You are summoned to the next meeting of Legbourne Parish Council which will be held on Monday 11thSeptember 2017 at Legbourne and Little Cawthorpe Community Centre,Chapel Lane, Legbourne.
The Meeting will commence with a maximum of 10 minutes open forum for members of the public to raise any issues.Parishioners are then requested not to interrupt during the business of the meeting.
Andrew Claydon, Parish Clerk
6th September 2017
- APOLOGIES and approval for absence: received in advance from Councillor Cole
- NOTES of theParish Council Meeting held onMonday 10thJuly2017 – to agree as a true and correct record
- DECLARATIONS OF PECUNIARY INTEREST – Councillors who become aware of a disclosable pecuniary interest which is not recorded in the register & which relates to any business that is to be considered at this meeting, must disclose this to the meeting & advise the Monitoring Officer; Council to consider any writtenrequests from Councillors for Dispensations and resolve decisions accordingly.
- CLERK’S REPORT on ongoing mattersto include update on Defibrillator; outcome of applicant’s appeal against refusal of planning permission, Furze Meadow.
- Application referenceN/100/01452/17- Planning Permission - Extension to existing dwelling to create additional living accommodation and erection of a detached garage/workshop for private/hobby use only. THE WILLOWS, MILL LANE, LEGBOURNE, LOUTH, LN11 8LT
- Application referenceN/100/01142/17- Planning Permission - Erection of a detached house and a detached double garage. LAND ADJACENT TO STATION COTTAGE, STATION ROAD, LEGBOURNE
- Application referenceN/100/01581/17- Application to vary condition 7 (approved plans) on Planning Permission N/100/1832/13 as imposed on Non Material Amendment N/100/1318/17 to provide an additional 3 bedrooms. KENWICK PARK, KENWICK HILL, KENWICK, (WITHIN LEGBOURNE PARISH), LOUTH, LN11 8NR
- Application referenceN/100/01536/17- Planning Permission - Erection of 1 no. pair of semi-detached houses with detached single garages and the construction of vehicular accesses.WHEELWRIGHTS COTTAGE, STATION ROAD, LEGBOURNE, LOUTH, LN11 8LH Online Planning
- STATEMENT OF LOCAL PLANNING PRINCIPLES / CONSIDERATIONS–to discuss progress and the drat summary produced by Councillor Chapman for possible inclusion in the village newsletter.
- PARISH ISSUES - Items raised by Parishioners on the following:
- Street Lighting – To receive reports;
- Highway matters– To receive reports;
- Parishioners’issues –To receive reports; to include residents’ comments regarding noise nuisance / possible breach of planning conditions at Queens Head PH.
- School – twonewslettersreceived
- Accounts to be paid/authorised:
Clerk’s salary & expensesJuly / August 2017
HMRC – income tax deducted - £32.32
LIVES - defibrillator - £1350.00
- Annual Return 2016/17 – to note external audit sign off and approve notice of conclusion of audit notice for publication
- CORRESPONDENCE– allfor information unless expressly referred to as part of Agenda
ELDC: Parish newslettersJuly 17th, August 30th, September 5th
LALC: AGM invite (17th October 2017, Cranwell)
Annual Report 2016/17
Transparency Fund drop in session Feb 2018
Data Protection / Freedom of Information seminar, Pinchbeck, 22 November
Community Collaboration Project (on behalf of Lincs CC/ LGIU)
Universal Broadband Service Consultation (DCMS)
LCC:Road Closures, July 2017
Community Wildlife Grant
Other:East Wold school newslettersJune / July and week one of September term
Onlincolnshire update
Correspondence regarding defibrillator delivery / installation
Emails expressing an interest regarding defibrillator training
Notification of new editor for newsletter
- COUNCILLORS REPORTS –To receive any reports.
- AGENDA ITEMS FOR NEXT MEETING: Budget monitoring to 30/09/2017
- NEXT MEETING –MONDAY 9th October 2017:
NB later meetings (all on Monday evenings, 7.30PM):
13th November11th December8th January 2018
12th February 201812th March 20189th April 2018
Annual Council meeting: 14th May 2018
Annual Parish meeting to be determined