State the selection of ideal detergent.


  1. The role of house keeping in hospitality operation. Types of hotels and services offered. Types of rooms – Role of House-keeping – Guest satisfaction and repeat business. Organization chart of the House-keeping Department – Hierarchy in small, medium, large and chain hotels – identifying house-keeping responsibilities – personality traits of house-keeping management personnel – duties and responsibilities of house-keeping staff, layout of the house-keeping department.
  1. Cleaning agents – importance – nature and structure – water – types of water – water softeners. Detergent – selection – types.


  1. Hotel House keeping Training Manual by Sudhir Andrews.
  2. Hotel, Hostel and Hospital House keeping by Joan C. Beason and Margaret Lennox.
  3. The theory of Catering by Ronald Kinton and Victor Ceserani.
  4. Practical Maintenance and Equipment or Hoteliers, Licenses and Caterer by D.C.Gladwell


Subject Title - Hygiene & HACCP

Subject code - HMCT-105

Period / week - 04

Period / Sem -60

S.NO. / Major Topics / Periods / Weightage of marks / No. of short questions / No. of essay question
1 / Hygiene / 10 / 28 / 04 / 02
2 / Food Contamination, Spoilage & Food Borne Diseases / 15 / 28 / 04 / 02
3 / Sanitary procedures followed in Catering Cycle / 15 / 28 / 04 / 02
4 / Cleaning procedures and Sanitation / 10 / 18 / 04 / 01
5 / HACCP & its Principles / 10 / 18 / 04 / 01
Total / 60 / 120 / 20 / 08


1.0Know about Hygiene

1.1Define Hygiene.

1.2Explain the importance of Hygiene in Hotel Industry.

1.3Define Personal Hygiene.

1.4Explain why personal hygiene is important for a Food Handler.

1.5Discuss Kitchen Hygiene.

1.6Discuss equipment hygiene.

1.7Explain about Protective Clothing.

1.8Explain the role of Deodorants and cosmetics for Kitchen/Hotel Staff.

1.9 Discuss importance of Rest, Exercise and Recreation.

2.0Know about Food Contamination, Spoilage and Food Diseases.

2.1 Differentiate the term Food Contamination and Food Spoilage.

2.2Enlist the types of Contaminants.

2.3Explain classification of Foods needed for storage.

2.4 Explain the conditions leading to Food Spoilage.

2.5Enlist the spoilage signs in different foods.

2.6 Define Food Borne illness.

2.7 Differentiate the terms Food Infections and Food Poisoning.

2.8 Enlist the natural toxins present in Foods.

2.9 Describe Bacterial Food Infections?

2.10 Explain the different types of Bacterial Food Infections.



Subject code - HMCT-106

Periods / week - 08

Periods / Sem -120


  1. To develop and perfect skills in handling food stuffs.
  2. To develop skills in various mixing methods for dough’s cookies and custards
  3. To know about staple foods of India


  1. Basic Indian Cuisine
  2. Identification of equipment, vegetables and basic cuts of vegetables
  3. Preparation of snacks

Samosa, Veg. Cutlets, Bullets, Sandwiches, tikkas, Masala wada, Assorted bhajjias, Finger chips, Chats.

Experiment -1 Identification of equipment

Experiment -2 Basic Cuts of Vegetables


Boiled Rice Sambar

Potato Fry Semiya Kheer

MENU – 2

Fried Rice Vegetable Khurma Onion Raita Fruit Custard with Jelly

MENU – 3

Aloo Gobi Ki Thahari

Tomato Chutney Doodi Ka Halwa

MENU - 4

Parathas Kheema Curry Mixed Vegetable Curry Caramel Custard

MENU – 5

Mint Parathas Dahi Khurma Phirnee

MENU – 6

Poories Mutton Vindaloo Cabbage Foogath Banana Chocolate Sunday



Pea nut Chutney

Pachi Pulusu



Tomato Bhath

Dosakai & Coconut Pachadi




Assorted Bajjias



Finger chips






Idli / Wada / Assorted Dosa


Assorted Upma




  1. Vegetable & Fruit carving
  2. Fruit juice
  3. Melon Cocktail
  4. Tomato juice Cocktails
  5. Corn on the cob


  1. Melting moments
  2. Nankhatai
  3. Coconut cookies
  4. Coconut macaroons
  5. Butter buttons
  6. Tricolour biscuits
  7. Fruit biscuits
  8. Swiss tarts – Lemon curd tarts
  9. Jam tarts
  10. Osmania biscuits
  11. Vanilla buns
  12. Muffins

Subject Title – Food & Beverage Service Lab-I

Subject Code – HMCT-107

Periods / Week – 04

Periods / Sem– 60


  1. Presentation and Hygiene.
  2. Electrical and Live Fire equipment safety.
  3. Familiarization of Restaurant Equipment.
  4. Preparation and Maintenance of Equipments: Cleaning and Polishing of Glassware, China ware and Silver ware.
  5. Serviette folding.
  6. Handling and Placement of glasses and Water Service.
  7. Non-alcoholic Beverage service procedures.
  8. Service procedure for Juice and Soft drinks.
  9. Service procedure for Tea.
  10. Service procedure for Coffee.

Subject Title – Front Office Organisation Lab

Subject Code – HMCT-108

Periods / Week – 04

Periods / Sem– 60


The objective is to train the student about the uses of all the stationery in Front Office taking Reservation, Cancellation, Processing reservation, Communication skills, Telephone conversation, Speech improvement.

  1. Familiarization of Equipments.
  2. Brochure and Tariff – Construction of Cards.
  3. Grooming
  4. Hair style
  5. Make-up
  6. Accessories
  7. Footwear
  8. Posture and Poise
  9. Welcoming the Guests.
  10. Telephone conversation.


Subject Title-Accommodation Operations Lab-I

Subject Code- HMCT -109

Periods / Week - 04

Periods / Sem- 60


The student will identify and use the equipment cleaning agents, Acids etc in providing Hygienic clean Accommodation for the Guests.

  1. Layout and Organisation Chart of Housekeeping Department.
  2. Cleaning Agents - Identification, Selection and Storage.
  3. Identification of various Detergents and Disinfectants.
  4. Identification of various Organic Solvents.
  5. Types of Cleaning Equipments.
  6. Familiarization of Manual Cleaning Equipment.
  7. Familiarization of Mechanical Cleaning Agents.
  8. Steps in Bed Making Process.

Subject Title: Computer ApplicationLaboratory Practice -I

Subject Code: HMCT-110

Periods/Week: 04

Periods/Sem: 60

S.No / Major Topics
I / Advance Window Features
II / MS Word
III / MS PowerPoint

List of Experiments:

Rationale: The knowledge of Computer usage has become a must for everyone, due to widespread computer usage and related applications in all fields. This laboratory is designed to give the students hands on practice of Windows Operating System, MS Office and Internet to enable the students to use these skills in future courses.

1.0Know the basic features of a Computer.

1.1Exercise on creation of a Folders & Organizing Files in different folders.

1.2Exercise on use of Recycle Bin.

1.3Exercise on Installing and Uninstalling of Software using Control Panel.

1.4Exercise on Installing and Uninstalling of Hardware using Control Panel.

1.5Describe Installing a Printer using Control Panel.

1.6Exercise on searching Files and Folders.

1.7Explain the process of changing the system date and time.

1.8Change Resolution, Color, Appearance, Screen server options of Display.

2.0MS Word

2.1Open MS-Word and identify the components on the screen.

2.2Create a document using MS-Word and save it.

2.3Create a table using MS-Word and Save it.

2.4Apply Formulas in table and sort the table.

2.5Convert Text into Table and Table into Text.

2.6Insertion of new Rows and Columns in the existing table and changing background color in table.

2.7Merging and Splitting of cells in table.

2.8 Formatting of Font.

2.9Exercise with Headers and Footers, Paragraph Toolbar.

2.10Insert objects into the document like Pictures, Shapes, Charts, Word art.

2.11Create Mailing letters using Mail Merge tool of MS-Word.

2.12Printing a document, Page Setting, different views of a document.

2.13Import and Export Files to and from Word.

3.0MS PowerPoint

3.1To familiarize with Ribbon Layout features of Power point.

3.2Create a simple Power point presentation for a small topic and save it in ppt or pptx format.

3.3Inserting a new slide in the existing Power point file.

3.4Inserting a Chart or Image in a Power point slide.

3.5Exercise with Animation and Sound features in Power point.

3.6Exercise with Rehearse Timings features in Power point.

3.7Exercise in Printing the Power point file in a) Slide b) Handouts.

3.8Change the Background of a slide.