/ POPs Enabling Activities
Tuvalu /

Project Identifiers

1. Project Number:
Not yet assigned / 3. GEF Implementing Agency:
United Nations Environment Programme
2. Project Name:
Enabling Activities for the Stockholm Convention on Persistent Organic Pollutants (POPs):
National Implementation Plan for Tuvalu
4. Country eligibility (a Country is eligible if it has signed the Stockholm Convention):
Tuvalu acceded to the Stockholm Convention on 19th January, 2004.
5. Country: Tuvalu
6. Name of GEF national operational focal point and date the endorsement letter (attached) was signed:
Mr Panapasi Nelesone, Secretary to Government, Office of the Prime Minister, Tuvalu; tel. (688) 20 102 fax (688) 20 820 e-mail (Endorsement letter signed on 16th January 2004)

Summary of Project Objectives, Activities, and Expected Outcomes

7. Project objectives:
Within the overall objective of the Stockholm Convention, which is to protect human health and the environment from POPs, the project will:
  1. Develop a comprehensive country driven NIP for reduction and elimination of POPs in compliance with the provisions of the Stockholm convention
  2. Prepare the ground for implementation of the Convention in Tuvalu;
  3. Achieve a high level of awareness of the POPs issue and sustained ownership of the NIP among all stakeholders
  4. Assist Tuvalu in meeting its reporting and other obligations under the Convention; and
  5. Strengthen Tuvalu’s national capacity to manage POPs and chemicals generally.

8. Project activities:
The proposed project activities will follow the step-wise process set out in the GEF “Initial Guidelines for Enabling Activities for the Stockholm Convention on Persistent Organic Pollutants”. In summary, these are:
  1. Determination of coordinating mechanisms and organization of process, public awareness-raising on POPs and other related hazardous substances;
  2. Assessment and strengthening of national infrastructure and capacity, adaptation of national legislation for Stockholm Convention implementation and establishment of a POPs inventory;
  3. Setting of national priorities and determination of objectives for POPs management;
  4. Development of specific programmes to increase the awareness of the public and sectors potentially impacted by chemical pollutants
  5. Formulation of a National Implementation Plan and specific Action Plans; and
  6. Endorsement of the National Implementation Plan by stakeholders.

9. Project duration: 18 months (to deliver the NIP by May 2006)
10. Project expected outcomes:
  1. Assessment of national capacity to implement the Stockholm Convention;
  2. Preliminary inventories of POPs;
  3. National Implementation Plan, including specific Action Plans and strategies required to meet Convention obligations;
  4. Strengthened POPs management infrastructure and raised public awareness on POPs; and
  5. Capacity to meet reporting obligations under the Stockholm Convention.

11. Estimated total budget (in US$ or local currency):
12. Amount being requested from the GEF (in US$ or local currency):

Information on institution submitting project brief

13. Information on the organization in country submitting the proposal:
The Office of the Prime Minister and (through the Environment Department) is responsible for administration of environmental matters and for developing policies and standards for improved environmental management. Representatives of the Department of Environment have participated in most regional activities aimed at implementation of the Stockholm Convention within the Pacific Island Countries.
14. Information on the proposed executing organization:
The Office of the Prime Minister (see above) will be the lead executing organization in collaboration with a multi-stakeholder coordinating committee comprising other government Ministries (Health; Finance, Economic Planning and Industries, Natural Resources ands Lands; Home Affairs; Communication and Transport), Tuvalu Electricity Corporation, Tuvalu Cooperative Society, and Tuvalu Solar Energy Cooperative, representatives of Village Councils (Kaupule), Chamber of Commerce, relevant private industries, National Council of Women, and environmental NGOs (Island Care).
15. Date the proposal was submitted to a GEF Implementing Agency: 18 November 2004
16. Date the proposal was submitted to the GEF Secretariat:
17. Date the proposal was approved:
18. Date of first Disbursement:

Information on Implementing Agency:

19. Implementing Agency contact person:

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Project Description

The proposed enabling activities are consistent with the GEF "Initial Guidelines for Enabling Activities for the Stockholm Convention on Persistent Organic Pollutants" (GEF/C.17/4) approved by the GEF Council, May 2001.

Country background

Tuvalu is one of the world’s smallest and lowest island nations, with a combined land area of 25.9 sq km, which is spread across nine island groups within an exclusive economic zone of 900,000 square kilometres. Nearly 50% of the population of 9,561 (2002 census) is concentrated on the main islet of Fogafale, Funafuti atoll. Geographically isolated and fragmented, Tuvalu has only very limited natural resources and is classified by the UN as a Least Developed Country.

An initial survey of POPs in Tuvalu was undertaken in 1998 by the South Pacific Regional Environment Programme (SPREP) in collaboration with national environment officials, and Tuvalu has been an active participant in all regional activities related to POPs over the last 5 years.

Tuvalu has the following priorities and objectives for POPs management:

Development of appropriate systems and procedures for the sound management of chemicals, including the preparation of relevant legal documents;

Development of appropriate systems and procedures for the sound management of hazardous waste, including the preparation of relevant legal documents;

Institutional strengthening in the field of chemicals and waste management, POPs in particular; and

General raising of awareness of chemical management issues.

Tuvalu became engaged in the development of the Stockholm Convention after attending the “Regional Workshop on Stockholm Convention National Implementation Plans” in Nadi, Fiji. A report of the meeting submitted to the Secretary to Government recommended ratification of the Convention by Tuvalu. A paper on accession to the Convention was passed in October 2003 and. a Model Instrument of Accession was signed on 22nd December 2003. Tuvalu’s instrument of accession was deposited on 19th January 2004.

Related Activities

·  The SPREP regional umbrella programme for Pollution Prevention and related activities, including “POPs in PICs” Phase II (packaging, transport and disposal of POPs wastes);

·  AusAID Tuvalu Waste Management Project and continuing activities, including the development of legislation and a national hazardous waste management strategy;

·  Participation in the Regionally-based Assessment of Persistent Toxic Substances (UNEP/SPREP).

·  South Pacific Biodiversity Conservation Programme (the Funafuti Conservation Area was established under this programme – UNDP/SPREP)

·  Implementation of the Strategic Action Programme for International Waters of the Pacific Small Island Developing States (UNDP/SPREP)

·  Meteorological monitoring, and development of a National Implementation Strategy under the Pacific Islands Climate Change Assistance Programme (PICCAP-UNDP/SPREP)

·  Preparation of a National Action Plan for Implementation of the Montreal Protocol (UNEP/SPREP)

·  UNDP regional programme for capacity building for environmental management

Further details regarding country background are presented at Annex 1.

Project objectives

Within the overall objective of the Stockholm Convention, which is to protect human health and the environment from POPs, the project will

i.  Develop a comprehensive country driven NIP for reduction and elimination of POPs in compliance with the provisions of the Stockholm convention

ii.  Prepare the ground for implementation of the Convention in Tuvalu;

iii.  Achieve a high level of awareness of the POPs issue and sustained ownership of the NIP among all stakeholders

iv.  Assist Tuvalu in meeting its reporting and other obligations under the Convention; and

v.  Strengthen Tuvalu’s national capacity to manage POPs and chemicals generally.

Project outcomes

i.  Assessment of national capacity to implement the Stockholm Convention;

ii.  Preliminary inventories on POPs;

iii.  National Implementation Plan required under Article 7 of the Convention, and including specific Action Plans and strategies required under the Convention;

iv.  Strengthen POPs management infrastructure in particular the legal and skills bases to implement the Convention; and

v.  Strengthen capacity to meet reporting obligation under the Convention.

Project Activities

Step 1: Determination of co-ordinating mechanisms and organisation of process

Activity 1.1. Establishment of the Project Coordination Unit and National Coordinating Committee and Definition of the roles of stakeholders

1.1.1. The Office of the Prime Minister will establish the Project Coordination Unit (PCU) responsible for the project execution, identify and appoint a National Project Coordinator (NPC) and the core project team.

1.1.2. A National Coordination Committee (NCC) will be established based on stakeholder analysis, comprising of relevant government departments and other POPs stakeholders (details are in section Stakeholder Identification and Participation on page 7).

1.1.3. The roles and responsibilities of the members of the National Coordination Committee for the various aspects of POPs management will be identified, clarified and assigned. The mechanisms for bringing together people from the spread islands will be decided upon.

1.1.4. The capacities and needs of the PCU and the NCC as well as the Stockholm Convention Focal Point will be assessed, and information, training, equipment and administrative support provided accordingly. It should be noted that a thorough Training Needs Assessment will be required in connection with activities under Step 2. This would lead to a detailed overall training program, possibly involving the deployment or recruitment of additional staff to receive training and, if necessary, the engagement of an overseas adviser(s) to conduct training and work alongside local staff until their capacity had been established on a sustainable basis. Certain training needs might be most effectively delivered on a regional basis through SPREP.

Activity 1.2. Preparation of Agreed work-plan and timetable

1.2.1.  A detailed work-plan and timetable for implementation will be finalised by the Project Coordination Unit and endorsed by the NCC.

Activity 1.3. Securing Commitments from major stakeholders

1.3.1.  A high-level inception workshop will be convened that will be attended by representatives of the principal stakeholders. Support from national and international experts is envisaged. The workshop will include:

·  Presentation of the national and international context relevant to POPs management;

·  Presentation of the objectives of the project and anticipated results and outcomes;

·  Obtaining commitments to the NIP process from all stakeholders involved in the management of POPs and clarification of roles and responsibilities and resource commitments (technical, human, etc.).

Activity 1.4. Raising public awareness of POPs-related Issues

1.4.1.  Organisation of national public awareness-raising activities, starting with awareness-raising workshops/training. Further awareness-raising activities such as workshops, information campaign in the media, production and distribution of information brochures, etc., will be conducted throughout the project. Preliminary awareness-raising activities may need to begin by introducing concepts of chemical safety generally before addressing the specific risks associated with POPs. Materials would be translated into Tuvaluan where appropriate and taking account of local cultural issues. See also section 4.2.7 concerning future awareness-raising activities.

Outputs of Step 1

·  Establishment of Project Coordination Unit and appointment of Project Coordinator.

·  Establishment of National Coordination Committee.

·  Completion of work plan and timetable.

·  Stakeholder commitments to participation and support of the project secured.

·  Public awareness raising activities initiated.

Step 2: Establishment of POPs inventory and assessment of infrastructure and capacity

Activity 2.1. Preparation of a National Profile of chemicals Management with emphasis on POPs

2.1.1.  This step will be initiated with a workshop that will define responsibilities and establish the task teams responsible for providing the necessary data and for the development of the various sections of the National Profile, particularly those sections relevant to POPs. The workshop will include the main stakeholders and be attended by national and international experts;

2.1.2.  For the elaboration of a National Profile for Chemicals management, the National Coordinating Committee will steer the elaboration of the National Profile, review the development of specific sections and make arrangements for regular updating. The National Profile will require a range of evaluations and specifications of existing chemical management arrangements within Tuvalu. The assessments will pay particular attention to POPs chemicals and may be extended to consider other toxic substances with similar properties to the POPs listed in the Convention. In any event, these assessments will comprise, inter alia, assessments of:

·  The effectiveness of legislative, regulatory and enforcement infrastructure for POPs management and its capacity to achieve Convention compliance;

·  Relevant activities of the private sector, public interest groups and the technical community;

·  Existing inter-ministerial commissions and inter-departmental coordination and communication mechanisms;

·  Current human and financial resource allocations and requirements;

·  The extent of public awareness of chemical management, including POPs, issues and the nature and scale of current national programmes for awareness raising among workers and the general public;

·  The status of implementation of relevant international agreements; and

·  Technical capacities (e.g., the capacity to identify and apply Best Available Techniques (BAT) and Best Environmental Practices (BEP) for POPs source categories, POPs monitoring, research and development and chemical analytical capacity) supporting existing responsibilities and the degree to which these would satisfy national requirements under the POPs Convention.

2.1.3.  Circulation of the draft National Profile to stakeholders for comment and subsequent endorsement at a national workshop.

Activity 2.2. Preliminary National POPs Inventory

2.2.1.  Establish and train as necessary the Task Teams responsible for preparing inventories of various POPs categories and prepare their Terms of Reference. National experts will facilitate this activity with the assistance of international expert(s). A number of international organizations and agencies may be called upon to provide assistance at this stage.

2.2.2.  The Task Teams carry out preliminary national inventories of Tuvalu POPs and hold regular meetings to establish and update the inventories covering:

·  Production, distribution, use, import and export of intentionally produced POPs;

·  Obsolete POPs stocks, POPs-containing articles in use and contaminated sites;

·  Unintentional sources and releases of POPs and estimates of future releases;

·  POPs releases into the environment and estimates of future releases;

·  Assessment of opportunities for within-country disposal of obsolete stocks in accordance with provisions of Article 6 of the Convention;

·  POPs presence, levels and trends in humans and the environment.