SWITCH Training Kit – Trainer Materials
Module 1: STRATEGIC PLANNING - Preparing for the future / Module 1 – Exercise 1
Trainer notes
Discussion: Drivers of change for water management
The following exercise is designed to tease out the main drivers of change for a city’s water sector.(Module 1, pages 9-10)
Pre-requisites: NoneTiming
(assuming 20 participants)
TOTAL: 75 min. / Introduction by trainer / 5 min.
Group work / 20 min.
Presentation of group results / 20 min. (4 minutes per group)
Open discussion / 30 min.
1. Divide the participants into groups, and assign each group one driver of change (some can be found on page 3, but you should select or add drivers depending on the local context). Ask the groups to discuss the following points:
-How will the driver of change influence your city’s water management in the future? What kind of challenges will result from this?
-Can you also think of opportunities that the driver of change might bring?
3. Ask each group to briefly present the key points they have discussed. Make note of these key points in shorthand on a flip chart.
4. Once all groups have reported their findings, initiate an open discussion involving all participants. Ask them to think about:
-What would happen in your city if all of these drivers of change were to happen at the same time?
-How could your city and its water utility respond in the face of these challenges?
(Note: as a facilitator, bear in mind the overall lesson that can be derived from such a discussion: the need for a comprehensive and coordinated approach)
1. Prepare some cards in advance, using the icons provided on page 3 (high resolution versions of the icons can also be found in the Trainer Materials page of the Training Desk website). Note: you as trainer should select (or add) icons appropriate to the local context.You can attach one half of a Velcro strip on the back, or simply provide participants with a reusable adhesive such as sticky tack during the exercise. Make sure you have enough copies of each icon (2 copies of each icon per group, so the total number depends on how many groups you create), and also create some blank cards for participants to fill if they need to.
2. Also prepare 2 copies of each icon in a larger size, for example A4 (large enough that they can be seen by the whole class from the front of the room)
3. Prepare the sticking surfaces in advance
- For the groupwork, A4 or A3 pieces of paper will suffice
- For the discussion involving the whole class, tape some big pieces of paper to the wall or use a whiteboard
Draw a scale (similar to the one below) on both sheets of paper and if using Velcro place some of the remaining halves on each side of the scale, in a spaced out manner.
+ Good for urban water / - Bad for urban water
4. Divide the participants into groups, giving each group the sheet of paper and the set of icons (2 of each). Ask each group to stick the icons in whatever side of the scale they feel is appropriate for their city:
- Positive drivers of change for urban water (good for urban water)
- Negative drivers of change for urban water (bad for urban water)
5. After each group has had a chance to discuss amongst themselves, fill in the big pieces of paper at the front of the class (using the big icons) by asking for contributions from each group and encouraging discussion.
Economic development /
Climate change /
Population growth and urbanisation
Deterioration of infrastructure /
Public behaviour and attitudes /
Emerging technologies
Energy use
© 2011 ICLEI European Secretariat GmbH, Leopoldring 3, 79098 Freiburg, Germany
The materials from the SWITCH Training Kit are under a license of Creative Commons specified as Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike 3.0. This license allows others to remix, tweak, and build upon the training materials for non-commercial purposes, as long as they credit the copyright holder and license their new creations under the identical terms.
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Participant handout
Discussion: Drivers of change for water management
The following exercise is designed to tease out the main drivers of change for your city’s water sector.
1. Your group has been assigned a driver of change for water management.
2. In your group, discuss the following points:
-How will the driver of changeinfluence your city’s water management in the future? What kind of challenges will result from this?
-Can you also think of opportunities that the driver of change might bring?
3. Briefly present to the rest of the class the key points your group has discussed.
4. Once all groups have reported their findings, participate in anopen discussion with the rest of the class. Talk about:
-What would happen in your city if all of these drivers of change were to happen at the same time?
-How could your city and its water utility respond in the face of these challenges?
© 2011 ICLEI European Secretariat GmbH