American Vaulting Association
Board of Directors Meeting Minutes
November 4, 2006
Conference Call
President Nancy Stevens-Brown called the meeting to order at 10:48 AM (EST).
Roll Call
Attending: Charles Bittenbring (VP Development), Carolyn Bland, Bill Brown, Priscilla G. Faulkner, Jan Garrod, Connie Geisler (Reg. I Supervisor), Rick Hawthorne, Virginia Hawthorne, Kelley Holly (Executive VP), Teresa Keville (Reg. II Supervisor), Patty Littmann (VP Competitions), Devon Maitozo, Noel Martonovich (VP Education), Yossi Martonovich, Penny Maydak (Reg. III Supervisor), Amy McCune (Secretary), Marianne Rose, Karen Schmidt, Sue Smith, Nancy Stevens-Brown (President), Bob Weber, Jan Weber (Reg. IX Supervisor).
Absent: Jessica Ballenger, Sheri Benjamin (VP Membership), Carol Beutler, Merry Cole, Blake Dahlgren, Katie Flannagan, Susan Frankel, Sydney Frankel.
Approval of the Minutes
RESOLVED (Garrod/Holly): Approve the minutes for the AVA Board of Directors meeting of July 28, 2006.
Approval of the Budget
RESOLVED (Faulkner / J. Weber): Approve the 2007 AVA Budget and Special Accounts as presented.
Committee Reports
Annual Meeting: Tentative schedule reviewed and discussed.
Awards: Report reviewed. Committee is charged with developing an agreement form where as winners will be given the chose to take perpetual trophies home for one year and accept the expense for returning them or be allowed to leave the trophy with the next years competitions committee. Suggestion made to consider refurbishing the Vaulter of the Year perpetual trophy.
RESOLVED (B. Weber / Littmann): The retired Women’s Championship trophy is to be returned to the original donor.
Constitution / By-laws: Tabled item from previous meeting reopened. (Faulkner / Holly)
RESOLVED (Bittenbring / Littmann): The proposed rule change to the Event Membership process be referred to as an as hoc committee comprised of the Vice President of Membership, the Vice President of Development, the Vice President for Competitions, the Competitions Secretary, the Chair of the Constitution and By-laws Committee, and the National Office Manager. This committee is tasked to complete their review and present their recommendations at the Annual Meeting in March 2007 in order to be considered and acted upon during the next Standing Rules update.
Education: Report reviewed and discussed. 2007 AVA will be held June 18-22 at Fort Robinson in Nebraska. Horse sub-committee still has seed money available for training events. Committee is charged to partner with the VP Development and Treasurer to establish detailed criteria and process for creating a Material Development Grant.
Insurance: Renewal date is being changed from February to November. Date will be determined by Executive Committee. General liability policies and premiums from two companies were presented. Committee is working on obtaining quotes for a Board Member insurance policy. An insurance survey for clubs will be sent out shortly to help direct the committee in pursuing options for club insurance.
RESOLVED (J. Weber / Faulkner): Authorization for the Executive Board to purchase general liability insurance from SPI (Specialty Program Insurers).
Publications: Report reviewed and applauded.
Technical: Report reviewed.
Trade Show / Exhibits: Report reviewed and discussed. Photographs on the display can be updated; send to Jan Weber for consideration. Regions are encouraged to borrow the display for events; shipping expenses are around $150. Purchasing new displays (approximately $5000) should be considered. Old display is heavy and bulky; selling it (estimated $1000 value) should be considered.
USEF: Report reviewed. Note from Sara Ike mentioned that 70,000 was budgeted for Vaulting High Performance last year and 90% went toward supporting the World Games.
Youth Recognition: Report reviewed. Analiese Van Vranken is the AVA winner and nominee to USEF; Lindsay Anderson is the AVA Honorable Mention.
Other Business
Letter from Emma Sealy noted that she and Isabelle Parker will not be able to develop a companion video to their curriculum as originally intended.
RESOLVED (Rose / J. Weber): The $4000 given to the AVA by the Circle of Friends for the purpose of making a companion video is to be returned to the Circle of Friends.
Karen Schmidt will be traveling to Germany for an extended visit of several months. Anyone wishing for her to visit any specific contacts or potential contacts needs to send her the information.
Vaulting World can now be emailed (in full color) to foreign contacts. Send names and emails to Marianne Rose.
Reminder from Rick Hawthorne that due to changes in IRS protocol, each club should have their own non-profit status.
The meeting was adjourned at 1:38 PM (EST). (Bittenbring / Faulkner)
Submitted by Amy McCune, AVA General Secretary