Date: February 14, 2014 Number on council: 12
Date of Senate Meeting: February 13, 2014Number present: 12
Prepared by Amy Edgerton
Senate Chairwoman Shayla Woodhouse called the Senate meeting of the 2013-2014 Associated Students of Northern Arizona University Senate to order at 5:03 P.M. in the Havasupai Room A & B of the University Union.
Roll Call
The following Senators were not present at the meeting:
-All Present
Approval of Minutes
Motion: SenatorSimon move to approve the minutes from last week’s Senate meeting
Second: Senator Lulay
Discussion: None
Vote: Unanimous, last week’s minutes have now been approved.
Call to the Audience
Unfinished Business
Motion: Senator Simon move to remove Item A: IA: Katherine Ritsko, $150from the table
Second: Senator Tillinghast
Discussion: None
Vote: Unanimous, Item A:IA: Katherine Ritsko, $150has been removed from the table
Motion: Senator Simon move to vote on Item A: IA: Katherine Ritsko, $150
Second: Senator Gorshe
Discussion: Senator Ortega reads that Katherine Ritsko is requesting funding for a conference she attended in January for college music, the conference provided three days of seminars designed to further knowledge and give networking opportunity. This experience will advance her music skills that she will use when she begins teaching and will also expand the entire music program at NAU. She is requesting funding for registration, travel expense, and remaining van rental.
Vote: Unanimous, Item A: IA: Katherine Ritsko, $150has been approved.
Motion: Senator Tillinghast move to remove Item B: OA: Theta Chi, $500 from the table
Second: Senator Buchta
Discussion: None
Vote: Unanimous, Item B: OA: Theta Chi, $500 has been removed from the table
Motion: Senator Libby move to vote on Item B: OA: Theta Chi, $500
Second: Senator Cook
Discussion: Theta Chi now has gas receipts from attending the conference, it came out to a little over $300 so they are only requesting the OA and no longer need the Senate Bill.
Vote: Unanimous, Item B: OA: Theta Chi, $500has been approved.
Motion: Senator Buchta move to table Item C: SB 26-48: Theta Chi, $1000 indefinitely
Second: Senator Startt
Discussion: None
Vote: Unanimous, Item C:SB 26-48: Theta Chi, $1000 has been tabled indefinitely.
Motion: Senator Ortega move to remove Item D: OA: Tuba Euphonium Association, $500 from the table
Second: Senator Soto
Discussion: None
Vote: Unanimous, Item D:OA: Tuba Euphonium Association, $500 has been removed from the table
Motion: Senator Soto move to vote on Item D: OA: Tuba Euphonium Association, $500
Second: Senator Startt
Discussion: Senator Ortega reads that the funding is requested to cover the airfare, rental car, and other fees for a guest performer named Dave Zerkel. There will also be an accompanist with the performer.
Treasurer arrives, and explains that they have requested money for a guest performer. Dave Zerkel is an important name in the Tuba Euphonium world, and he will teach the Tuba Euphonium Association a lot about the program here, as he is past president of the organization. This will benefit at least 60 music students who will attend the performance, and they have received $500 from the School of Music but are looking for additional funding for this event from ASNAU.
Questions: Senator Cabral asks about ASNAU’s inability to fund salaries, Chairwoman Woodhouse replies that a salary would be defined as a recurring payment to an individual, but ASNAU can fund a guest speaker such as this.
Vote: Unanimous, Item D:OA: Tuba Euphonium Association, $500 has been approved.
Motion: Senator Cabral move to remove Item E: SB 26-50: Tuba Euphonium Association, $350 from the table
Second: Senator Simon
Discussion: None
Vote: Unanimous, Item E:SB 26-50: Tuba Euphonium Association, $350 has been removed from the table
Motion: Senator Gorshe move to vote on Item E: SB 26-50: Tuba Euphonium Association, $350
Second: Senator Cook
Discussion:See Discussion for Unfinished Business, Item D.
Vote: Unanimous, Item E:SB 26-50: Tuba Euphonium Association, $350 has been approved.
New Action Business
Motion: SenatorSimon move to vote on Item A: Club Recognition: I AM THAT GIRL
Second: Senator Soto
Discussion: This is a national nonprofit organization, and if recognized as a club on campus, will be the only one in Arizona. It is to empower women and encourage them to excel in their communities. The biggest message is ‘I am that girl’, that women recognize that failure is okay, that growth is important, and that other women are supportive and not catty and judgmental. It is growing dramatically, there are 70 chapters throughout the nation and a book was just published based off of the organization.
Vote: Unanimous, Item A: Club Recognition: I AM THAT GIRLhas been approved.
Motion: SenatorSimon move to table Item B:IA: Hillary Stirlen, $237
Second: Senator Ortega
Discussion: None
Vote: Unanimous, Item B: IA: Hillary Stirlen, $237has been tabled
Motion: Senator Libby move to vote on Item C: OA: Alpha Kappa Psi, $91.23
Second: Senator Startt
Discussion: They are requesting reimbursement for a bonfire held two weeks ago, which served to recruit new members.
Vote: Unanimous, Item C: OA: Alpha Kappa Psi, $91.23has been approved
Motion: SenatorSoto move to vote on Item D:OA: NAU Relay for Life, $500
Second: Senator Gorshe
Discussion: The logistics director for NAU Relay for Life is here because the organization is requesting funds for Dome rental costs this year, in years past the space has been donated but this year that is not the case. They are also requesting funds for Sodexo for the dinner they put on. Relay for Life is a 12-hour event, and this year they are trying to reach a total of $100,000 donated.
Questions: Senator Simon asks why they are being made to pay for the Dome, as it is a charity event that they whole student body participates in. The director says new management requires them to. Chief of Staff Smart explains that this year the Dome is being treated like any other facility on campus that must be rented out. The use of the space takes away from football practices.
Vote: Unanimous, Item D:OA: NAU Relay for Life, $500has been approved
Motion: Senator Gorshe move to vote on Item E:SB 26-55: NAU Relay for Life, $3500
Second: Senator Tillinghast
Discussion: See Discussion for New Action Business, Item C
Vote: Unanimous, Item E: SB 26-55: NAU Relay for Life, $3500has been approved
Motion: Senator Ortega move to vote on Item F:OA: Student Health and Physical Education (SHAPE), $500 and Item G: SB 26-56: Student Health and Physical Education (SHAPE), $3000
Second: Senator Howard
Discussion: SHAPE will be going to a national convention, which is the largest convention for physical education majors. Five members will be attending and the money funded will go toward travel cost and registration fee.
Vote: Unanimous, Item F: OA: Student Health and Physical Education (SHAPE), $500and Item G: SB 26-56: Student Health and Physical Education (SHAPE), $3000 have been approved
Motion: SenatorLibby move to vote on Item H: SB 26-57: NAU Tennis Club, $1437.98
Second: Senator Startt
Discussion: The president of the club is asking for reimbursement for funds spent at the last two tournaments. The winner of sectionals, which is later in the month, will go to nationals and it is important to the club to achieve this. They have won various awards, and participate in the community through participating and service. For example, they will be a part of Relay for Life and also are setting up to play with the girl’s tennis team at the Flagstaff High School.
Vote: Unanimous, Item H: SB 26-57: NAU Tennis Club, $1437.98 has been approved
Motion: Senator Simon move to vote on Item I: SB 26-58: Public Achievement, $685
Second: Senator Cook
Discussion: Public Achievement as a form of education reform is a national movement and there are places all around the country moving for this cause right now. Representative Sierra will be attending a national conference to help with the movement at NAU, and she is requesting funding for travel and registration.
Vote: Unanimous, Item I: SB 26-58: Public Achievement, $685has been approved
Motion: Senator Ortega move to adopt Item J: Resolution 26-6: Healthy Campus Landscape
Second: Senator Cabral
Discussion: Chairwoman Woodhouse explains that the Sustainable Landscape project has been working for three years to remove the use of herbicides on campus. They are hoping that the studies that have been taking place will convince the university to go toxic free. President Mastrud asks if there will be any cost, and how it will affect the student body. Representative explains that they have projections of what it will cost but also, this change will save the university a great deal of money. In the past three years the Green Fund has funded them, but they will be asking facilities for support and donations in the coming months. Senator Gorshe asks if they know the estimate for this project. The first year would be about $38,000 with a savings of $13,000, so the total would come to about $25,000. Senator Gorshe asks if it will always cost what the university is projected to pay now. Representative explains that it is likely to always cost a bit more than the projected savings, but there is a health benefit to removing toxicity for students and for the environment. The estimated cost for each year would be about $23,000, and looking at how many people are on campus it would cost about $1.40 per person that the university would have to contribute to go toxic free. Chairwoman Woodhouse points out that this will be more labor intensive, and the representative says it would rely heavily on student labor, as that is what currently maintains the majority of campus grounds. Senator Gorshe asks if this has received positive response overall across campus. Representative explains places that have reacted positively, including maintenance, students, and teachers, so overall yes. Senator Gorshe asks if the Green Fund will continue to fund this, no, they have said this is the last year they will be funding the project and it is time to ask the university to contribute. Senator Gorshe asks if specifically students particularly like this idea. Representative says that there was 80%+ that said they supported this in the Green Fund Survey that was sent out. It will also help students by providing research opportunities and a class next semester. Dr. Brandel would like to know more about people who think it is worthwhile, he asks for a quick show of hands and many in the room agree with it. Senator Lulay asks where the funding would come from if the executive powers chose not to fund it. The Representative explains that they have no alternatives at this point, and they would at least ask NAU to maintain the test area on the north quad, while continuing to monitor grants as they have been doing. They are hoping for some kind of buy in, even if it is not complete support from facility services. They have enthusiasm from landscape services, and it comes down to the funding. Senator Lulay asks if ASNAU could fund this if the university doesn’t. Dr. Brandel says anything is an option with the ’23 fee, but before that is discussed he would like ASNAU to see how it is taken with the university. There are other options with the ASNAU voice if the university does initially not want this, shown by the numbers of people present who have shown support.
Vote: Unanimous, Item J: Resolution 26-6: Healthy Campus Landscapehas been adopted
Kappa Alpha Order is here about a Senate Bill that didn’t make it to the agenda. Senator Ortega doesn’t know if there was a budget, Senator Startt says there was. Chief of Staff Smart goes to look for the Senate Bill and budget.
Motion: Senator Startt move to add Item K: SB 26-59: Kappa Alpha Order, $900 to the agenda.
Second: Senator Libby
Discussion: When they went to register with the hotel, the option chosen was no longer available, so they are staying at a different hotel at the same price. Bill will have to be amended to reflect this and to reflect the total of $800, not $900.
Vote: Unanimous, Item K: SB 26-59: Kappa Alpha Order, $900 has been added.
Motion: Senator Tillinghast move to vote on Item K: SB 26-59: Kappa Alpha Order, $900
Second: Senator Soto
Motion: Senator Startt move to amendItem K: SB 26-59: Kappa Alpha Order, $900 to reflect the following changes:
The second whereas will read the students are staying at the Siena Hotel Spa and Casino
The bill will allocate up to $800
Discussion: None
Vote: Unanimous, Item K: SB 26-59: Kappa Alpha Order, $800 has been amended.
Discussion: Kappa Alpha Order will send 10 guys this weekend to attend their Leadership Institute to go over community service ideas and recruitment. The budget will include the cost of hotel and gas. They are covering food and gas and other miscellaneous expenses out of pocket. Senator Simon asks if it is a Nationals Conference, and is their executive board going. Representative says yes. Senator Startt explains that $560 is allocated at 25 miles to the gallon for gas and $240 is for hotels. The total is $800.
Vote: Unanimous, Item K: SB 26-59: Kappa Alpha Order, $800 has been approved.
Executive Reports
- President-Makenzie Mastrud
- President Mastrud reports that the directors will further discuss the pledge campaign, but it is going well and they will need a lot of ASNAU help. She needs everyone to table at least once for the campaign, and if an ASNAU member cannot table, he or she can sign up to be in the video. Staff as well as Senate will need to a part of one of these two things. She has been working with Colleen and Spencer, and the Breakfast Club has been changed to Luncheon with the President. Sign ups will be out soon and she would love to see everyone apply to be there. She met with VP Cooper and Athletics this week. They really appreciated the discussion last week and would like a smaller committee made to discuss Athletic further. She encourages senators to get involved with this. She attended Faculty Senate, they get a lot of the same presentations that ASNAU gets, for example SETE, and they really enjoy seeing ASNAU feedback on these matters. President Mastrud asks the Senate if everyone received her email about university fees, because she did not get any responses. She also attended a meeting about Academic Policy, and will be sending out another email for an ASNAU committee to be created for this matter. She has been asked to sit on the search for the new president committee, and she would like ideas by Monday afternoon from everyone on what they would like to see in a new president. The first meeting will be next week. She also passes out a new budget, and asks for any comments about that to be sent to her. She brings up Monique to discuss the Supreme Court Justices that have not been participating lately, these two will be asked to resign and they have two new people that they would like to appoint. Senator Simon asks if these people have been interviewed. President Mastrud says that they interviewed with her and VP Woodhouse for the Senator positions and feels that they would be good in this position. Senator Simon also asks if these potential justices have met with Monique, no but she knows one and trusts thejudgment of VP Woodhouse and President Mastrud.
b. Vice President of Student Affairs- CJ Cooper
- VP Cooper reports that last week he attended the Blue Ribbon Committee meeting, to address Greek Life concerns on campus. A new system launched Monday will give students wishing to join more information about chapters. He attended Athletics with President Mastrud, he thinks senators should participate because there are some great things changing soon and they want to include ASNAU on these matters. Unity week is going well, and typical to the concert any ASNAU student will get one ticket to the keynote speaker. As far as staffing, it comes with the cost of Prochnow so it is covered for the most part. Next week he is meeting with NAU For All, an organization that works with Disability Resources and also with IMS. Shirts are starting to go a little bit faster since they have been passed out at tabling with the pledge campaign materials. He would like the senators to email clubs so that there won’t be as many leftover as last year.
- Vice President of Academic Affairs- Shayla Woodhouse
-VP Woodhouse reports that she attended Academic Standards, where they voted to possibly change Latin Honors at NAU. The proposed changes are as follows: the minimum number of units earned at NAU from 45 to 30, to benefit transfer students as well students who started at NAU as a freshman. Calculating the GPA threshold to accommodate smaller colleges, and based on graduate data from the prior 10 academic years. This is so incoming freshman know what GPA standards are for Latin Honors. And also, changes to accommodate students who weren’t in the right place their freshman year to be able to receive this honor. To give more opportunity to students, these changes will be officially voted on at the next meeting. If there are any concerns, please consult with her. She believes the change pertaining to GPA calculations based on graduate data from the prior ten years is interesting, because to will allow students to be compared to other graduates rather than peers in their graduating class. This week, VP Woodhouse also attended a Club Funding Workshop put on through Student Life by Kristine, 10 clubs attended and learned about ASNAU funding. She would like everyone to please respond to President Mastrud’s email. The HAPA Hawaiian Club last semester was approved for funding and would like to know if they can also get their registration covered since they had a lot of funds leftover from what was allocated. Senator Soto says they will turn in receipts for other events to get what they funded. Dr. Brandel says the receipts aren’t what the bill had funded; this should be amended for audit possibilities to make sure that the bill defines exactly what they are asking for. Senator Cabral agrees, and it should either be amended or a new bill should be written. Senator Soto offers to set up a meeting to do the breakdown, will discuss after the meeting with Chairwoman Woodhouse. She encourages the Senate to pose questions to clubs that come to ask for funding. She would like a small group discussion for athletics, and finally she would like ASNAU to focus less on the internal aspects of ASNAU and focus more as a whole on the students. Elections are an exciting time but members cannot lose interest in current positions.