European Society of Criminology
Working Group on Policing
Members’ interests and contact details
Name / Institutional affiliation/country / Research interests / Email addressWeb links
Andy Aitchison / School of Law, University of Edinburgh, Scotland / Police and democracy
Police and state-building
International police assistance
Police as perpetrators of international crimes Former Yugoslavia /
Michael C. Baurmann / Federal Criminal Police Office, Head of Research Unit - Research on Criminology and Criminal Investigation, Germany / - police training,
- violence against police officers,
- techniques of investigation,
- different fields of crimninology,
- behavioural analysis /
Lieselot Bisschop / UniversityCollegeGhent, Belgium / Environmental crime
Police leadership /
Tore Bjorgo / Professor of Police Science, The NorwegianPoliceUniversityCollege, Norway. / Terrorism,
crime prevention and public safety,
police sociology /
Jarrett Blaustein / Lecturer in Criminology, University of Aberystwyth, Wales / Policy translation
Transitional policing
Democracy in policing
Community policing /
Ester Blay / Law Faculty of the Universitat Pompeu Fabra in Barcelona, Spain / policing protest, reform in police organisations and police culture /
Jonathon A. Cooper / ArizonaStateUniversity, School of Criminology and Criminal Justice, USA. / Police organisation /
Yvonne Daly / Socio-Legal Research Centre, School of Law and Government, DublinCityUniversity,
Ireland / Police powers and suspect rights; Policing and the law of evidence; Criminal
justice; Criminal procedure /
Marcio Darck / Institute of Social Sciences, Lisbon, Portugal / commmunity (oriented) policing, global travel of policing models, criminal investigation, policing domestic violence, policing & media /
Chaim Demarée / Free University of Brussels,
Researcher at the department of law and criminology
Brussels, Belgium. / Police culture(s)
Policing styles & discourses
Police & ethnic minorities
Police & the city
Neighbourhood policing
Citizen expectations /
Annelies Deschrijver / Researcher, Institute of Criminology, Leuven, Belgium. / police integrity,
ethical decision making,
police socialization,
police education /
Sylvia Bruier Desmeth / Free University of Brussels
Researcher at the department of law and criminology
Belgium-Brussels / Police education /
Elke Devroe / Institute of Public Management
Netherlands / Accountability, legitimacy and effectiveness
Comparative perspectives
Police and public prosecution /
Susana Durão / Research Fellow
Institute of Social Sciences/University of Lisbon, Portugal. / community policing; police organization; patrol work and practices; policing domestic violence; police violence, citizenship & human rights; police and social movements /
Tessa Diphoorn /
Marleen Easton / Research group 'Governing & Policing Security' University College Ghent, Belgium. / Issues related to governance and policing such as police culture, diversity, nodal governance, police discretion, community policing and the relation between the police and the military /
Els Enhus / Vrije Universiteit Brussel (Free University of Brussels), Professor in criminology, security and policing
Head of department criminology
Pleinlaan 2
1050 Brussel
Belgium / Police and policing, policing practices, the role of culture in policing and prevention, citizens and policing, police education, /
Thomas Feltes / Ruhr-University Bochum, Germany- Law Faculty, Chair of Criminology and Police Science; International Masters program in Criminology, Governance and Police Science / Policing, police reform, police education, juvenile justice and criminology, community crime prevention /
Bernhard Frevel / Prof. for Social Sciences at the Fachhochschule für öffentliche Verwaltung NRW / University of Applied Sciences for Public Administration of North Rhine-Westphalia in Münster / police organisation, police reform, police education, safety governance, community policing, crime prevention, /
Nick Fyfe / Director of the Scottish Institute of Police Research, University of Dundee, Scotland. / Community policing and community engagement; witness protection and the policing of organised crime; police governance and accountability. /
Laure Guille / University of Leicester, UK / - Europol, Eurojust, Justice and Home Affairs matters in the EU,
- police and judicial cooperation,
- transnational policing,
- cross-cultural and comparative studies. /
Helene I. Gundhus / Associate professor, Norwegian Police University College / Policing and security
Police culture (s)
Police professionalization
Police governance and accountability
Globalisation and transnational policing
Community policing, crime prevention and community safety /
Alistair Henry / University of Edinburgh, Scotland. / Community policing,
Crime prevention and community safety,
Partnership working,
Knowledge exchange /
Jarmo Houtsonen / PoliceCollege of Finland, Research Department, Finland / Drugs offences,
knowledge organization,
international co-operation in crime prevention /
Thomas ‘Tad’ Hughes / Director, Southern Police Institute
USA / - Police organizational behavior,
- Organizational change,
- Legal issues in policing. /
Maja Jere / Faculty of Criminal Justice and Security, University of Maribor, Slovenia / - policing
- police-residents relationships
- police legitimacy /
John Kerr / City University,UK / Theorizing Policing
Securitization and policing of art
Role of Insurance in securitization and policing /
Sofie De Kimpe / Free University of Brussels
Projectmanager in Belgian Federal Police project 'police, a learning organization'
BELGIUM-Brussels / Policing in the city
Police leadership
Police education
Professionalization and socialization within the policeorganization /
Colin King / Centre for Criminal Justice Studies, School of Law, University of Leeds, UK / My research interests include the confiscation of criminal assets (particularly the use of the civil process as a means of crime control); organised crime; ASBOs; non-jury trials; and witness protection programme. Most of my research so far has concentrated on substantive, institutional and procedural interventions to combat organised crime in Ireland, with comparative research on jurisprudence from the US, UK and Strasbourg. /
Emile Kolthoff / Professor of Criminology and Criminal Justice, Open University Netherlands. / Police ethics
Police culture
Police reform
Police function in society
White collar crime /
Genevieve O'Broin Lennon / School of Law, University of Dundee, UK / police stop and search, policing and human rights, and terrorism /
Matthew A. Light / Assistant Professor
Centre of Criminology
University of Toronto. Canada. / Policing in the post-communist region. /
Heike Lippert / Federal Criminal Police Office, Criminology and Criminal Investigation Research and Advice, Germany / Different Fields of Crimimology, Economic Crime, Organised Crime, Policing /
Branko Lobnikar / Faculty of Criminal Justice and Security, University of Maribor, Slovenia / - policing
- integrity
- workplace violence /
Kim Loyens / Researcher at the Leuven Institute of Criminology (K.U.Leuven). The Netherlands. / ethical decision-making of street-level bureaucrats in the police and labour inspection /
Simon Mackenzie / Scottish Centre for Crime and Justice Research, University of Glasgow, Scotland. / Policing white-collar crime,
Policing organised crime, Community policing /
Jeroen Maesschalck / University of Leuven, Belgium. / Police integrity, police discretion, police governance and accountability /
Peter Manning / Brooks Chair of Policing and Criminal Justice, Northeastern University, Boston, USA. / policing and technology-mapping and information systems;
the transformation of policing in Ireland and Northern Ireland;
and changes in social relations resulting from new electronic mobile devices -cell phones, GPS, and other 'apps.' /
Gorazd Meško / Faculty of Criminal Justice and Security, University of Maribor, Slovenia / - comparative criminology
- crime prevention
- victimology
- penology
- policing
- factors of delinquency /
Rudie J.M. Neve / Netherlands Police Agency, The Netherlands. / - policing organised crime / criminal networks,
- intelligence and priority setting,
- nodal governance and cooperation between security organisations /
Detlef Nogala / CEPOL /
Megan O’Neill / University of Dundee, UK / police culture, neighbourhood policing, plural policing, PCSOs, private security and police partnership working. /
Conor O’Reilly / Assistant Professor, School of Criminology, University of Porto, Portugal & Research Associate, Centre for Criminology,
University of Oxford, UK / Private security; transnational policing; security and global mobility; colonial policing and its contemporary legacies; and, the exportation of policing models. /
Paul Ponsaers / Professor of Criminology and Sociology of Law, Belgium. / - Policemodels,
- Police reform,
- Police capacity,
- Funcitons of the Police /
Evi Schroyen / Institute of Criminology Leuven, the Netherlands / - intelligence led policing and informationmanagementwithin police services
- policing the phenomenon of prostitution /
Ian Shannon / University of Liverpool (PhD candidate) and former Deputy Chief Constable / Chief police officers
Legitimacy /
James Sheptycki / Professor of Criminology, York University Toronto, Canada / Global policing
Gun crime
Transnational policing
Constabulary ethic /
Layla Skinns / Lecturer in Criminology, Centre for Criminological Research, School of Law, University of Sheffield. UK / the police custody process; police and policing; the role of the law in policing; police legitimacy; multi-agency criminal justice partnerships; crime prevention and community safety /
Wesley G. Skogan / Institute for Policy Research, Northwestern University, USA. / - community
- encounters
- satisfaction
- misconduct /
Betsy Stanko / Metropolitan Police, London Head, Strategy, Research and Analysis Unit, Strategy and Improvement Department and Visiting Professor, Royal Holloway, University of London UK / Evidence based policing; In time and live evaluations of policing tactics/operations; neighbourhood policing; policing and offender management; rape and sexual violence; organisational change and police reform; public perception of policing; public confidence and public satisfaction with policing /
Jan Terpstra / Institute of Criminology and Criminal Justice
Faculty of Law
University of Nijmegen
The Netherlands / Police and policing; public safety policies and interorganizational networks; private security; criminal justice; policing at street-level; cultures of policing; police, security and citizens. /
Elvaldas Visockas / Director
Centre for Crime Prevention in Lithuania / 1. Policing
2. Trust in police (criminal justice system)
3. Crime and Community
4. Public security initiatives (Neighnourhood watch)
5. Juvenile delinquency
6. Urban safety /
Pashleay Veerle / Free University of Brussels
Researcher at the department of law and criminology
Belgium-Brussels / Policing and security /
Isabel Verwee / Free University of Brussels
Researcher at the department of law and criminology
Belgium-Brussels / Police/public relations and citizen expectations /
Sirpa Virta / University of Tampere
Finland / police management, safety and security policies, community policing (innovations like cp and social media, cp and counter-terrorism), intelligence-led policing /
Ireen Christine Winter / University of Vienna,
Department of Criminal Law and Criminology and Federal Criminal Police Office
Department of Crime Prevention and Victim Support, Austria. / 1.Crime Prevention
2.Policing (sport events, football violence, safety measures)
3. Penal system and prison research /
Suzanne Young / University of Glasgow, Scotland / Gender and policing
Arrest decision making
Policing mega-events /